
Gun Wounds

In the city of Boston, meet the fabulous yet terrible fate of two men who met by chance. Linked by an everlasting love and surrounded by lies, do you think they will survive?

Bleakeas · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Today, Wednesday 17th.

When Michael woke up this morning, Roméo had already left his apartment. He walks in the kitchen, pours himself a cup of coffee and drinks it while staring at the buildings outside his window. "Back to routine I guess.." is what he thought.

After a while, he walks out his home and goes to the station as usual.

On the other hand, Roméo finds himself lost in the big city that's Boston. Earlier this morning, he received a text from his brother-in-law Theo whom ordered Roméo to come join him as fast as possible to talk about important matters. Theo was waiting for him in a cafe close by his house and after some minutes alone, Roméo finally finds his way to the cafe.

He sits in front of Theo, puts his bag on the seat next to him and stares intensely in his brother-in-law's eyes.. with a certain degree of anger.

- Well then hello Roméo, long time no see! How's your parents?

- Stop with that courtesies shit, where the hell you got that money?

- Oh wow, that's one way to cut to the chase-- Where I collected the money doesn't matter, what truly matters is what you are going to do here, in Boston!

- Come again? I'm here because you told me that I have to repay you asap the money you lent me-- and I'm still in debt to the bone! How am I supposed to pay you if I don't even have enough money to pay my college? My scholarship isn't enough and you know it!

- Hey bro, no need to make a scene here. I was kind enough to pay your plane ticket, don't make me regret all this!

Roméo sighs with anger.

- Look, the job is simple: The guy who lent me the money I lent you knows that you're broke. In exchange to repay this debt, all you got to do is deal with some things for him! It's as simple as that!

- What "things"?

- You'll see soon enough. Are you hungry, want to order something?

- No, that's fine. Just tell me what I have to do and after that, I'll get back in France.

Theo smirks at him.

- Looks like we have an agreement! Well, for the time being, you'll have to find a place to stay. Unfortunately, I can't let you stay at my place. That's how it is. Though, I could introduce you to some "friends" of mine, I bet you could get something with a body like yours..

- N-no need to help, I have my own place to stay!

- Alrighty then! You already have my number, I'll contact you to tell you the details. However, there's someone I'd like you to meet. Right Now. Follow me brother!

Theo gets up and walks to the back of the cafe, in the area reserved to the staff only. Forced to follow him, Roméo takes his bag accompany Theo to this unknown place.

Back to the station, when Michael steps in, it's a general panic. Broken windows, bullet holes in every desks, tons of files scattered on the floor, tagged walls... In a hurry, Michael runs to the first person he sees, Quinn. He takes his arm to drag him to a quieter place, a few meters away.

- Quinn, what happened here?!

- Last night, other members of Danny Fidga's gang broke in the police station and set free all the prisoners we had! Can you believe that? That's some crazy move!

- Nobody stopped them?!

- What did you expect from these dickheads from the night shift? I even heard that they intentionally opened the door to let them come in. What a bunch of cowards.

- Urgh, you said it. They're the shame of this station..

Out of nowhere, someone puts their hand on Michael's shoulder.

- I'm so glad you're okay!

Michael turns his head around and notices that this person was.. Maddie. She seems really reassured.

- I wasn't even here when all this shit happened.

- Oh yeah? In any way, I'm just glad you didn't get injured..

- I'll tell you what Maddie, yesterday Michael went on a date with a beautiful woman and Patland as his wing man!

- Wuh-- how do you know that? I didn't tell you anything Quinn.

- Let's say Patland is way more talkative than you. That's why I know sooo much. Though, I heard you didn't go all the way with her. Why so?

Michael ignores him. He turns his head to Maddie.

- And were you in the station, Maddie?

- Fortunately, no, I wasn't. I was.. busy with some other matters. Still, we gotta do something, Captain Firelet has certainly a plan to catch them back.

"And here I thought all that events out of my routine were done, looks like it'll take a while for everything to come back in place.." is what he thought. Forty minutes later, Captain Firelet calls all the officers present in the station in his office. Even Carl is present.

- I think we all witnessed the slaughter this station was victim of and the mess caused by the gang of Danny Fidga last night. After this unprecedented crime, we need to react quickly. We can't let delinquents take their freedom by force! In order to get back the honor of this station, a part of you will be assigned to track down the fugitives and turn them in. By the time you'll find them, don't worry, the cells will be already to receive their prisoners. Any questions?

The crowd nods.

- Good. Now, who wanna be part of-

- I'll handle this.

