

Helios Black an otaku on Earth has his soul transmigrated. Waking up into a world where a power known as ability exist. Our MC being an otaku and having read so many isekai novels knew that the only way to survive in this new world was to become stronger. But to him it’s different, instead of letting the cliché events coming after him like those main characters in the novel he read, he go the other way around. As the previous owner of this body was unable to unlock it’s ability. Our MC tried to investigate this so-called ability. Inside his consciousness he saw a large wooden door, having the memories of the previous owner our MC knows that this was the door to gain the power know as ability. For some unknown reason, the previous owner was unable to open the said door. The moment our MC touches the door it suddenly opens. Instead of gaining the said ability what appears in front of him was an unending grassland. In grassland, he meets the great sage equal to heaven Sun Wukong where he received a cultivation technique. As his power grows along his adventure he came to know a piece of information that he wasn’t the only person that had been isekai from his previous world along with the information about a way to return to the world where the isekai individual came from. Would our MC choose to return to his previous world where he is known by his family as a loser that doesn’t have any direction in life? or would he choose to stay in a world where he can realize his otaku dream? _*_*_*_ shameless author here I shamelessly changed my synopsis this is my first time writing a novel also English isn't my first language so their might be some mistake here and there but I'm open to your criticism so please help me out guys I would really appreciate it. I would like to say my thank you to the illustrator HUGCACTUS for the new cover page of my novel thanks for the new cover page HUGCACTUS

satoukon · Fantasy
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157 Chs

chapter "6"

Inside his parents hospital room

Helios come out from the restroom after he was done creating the phoenix blood and moldy.

The moment he got out of the restroom door he saw that his grandparents and sister was now eating fast-food.

" dear, come here and eat with us" his grandmother invite him.

He then joined them eating dinner.

After they were done eating dinner Helios and his sister then prepared to go home because their grandparents was going to accompany their parents in the hospital room.

Arriving at the gate of their house he saw a dead frog that had been run down by a car, he told his sister to go ahead in entering the house.

Seeing his sister entering the door he then approach the dead frog compressing the cosmic energy in the surrounding he then used it to pickup the dead frog and then he go to the backyard of their house.

Arriving at the backyard of their house he then lay the dead frog down in the concrete path way of their backyard.

Fishing the vial of Phoenix blood from his pocket he then open the vial and drop a single phoenix blood to the dead frog.

The moment that the dead body a frog absorb the single drop of the phoenix blood it then turned to ash then the ash converge into a living frog and start croaking.

Seeing the effect of the phoenix blood he scoop the frog from the ground and then he created a 30 cm by 40 cm by 60 cm terrarium and then he put the frog inside the terrarium.

Helios then enter their house along with the floating terrarium behind him.

His sister was shocked seeing the floating terrarium behind him.

" brother where did you get that terrarium from and what is your ability, when was it awaken?" his sister suddenly start bombarding him with different questions.

" the terrarium? I made it using my ability, I just awaken three days ago" he answer his sister's questions but didn't told her about his ability.

" Hey! You still didn't answer my question about your ability, is it creating an item or something along that line?"

"Will actually it's a cosmic energy manipulation" he answered while scratching his head using his forefinger.

His sister had her jaw dropped into the floor hearing her brother's ability but she quickly recover from the shocked.

" Then how did you make the terrarium then?"

" Will the cosmic energy is the building blocks of anything so making a terrarium is easy" he said to her proudly.

" so meaning you can create anything?" she said happily

" yes I can create anything" he proudly reply

She then hurriedly run into her room and return while bringing with her a very long list and giving it to her brother.

As he read some of the things that was written in the list he had a feeling of vomiting a bucket of blood.

" I'm not Santa Claus and it's in the middle of summer" he replied to her with an annoyed expression.

Seeing her brother's expression she then get the list from her brother hands with dejected expression.

Seeing her depressed expression he patted her head and said

" don't worry I will get all the things in that list of yours" reassuring her.

Hearing what her brother said she suddenly had a blissful expression but she remembered the situation of their parents which causes her to return from depression.

Noticing his sister expression he ask in a soft and worried voice

" hey what's the problem why are you depressed again?"

" am I a bad girl brother?" she ask her brother.

"why?" Helios wondered about her question.

" because (hic) I only think about (hic) my self I didn't think (hic) about the situation(hic) of our parents" she said while sobbing.

" It's ok I already have the solution for the situation of our parents but you mustn't tell anyone about it" he said while hugging and patting her back and then he showed her the vial that contains the phoenix blood.

Hearing what her brother said and see the vial in her brother's hand she then stop crying then start wiping her tears using her brother's clothes.

Helios mouth twitch seeing his sister using his clothes as a tissue while she was wiping her tears and snot.

" Hey! My shirt it not a tissue!" he annoyingly said but still letting his sister wiped her tears and snot using his shirt.

" It's ok brother you can just create a new shirt using your ability" she said after she was finished wiping the tears and snot in her face.

Helios's mouth twitch again just by hearing what his sister said.


After the drama situation the sibling go to their own separate bedroom.

Entering the bedroom Helios lay down in his bed and start thinking about the practical examination of The League of Hero Organization until he had fallen asleep.

Morning the next day

Helios woke up because of the sun's ray coming from his bedroom window he then covered the window using the curtains but the sun light still penetrate the curtains.

He was so irritated because of the sun light he then create a cover that has the same area as the window using the cosmic energy after he created the window cover he then cover the window using it.

' walahh! No more sun light disturbance and an uninterrupted sleep is coming' he said inside his mind with a satisfied smile after he covered the window then laying down in his bed and continue to sleep.

10:00 am

"Tok, tok,tok,tok,tok" (knocking sounds)

Lemon!!!!!! zherhahahahaha

but this is just a dream

satoukoncreators' thoughts