
Gun Wounds

In the city of Boston, meet the fabulous yet terrible fate of two men who met by chance. Linked by an everlasting love and surrounded by lies, do you think they will survive?

Bleakeas · Thành thị
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18 Chs


Today, Thursday 18th.

Roméo wakes up early, at 6AM, eats some brioche he found in Michael's kitchen then leaves at 7. When Michael woke up, he was kind of surprised not to see Roméo wandering in his living room, maybe he was expecting something this morning. Yet, Roméo is already in front of the cafe he was in yesterday. He sees Carter waiting for him at the door, Roméo joins him quickly.

- Ready for your first mission?

- I-I guess I am?

- First, you need to join Stella, she'll be your mate during this whole operation. She'll be your shield somehow, a girl from the inside. Your job is simple ; you need to take down David Martinez. This man is a drug lord and a very powerful one, even though his name doesn't ring any bell to you. You see, the man who lent you the money is quite selfish, he doesn't like it when somebody tries to take control over him. But for that, you need to infiltrate David's private circle.

- And how do I take him down exactly?

Carter smirks then chuckles. Roméo shivers while hearing his laugh.

- How do you think we're expecting you to take him down huh?

- Wh-wha, b-but I never-!

Roméo gets closer to Carter and whispers loudly,

- I don't know how to kill! I never learnt to!

Carter laughs really loudly while whacking Roméo's head not too forcefully.

- Idiot, did you really think this whole story will end if you only make him lose all his money? Sorry to disappoint bud' but in this life, that's how we work. Kill to take over, kill to make money. You'll get it soon, no worries.

- That's insane.. I can't do that..

- Stella is the best, she'll teach you all you need to know about killing and making money in no time ! Now get yo ass up and go to that address. Already told her 'bout ya, you just gotta find her.

Carter gives Roméo a piece of paper where the address is written. Roméo reads it quickly but frowns when he realize where the place is.

- Wait, that's almost one hour away from here! How will I-

By the time he raised his head, Carter disappeared from his sight. Panicked, he looks around him, looks inside the cafe and even at other streets but nothing, Carter literally vanished. When he realized he was really on his own, Roméo sighed sadly and profoundly. "Why do I have to be mixed in this kind of situation.. what did I do to deserve that.." is what he thought.

In the end, Roméo really goes to the address Carter gave him even though he was afraid to go that far from his comfort zone. Yet, Roméo finds himself wandering in front of disused warehouse, searching with his eyes where that "Stella" could be. Roméo is very strained in this place, everything is quiet and so dark that it almost feel like stepping in a horror movie landscape. He sits on a used barrel and takes his phone out of his pocket. Right when he starts texting Carter, telling him he gave him the wrong address, Roméo sees an object flying in his direction. He didn't have time to react that this object went smacking his head. Terrified and strained, Roméo screams and drop his phone on the floor.

He hears someone's laughing or rather, somebody's mocking. He stares at a place in the dark, the direction were he think he heard the laugh, then, a woman comes out of the dark. She has messy hair, dark circles under her eyes, her clothes are used and mostly dirty.

- I-is that you..? Stella?

- When Carter told me he found someone to finally do this job, I was expecting some kind of kickass brawny man or at least one who isn't afraid of the dark. Well, I must say I'm quite disappointed here..

- Yeah well, I know I'm not Superman but no need to be rude!

- .. I wasn't rude. In fact, I'm even relieved to have a weak guy by my side. Brawny men are usually sexists, they don't like being ordered around by a woman especially when this woman is way more talented than them. Don't take it in the wrong way, it's okay to be weak, even cute.

- Thaaaat wasn't my intention, really. But never mind that! Carter told me you'd show me around.

- Did he told you about David Martinez?

- Yeah? I mean he kinda scared me off but--

- Okay then, glad we're on the same page! Now, let's train for the upcoming tournament we'll be facing!

- Tournament? What are you talking about? Th-that's not what he told me!