Michael takes a step closer, he wears a very confident yet cold expression. This bravery amazes his colleagues. Captain Firelet almost sigh when he hears Michael's voice, tired of his courage.

He whispers,

- Why I'm not surprised.. Michael.

- Captain, I truly want to catch them and bring them back where they belong: cells. Let me do this job, alone. I can take care of that.

- Well, if what happened six months ago would have never happen, i would let you on your own. However, this time I can't let you work alone.

Patland raises his hand.

- Me and Quinn can accompany him, we don't mind! Plus, Michael is an excellent partner, not very cooperative but is sure smart.

Then, a hesitant hand rises from the crowd.

- I-I could help too!

Captain Firelet coughs.

- Maddie Wilson? This is not your scene. Usually, you're more into more "peaceful" cases. I'm not sure if you're the right person for this job.

- No! I.. I really want to help, please let me in! I swear I can handle it!

- If you say so. Well then we have our team. I'll give you all the information I have for now on Danny's gang, beep me if you have anything new on this case. Copy that?

- Copy!

Then, all the officers step out their Captain's office and walks in group to the cafeteria. Michael sits apart from the others and starts plotting on his own. Quinn smacks his head gently to make him react.

- Why did you say that? Now we have to do the dirty work. Here I thought you'd leave this task to other random officers but nooo Michael always has to show off his amazing bravery. You're so stubborn man.

- If you're not okay with that then quit, I did not ask for your help nor your concern. I like to work alone. I want to get this shit done and get back to normal.

- And I want it to end as much as you do but is that the best method to do so? I mean, you could've shut your trap and let the others get picked to do it. Why always the hard way to do things..

Michael ignores him and gets up. He takes a cup of coffee before walking out the cafeteria and goes straight back in his office afterwards. He seems very concerned by the situation..

Back to Roméo, when he enters the back room, a man was waiting for him on a chair. Theo places a seat in front of Roméo and, he sits. As for Theo, he stays beside this mysterious man and seems to enjoy the expression of confusion on his brother-in-law's face.

- This man right here will be the departure of everything. Every task you'll accomplish will be given by him. He has all the information you need to know about and whenever you'll need him, send him a text and he'll answer you asap. Is it clear?

- Uh yeah, I guess s?.. who is it?

- ... My name's Nick but you shall call me Carter, that's the name everybody here'll use. I won't tell you much about me but all you gotta know is that I know everything. That's it.

Roméo seems even more confused and uneasy than before.

- Oh yeah and no need to mention that you must have no contact with the police but, hmph, it was obvious. I recently escaped from a dark place, don't wanna get back so soon.

- But hey, brother, I have some good news! You have this day off, I give it to you ! Starting tomorrow you'll begin your job here. Sounds correct to you?

- Yeah..

"Yeah well, it's not like I could say no, right ?" is what he thought. Slowly, Roméo starts to take his bag and leaves but Carter gets up quickly and catches his arm before he walks out. Roméo jumps out.

- Tomorrow, meet me at 10 am in this cafe. I'll wait for ya. Don't you dare be late.

- .. Alright..

Roméo walks fast out of this room and almost runs to get out of the cafe. This uneasy feeling of being the weakling, the stooge of these men is sure the worst feeling he's having at the moment. In this position, Roméo is unable to walk away ; going back to France would be too expensive. He can't warn the police ; God knows what these guys would do to him if he dares open his mouth too widely. He can't kill nor hide from them ; he's in an unknown city, broke and especially unarmed. His only option for the moment is to cooperate until he finds a way out.. if he can find a way out.

Roméo spent his day wandering in the streets, taking pictures of his surroundings and admiring the colossal buildings in Boston. Even if his day, apart from the cafe scene, went fine, he still have one issue ; finding a place to rest for the next few days. Unfortunately, all his friends and contacts are in France and the little bit of money that he has left is not even enough for the cheapest motel room of the city.

And then, while walking around a bunch of hotels, he sees a poster that catches his attention. It says :"If you saw any of these ten men [picture of ten criminals] please contact the Boston P.D as soon as you recognize them. These criminals are highly dangerous and currently on the run. Do not engage anything, contact us when you are able to. Do not engage any contact." On this picture, Roméo recognize clearly the face of Nick Carter. He's more than terrified to know that a guy like him is free like bird in the streets of Boston. Moreover, he's afraid to be associated with him if anyone caught them together.

Roméo takes a deep breath to take out his phone of his pocket and decides to go to the nearest police station. When he arrived in front of it, he sees a place completely devastated and a ton of workers trying to fix all the damages caused by the latest attack, it's terrible.

