
Chapter Jadis vs Hadrian

Aslan and the girls galloping through beautiful countryside at top speed.

Susan questioned"Where are we going?"

Aslan doesn't answer but over the trees, the Witch's Castle comes into view.Next moment the whole world seemed to turn upside down, and the children felt as if they had left their insides behind them; for the Lion had gathered himself together for a greater leap than any he had yet made and jumped - or you may call it flying rather than jumping - right over the castle wall. The two girls, breathless but unhurt, found themselves tumbling off his back in the middle of a wide stone courtyard full of statues.

They soon stone form of Mr. Tumnus.Lucy spots him in his stone state and starts to cry, while Susan kisses her head and comforts her with a hugs .Aslan walks up and breathes on Mr. Tumnus and Mr. Tumnus changes back.

For a second after Aslan had breathed upon Mr.Tummus the slooked just the same.

Then a tiny streak of gold began to run along his white marble back then it spread - then the colour seemed to lick all over him as the flame licks all over a bit of paper - then, while Mr.Tummus turns back to normal and falls forward into Lucy and Susan's arms.He looks up recognizing Lucy and smiles and introduces Susan to Mr.Tummus"Susan, this is... Susan: Mr. Tumnus!"

They hug, and when tgey turn around everywhere the statues were coming to life. The courtyard looked no longer like a museum; it looked more like a zoo.

Then they see Aslan walking toward them saying "Come, we must hurry and search the castle.Others will need everyone we can find."

While in the Battlefield Peter gallops into the rocks, but Ginarrbrik fires an arrow at his unicorn which stumbles, falls and throwing him off .

Otmin saw the his and with his group follows them into the rocks.

Peter not knowing this continue to fight the incoming enemies.

But Oreius sees Peter on the ground with Otamin not to far from him and so seeing the danger charges towards Otamin.

Oreius charges towards the with a random rhino at his side.Both took out multiple enimies,while Oreius kills Otmin with two swords in the back.

But Jadis arrived and she showed impeccable mastery in dual-blade swordsmanship, simultaneously using her wand (as an improvised sword) and a broadsword, and wielding both with such skill that she effortlessly defeated every single opponent she faced on the battlefield.

She was coming towards Peter with a bloodthristy grin,but Hadrian jumped in and ordered"Get peter back and retreat."

Oreius knew this was serious order and dragged Peter off,as Hadrian and Jadis now facing each other.As Jadis pointed her wand and lauched spears of ice at Hadrian,who deflected them with his sword.

Jadis lunged at Hadrian.She swung her sword so quickly the motion became a blur.

But Hadrian was no longer there.He'd jumped to the side even quicker and counterattacked.

Both sides stood still after dodging a blow after blow that each had hurled at each other at breakneck speed.

The sword fight continue and no matter how much Hadrian tried Jadis deflected all of his blows.

Hadrian was panting and was put on defensive could only defend from on coming rain of blows.Which really made his arms ache in pain

.Since Jadis possessed tremendous physical strength far beyond that of a normal human being

Hadrian had step back,while Jadis watched in amusement ans with a smile said"Son of Aslan,you are not strong enough to kill me.I even killed you father."

She wasn't done, Jadis rushed and swung her sword, trying cut him in half.Hadrian reacted quickly and dunked, dodging the strike and he brings his sword down on the Witch's wand, smashing it.There is a flash of blue light.

Jadis tried to strike Hadrian with her sword, but Hadrian quickly used a shield spell, which created a translucent blue shield that blocked the incoming blow.

At the time Aslan and his army came out of the narrow valley and good on top of a cliff.

They saw Hadrian,Peter and Edmund and all the rest of Aslan's army fighting desperately against the crowd of horrible creatures whom she had seen last night; only now, in the daylight, they looked even stranger and more evil and more deformed.

Also they noticed Aslan'a army seemed to be in tie,while Susan saw Hadrian , who was fighting White witch and going at it so hard.

"Off my back, children," shouted Aslan. And they both tumbled off. Then with a roar that shook all Narnia.

Jadis heard a very recognizable roar causing Jadis to freeze and turn to see Aslan on top of a cliff.

Hadrian and Jadis continue to fight,since Jadis knew this was it.But she wanted to atleast take away Aslan's son with her if she died.

She was able to catch a tired Hadrian off and was about the deliver the death blow, looks up,

Aslan leaps at her, and pins her to the ground anf bites her.

While Peter is reunited wirh his sisters,but Susan quickly wuestioned"Where is Edmund?

They turn to see Edmund runing towards them,but a injured Ginarrbrik arrived behind Edmund and fired an arrow,which struck Edmund right in the back.

Susan seeing this yelled in anger and fear"Edmund."As was Peter,Lucy and Hadrian.

Susan pull an arrow from my quiver with lifting speed and send it straight at try Dwarf.

The arrow skewers Ginarrbrik heart killing him instantly.

fWhile Edmund who was on the ground coughs and gasps.Lucy pulls out her cordial and places one drop on Edmund's lips. The other children's eyes fill with tears.But Edmund stops moving momentarily before gasping and sitting up. Peter grabs him into a hug and presses his face into his shoulder, crying before letting go and holding onto him.

They all embrace Edmund, who notices Aslan. The others turn and see Aslan breathe on a stone satyr, bringing it back to life.

Lucy looks at her cordial then runs off to heal others.