- OKAY so he did NOT tell you about David Martinez.

- He did! He said that he was some drug lord and I had to take him down.

- Oh my god-- Okay. I see. That son of a bitch is letting me doing his dirty work again.

- ..?

- Let's pick up where he left you. Sooo yes, David Martinez is the evil guy we need to annihilate and for that, we need to infiltrate his crew. In order to do so, on next Saturday, you and I will be joining a tournament he's hosting to show off and make him react. No need to win, just impressing him is far enough.

- Ooookay and what kind of tournament is that?

- Hmph, you really know nothing, that's really cute and innocent somehow. Let's say it's a fighting tournament, we'll confront many of his fighters on a ring!

- A ring ? You must be fucking kidding me..

- Unfortunately I'm not, sweetie pie. That's hardlife here !

- Yes thanks, I noticed.

Stella grabs a chair from the darkness and puts it in front of Roméo. She sits and takes out her phone.

- Give me a minute, I'll show you our upcoming opponents..

Roméo sighs and look around. With Stella here, he feels a bit at ease in this huge warehouse and in a way, her presence almost made the place less scary and dark.

- Though..

Stella raises her head.

-.. Carter didn't tell me your story.

- My story?

- Yeah, why you're workin' with us in this mission, your story.

- It's not that interesting, really..

Roméo looks away and drowns his look in the obscurity of the room.

- I'd like to hear it though.

Stella turns off her phone for a while and stares at Roméo's face, expecting him to answer. Roméo turns his head to Stella and catches her gaze. He blushes slightly and sighs.

- Well, maybe you noticed but I'm not from here..

- Yeah, this place is definitely not really your scenery.

- No I meant, I'm not American, don't even have origins from here. Actually, I'm just a French tourist..

- A simple tourist wouldn't get involved in such things.

- I uh.. I-it's complicated! You just need to know that I'm not from here and I really need to repay my debt to finally go back to my homeland. I-is that enough to you?

- Yeah, enough.

Stella stares at Roméo's flushed face and chuckles. She grins and then, turns on her phone again and continues searching. "I guessed I did good. I can't let others know who I really am. If movies and TV series taught me something, it's to trust nobody. I hate being seen as the weakling of the group but I guess I must keep enduring it for a while. I don't even know that chick.." is what he thought.

- Bingo!

Stella shows her screen to Roméo.

- See that? It's David's best beasts!

- You must be kidding me.. we're about to fight these men?! Noo, it's a joke. It can't be true. Have you seen those shoulders?! I bet they could carry their whole family with their pinky. That's really too much!

Stella laughs out loud.

- You're so funny! You know that?

- What? It's not fun! Did you took time to look at these men? We're nothing against them! Do you actually expect us to take them all down? You must be as crazy as the others after all..

Stella whacks Roméo's head gently.

- Stop panicking dude! It's not like we'll be actually fighting them.

- ..? What do you mean...?

- Since muscles isn't your big point, we'll be counting on our cleverness on these fights!

- Come again?

- Errr, no need to fight them with our fists, we can just use our brains and a lil' bit of logic to survive this *!

- Okay, we're fucked.

Roméo falls down to the ground.

- That's too much, I'm giving up.

- Hey friendo, no need to be so dramatic! We have plenty of time to figure this out!

- Noo, we have 2 and a half day to prepare ourselves to DIE Saturday. I'll tell them to write "He was a hero" on my epitaph. At least my parents will believe that I fought till the end, only God will know the truth behind my shitty death.

- At least you have parents. Mine would shit on me from the sky if they could see me right now.

Roméo laughs for a moment and rolls on the floor while grunting to gets up and sits back on the barrel. He sighs profoundly.

- ... But even if I don't want to, I can't escape your gang right..

- Unfortunately no, even I can't leave them. We're in this shit together my friend.

- ..

