

Helios Black an otaku on Earth has his soul transmigrated. Waking up into a world where a power known as ability exist. Our MC being an otaku and having read so many isekai novels knew that the only way to survive in this new world was to become stronger. But to him it’s different, instead of letting the cliché events coming after him like those main characters in the novel he read, he go the other way around. As the previous owner of this body was unable to unlock it’s ability. Our MC tried to investigate this so-called ability. Inside his consciousness he saw a large wooden door, having the memories of the previous owner our MC knows that this was the door to gain the power know as ability. For some unknown reason, the previous owner was unable to open the said door. The moment our MC touches the door it suddenly opens. Instead of gaining the said ability what appears in front of him was an unending grassland. In grassland, he meets the great sage equal to heaven Sun Wukong where he received a cultivation technique. As his power grows along his adventure he came to know a piece of information that he wasn’t the only person that had been isekai from his previous world along with the information about a way to return to the world where the isekai individual came from. Would our MC choose to return to his previous world where he is known by his family as a loser that doesn’t have any direction in life? or would he choose to stay in a world where he can realize his otaku dream? _*_*_*_ shameless author here I shamelessly changed my synopsis this is my first time writing a novel also English isn't my first language so their might be some mistake here and there but I'm open to your criticism so please help me out guys I would really appreciate it. I would like to say my thank you to the illustrator HUGCACTUS for the new cover page of my novel thanks for the new cover page HUGCACTUS

satoukon · Kỳ huyễn
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157 Chs


After a few moments Helios slowly opened his eyes when he heard the knocking sounds coming from his door.

There he saw that he was inside his room in an upside down position.

He was actually fall from his bed into that position.

When Helios got up and went to open the door.

His sister keeps on knocking even though it was now his head instead of the door.

" You can stop now" he said annoyingly

"Sorry about that brother, but I have been knocking in your for 20 minutes, hmp!" she said while pouting

" We are going to the hospital right now to deliver the foods for our grandparents" she added

" Ok, I'm just going to get change" Helios said while closing the door

"Be a bit faster" his sister told him while he was closing the door.

Helios come out after changing his clothes and go to the dining room.

There he saw his sister eating he then joined his sister eating.

" what time is it now?" he ask his sister

"It's already 11 am" she answered him.

He nodded at her answer and then continue eating.

After eating they were on the way to the Valor hospital while bringing the foods for there grandparents lunch.

While they were on the way to the hospital Helios ask his sister

" what about the breakfast of our grandma and grandpa?"

" I already delivered it this morning and we are going to be accompanying our parents in the hospital until our grandparents return" his sister response to him

" Where are they going?" Helios curiously ask

" They said it was the paperwork's for the payment of our parents medical bill"

As they were talking they had arrived at the Valor hospital they then ride the elevator to the floor where there parents room were.

After there grandparents left the room his sister ask

" when are you going to use that thing that you said that can help our parents recover from the accident?" she impatiently ask her brother

" Right now" Helios replied

He opened the vial of phoenix blood then drop a very small amount to their mother and father palm then close the vial.

" Why didn't you just pour all of it?" She annoyingly ask

" Will you can't just pour all of the phoenix blood into our parents body you don't know how potent that blood is!!" he angrily answered his sister

His sister lowered his head and was dejected hear her brother's angry replied, she was just worried about the situation of their parents.

Seeing his sister's dejected and sad expression he know that she was just thinking about the situation of their parents so he just patted her head to let her know that he understand her.

After his sister calm down he then observe the effects of the phoenix blood into the human body although he wanted to test the blood to the other organism first but he was also worried about the situation of their parents but the calm effect of the cosmic energy in his body calm him down making him think some of the possible out come of the phoenix blood to the human body, it could heal the body at a very rapid rate just like what he is seeing that is happening to their parents body.

Their parents body started to heal all of there injury at a very fast speed naked into the human eyes then the healing process stop when their parents body was in a perfect condition but even their mother haven't even wake up.

So he came to a conclusion that unless he injected the phoenix blood into their blood stream their mother won't wake instantly but she will wake up the moment her mind recover from its mental trauma.

As for the situation of their father he actually has a theory that maybe because the brain is connected to the soul maybe the soul is still in recovering state so even if the brain is fully healed from its damage he won't regain his consciousness until his soul recovered.

He was actually right about the soul is connected to the brain but the reason for his father's comatose state is actually deferent.


In an underground laboratory somewhere

Beep beep beep beep beep beep

" What is going on around here?!! can you turn off the alarm already!!" the man wearing a military uniform with a star on each side of his shoulder angrily said hearing the beeping sounds of the alarm

" General, sir we have some bad news" a man in a lab coat hurriedly approach the man that was in a military uniform with a star on each side of his shoulder telling him about a bad news.

" what's the bad news?" General ask the man wearing a lab coat.

" Sir, one of the soul that we have just collected escape from its container" the man in a lab coat reported.

" YOU IDIOTS!!!" General shouted angrily

"Don't you know how hard it is just to collect a single soul!! and you let that single soul escape!! Investigate how the soul escape and find that fucking soul!!" General then ordered all of his subordinate

"yes sir" the man wearing a lab coat answer then

After a few hours the man wearing a lab coat approach General and then report to him the finding.

"Sir we found out that is was the soul of Mr. Black that we got when the raging villain accident happened and it was the soul that had escape from its container" the man in wearing a lab coat reported

" And how did Mr. Black's soul escape from the container that has been design to contain even one of the most power soul in existence can't escape inside that container?" he ask and wait for the man wearing a lab coat to answer

" Its not about how powerful the soul is General but law of the universe forcefully took Mr. Black's soul from it's container" the man in a lab coat replied

" hahahaha, were getting nearer to out research professor Staine" General happily said the moment he hear that the law of the universe was the one that helped Mr. Black from escaping its container.

" find me the location of Mr. Black's body" he happily said

Prof. Staine then started typing in the computer and after a few minutes he had now know the location of Mr. Black's body

"General sir, Mr. Black's comatose body is admitted in the Valor hospital along with his wife that was recovering from her critical condition after the her successful operation " he reported

"Any additional information?" General ask him

" His has a daughter and a son, his son's named is Helios Black 14 years of age graduated in Solomon's Learning Institute in his middle school while he graduated in Z city's public school in his grade school, his daughter is name Rose Mary Black 11 years old graduated in graduated Z city's public school in her grade school, Mr. Black other affiliation is his wife that was also admitted along with him in the same hospital after that accident, he was an orphan, works in the government's agricultural sector and his other close relative is his mother and father in-law" Professor Staine said

" I want the team to continue their research and I want you Professor Staine to create a new team that will be the only one monitoring Mr. Black's situation if he ever wake up from his comatose state I want you to invite him to have a small chat with me" General commanded

"Yes sir" Staine replied

" also report to me when the creation of the team is done" General added

"Yes sir"

After hearing the command order of General he then hurriedly start creating the team that has a sole mission of monitoring Mr. Black's situation while happily think about their research that has accidentally touched the laws of the universe.

He was delighted that he keeps on smiling from ear to ear creeping out the other workers in the laboratory but he just ignore them while thinking that he is going to be one of the first scientist that is able to have a possible hands on experience in laws of the universe.

thank you for reading

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