Frightened by the sight of the police station, Roméo instinctively takes one step back but by doing that, a bumps by mistake into someone who was right behind him. The person grabs Roméo's right arm in order to keep him from falling. Roméo shivers and turns around to see who grabbed him.

- Wh-who are..?-

The body of a manly and confident policeman takes shape in front of him ; it's Michael.

- You again, kid?

- Wh-wha ?.. It's you?

Quinn puts his arm around Michael's neck and chuckles.

- Eeeeh~, is it the kid whom you left with yesterday? So you dumped Ally to hang with him? I think it's time we review your tastes in people.

Michael ignores him and release Roméo's arm.

- I'm sorry if it sounds nosy but.. what happened to this place? That's..

- Yesterday, some members of the gang we arrested last night at the restaurant went wild on our station to set free all the prisoners we had. Since then, we're split up everywhere in town to bring them back in their cells and arrest the authors of this attack.

- That's..

- Terrible indeed young man ! While you and Michael were chilling in some Asian restaurant, such horrible thing happened here. Who would have thought..

Roméo squeeze his left arm with his right hand and bites his lip while watching at the station. He heart races. "If they were able to be set free with such violence.. they won't go easy on me if I ever try to escape from them.. I'm fucking doomed." Is what he thought. Quinn gets called by Captain Firelet, says goodbye to Michael and Roméo and then walks fast to his captain. When Michael tries to walk away, Roméo grabs his sleeve with a shy look on his face.

- What?

- I um.. I don't have any place to stay at. M-may I.. I know it might be weird to be asked that but can I stay at your place for a moment? I mean..

Usually, Michael gets annoyed pretty fast by everyone. He's a loner, unfriendly, cold and impassive man and yet, the look on Roméo's face caught his eye somehow. Even though he doesn't like or hate him, he feels like he can't deny this request.. and he don't want to deny his request. Then, he sighs deeply, turns around and pats his head gently.

- I knew you would cause me a lot of issues. As long as you respect my rules in my house, I don't mind having you over, however..

Michael grabs forcefully Roméo wrist and a dark expression of anger takes shape on his face. It's like he was about to break his bones at any moment.

-.. if you dare get involved in business that's not yours, be sure I'll make you pay. I may be a cop to you and everybody but don't ever forget that everyone has a past and you really don't want to know mine.

Roméo whimpers at the sight of this very imposing man, his whole body is shaking and his heart his racing even more than before. His breath is jerky and he tries to avoid eye contact with Michael; this man is way too scary for him. When Michael notice all the fear that Roméo is feeling, he gets annoyed and drop his wrist.

- Here. Don't lose it.

He hands him his apartment keys and walks away.

- Wa-wait! But it's your- How will you come home without it?

Michael ignores him. "I guess he counts on me to open the door when he'll get home. I can be so stupid sometimes.." is what is thought.

It's finally nighttime in Boston and Roméo is already at Michael's place, waiting for him to show up from work. Around 9PM, Michael rings at the door and no surprise, it's Roméo who opens it from the inside. Michael close the door behind him, puts his jacket on the coat hanger and heads to the kitchen. He takes out some chicken from the fridge, puts it in the microwave and then, takes his plate to his bedroom.. and locks the door behind him.

- How unfriendly.. it's not like I expected him to be nice anyway..

Since Roméo doesn't have anything to do for the time being, he begins to unpack his clothes, put some of his sheets from law school on the table and starts reviewing all his last class. The apartment remains calm and awfully quiet, not a sound is escaping from Michael's room nor a noise from Roméo's mouth.. it's as if there were nobody in the house.

When he finished reviewing his stack of paper, Roméo stands up and walks slowly to the window in the living room. He opens it and lays his arm on the edge of the window and just sighs. He's staring at the beautiful Moon facing the building, his face is enlightened by the light of all the neighboring building around him and only the sound of the wind cradles him tenderly.

-.. a nice view, right.

Roméo doesn't need to turn around to recognize this voice, it's Michael's.

- Yeah, it is..

He raises his hand outside as if he was trying to catch the moon with his bare hand and the reflection of all these light highlights his deep blue eyes. His eyes are like precious ores you'd like to keep away anybody from stealing it. It's like the most beautiful treasures of this world. Such a wonderful commodity that would get you addicted to his look, his eyes could turn you in the most selfish person ever existed, you would want to keep them for yourself.. only want to have his gaze on your body forever.

- Why did you take me in..

- ..

- Sorry, bad question.. forget that.

- Get some rest, you need to sleep.

Michael walks away and locks again his room. Roméo closes the window and lays disdainfully on the couch. He covers his eyes with his right hand and sighs.

- I was waiting for an answer though..

Next Chapter: Comrade