Stella reviews calmly the pictures of their opponents on her phone and Roméo covers his eyes with his right hand. Even if he was able to laugh at the seriousness of the situation, deep down he is terrified to death. Actually, he doesn't even fully realize what's going on, he's at the merge of having a mental breakdown. Being far away from his homeland, being stuck in a country so dangerous and free from many restrictions he was used to, having to fight and kill somebody to be able to be sent back home,.. all this is still a weird dream to hear to him, like a bad joke or a huge prank he is victim of.

- Can you..

Stella raises her head.

- Can you at least tell me your last name?

Stella chuckles.

- You didn't tell me yours either.

Roméo doesn't answer.

- Johnson. Stella Johnson, that's my name.

Roméo stares at her. Their eyes met. They smiled.

Under the stunning sun of Boston, Michael, Maddie, Quinn and Patland are on a patrol. In the car, Quinn is driving, Michael's by his side, Maddie's behind him and Patland behind Quinn. The rock music Patland decided to put was a good choice to make this journey pleasant to everybody. Though, in the rear view mirror, Maddie is often glancing at Michael furtively and when their eyes are meeting, her face starts getting red and she turns her look away.

Quinn whistles while looking outside his window.

- Anything new guys?

- No, I don't see anything. And with Patland taking all the space on the back seat I must say I don't feel at ease working in that circumstances.

- Well Maddie, we drawn straws and unfortunately you lost and you got to be in the back seat.

- Huh! It's easy for you to troll me, you you always got to be the driver!

Michael glares at Maddie in the mirror.

- If you can't handle this much, we'll ask Captain Firelet to change partners. You'll be better on a easier case--

- No! I can do it, I can stop complaining and I will! No need to change, I am doing just fine. Watch me.

Michael rolls eyes and sighs outside his window, he seems pissed. Maddie feels his slight anger and bite her lips while looking outside her window as well. The atmosphere in the car is icy. In the rear view mirror, Quinn glares at Patland, they seem uncomfortable as well.

At the end of their patrol of the entire city, Quinn drives back to the station. They get out of the car and Michael hurries to his office to pack his stuff and end his shift quickly. When he finished packing, Maddie knocks at his door shyly. He sighs and let her in.

- I uhm.. I perfectly know that you don't trust me for this, I feel it but I swear I'm suited for this job ! I really am!

Michael takes his bag and walks to the door.

- Don't think too high of yourself. When we look at you, we see immediately a little girl too scared to shoot on smugglers, too shy to stand up for herself,.. too admiring of her senior and willing to put her life on the line only to act cool in front of him. We all see that, no need to act like it's nothing.

Maddie grinds her teeth and smacks the door loudly.

- That's not how it is! I know I'm not as badass as you all cops are but it doesn't mean I'm weak either! I'm talking about my career. I know I was made to be a police officer, I feel it deep down my guts, that's my fate. Do not underestimate me please... look up to me..

Michael pushes her a little against the door.

- Even if you become the best cop of this station, it won't change anything between us.

Michael starts to walk away but Maddie grabs his sleeve.

- P-please.. look up at me.. look at me..

Michael withdraws her hand and walks to the exit. Tears are running down Maddie's cheeks. Michael didn't look behind him.

Michael opens his apartment's door and finds Roméo lying down on the couch, staring at his phone screen with a sad face. Michael glance briefly at him then put his jacket on the coat hanger and walks to the kitchen. He opens some drawers and put two plates on the counter.

- Is there any meat left in the fridge?

- Don't know.. but I could run an errand for you if you want.

- Then..

Michael sighs and closes all the drawers.

- Get dressed and get up, we're going together.

- What? Together?

- As far as I know, you're broke. I don't want you roaming around with my money and no supervision. God knows what dumb things you could buy with my cash.

- Yeah right--... But why do I have to come too? I-I mean, I don't mind tagging along, I'm just wondering why you can't go on your own.

- That's obvious. I'm buying for two so I'll need some more arms to carry all this stuff.

- Hmph, here I thought you were strong enough to carry anything~..

Michael opens the door.

- Well I can go without you too but if I go alone, everything I'm buying is for myself only. If you wanna eat, go and beg to the neighbors for some eggs and bacon, if you look bad enough, you might get what you want.

- Wh-what? How mean..

Michael smirks and Roméo pops his cheeks.

- So? You coming?

Roméo sighs with anger.

- Coming..

He gets out of the couch and walks to the door. They get out of the apartment, Michael locks the door behind them and together, go to the nearest market. Roméo takes a shopping cart and follows Michael through his shopping. He buys some meat, instant noodles, rice and pastas, some vegetables too. Roméo stops in front of a shelf of a certain brand of biscuits and stares. Michael stand behind him and sighs.

- What, is that what you want?

- N-no.. I mean, I never saw these before in real life. I always thought it was some kind of brand I'd never see nor taste. It sounds stupid to say but for us, foreigners, seeing all this American stuffs feel like we got projected in a movie.

Michael sighs and puts the biscuits in the cart.

- Hey, but I said--..!

- Now stop giving me this awful look. I know our lifestyles are different from Europeans but don't start making me feel bad about you guys.

- Feel bad? Why would you-- Hey! We're not some peasants from a long forgotten countryside! You Americans always feel superior huh. How patronizing of you! Hate that attitude.

- Hmph..

Michael smacks his head gently.

- Just kidding.

And there, only for a few seconds, a smile outlined on his face. But then, he turned his face away at the instant where he realized his smile. Roméo giggles cutely.

- So you do know how to smile huh..

Michael ignores him and walks away. "Trying to hide your embarrassment huh Michael ? How cute.." is what Roméo thought. He joins him and both men proceed to checkout and carry their bags full of groceries back home. Even though they don't talk much, the silence is not awkward.. it's somehow soothing and enjoyable. Back at home, Michael tidy everything at their place in the kitchen while Roméo is watching him across the counter. He often checks his phone then turn it off for a moment.

- I've been wondering..

He lays his arms on the counter and put his head on it.

- Why are you living alone here?.. don't you have siblings or something?

Michael ignores him. Roméo felt like it was a bad thing to ask.

- And uhm.. what are you up to tomorrow?

- Graduation.

- .. ? Like in high school or something? Are you still a student?

- No, no I'm not anymore.

- Then.. what is it?

Michael sighs and walks to Roméo. He put his hands on the counter loudly, Roméo almost jumps out.

- D-did I ask something I shouldn't have..?

- No, not really.

- Then..?

- Graduation means a promotion, I go up in grade. I'm becoming a Sergeant.

- Sounds so cool...

Roméo shows an amazed expression.

- Well, you can say that.

- You.. don't seem very happy about it..

- Yeah.. some people might come to this ceremony and to be honest, I wish they don't.

Roméo stares at his angry face for while. "I better not ask him about it. I feel like it's a slippery topic." is what he thought.

- Never mind. I don't know what you're up to and honestly I don't care but the ceremony is at 5pm tomorrow. If you want to come, wear classy clothes, I don't want a bumpkin to attend to my ceremony.

- Y'know, I can be a very classy guy even if I don't look like one right now. Don't judge me just yet !

Roméo giggles and walks past behind Michael to take some instant noodles he left next to the microwave. His phone rings and discreetly, Michael peaks at his notification. It was a text, it said :"Meet me at 8 tom' at the same place, S."

- Hey, do want noodles too?

Michael glances at Roméo after reading his text and bypasses the counter to walk to his room.

- No need, not hungry. See you tomorrow.

He waves at Roméo and then goes in his room and locks the door. Roméo seems confused. He walks to his phone, takes it and reads his notification. He sighs profoundly and smacks his head against the counter.

- Fuck that. I really can't run away, can I..

Roméo walks to the couch, sits and turns off his phone.

- I've got to keep it together.. she needs me.

He sighs again and lays on the couch. "Soon, everything's gonna get back to normal.. I hope." is what he thought.

Next Chapter: Unwanted Ceremony.