
Guardian of the six gems

Kyra Darvyn, though born into a magical and paranormal world did not believe in magical beings, paranormal beings or magic itself. Chosen and forced by the gods in which she didn't believe in, she was sent -with the help of her sister, Kiara and her pet tiger- to retrieve two of the six gems (gifted to the empire by the gods) that were stolen by one of the King's in the Empire. But first they are to go on a journey to the Dark Forest. It is rumoured that those who go in never come out, even some of the people who escaped were driven into madness and it is home to many mysterious and dangerous creatures. It is said that even though one escapes from the dangerous creatures it is hard to locate your way out of the forest. Despite all the warnings and rumours about the Dark Forest, Kyra and the rest embark on the journey -mostly because they have no choice and can't keep running from fate. Coping with the loss of their mother will they survive through the Dark Forest? What will happen when they encounter the dangerous creatures? ... Kyra did not believe in many things and love was one of them. After her first heartbreak, when her ex-boyfriend impregnated a girl and planned to marry the girl behind her back, Kyra ceased to believe in love. From then onwards, she hated men and the idea of falling in love. Will Kyra be capable of loving again after her terrible heartbreak? And what will happen when she realizes she has feelings for a certain Vampire Prince she met in the Dark Forest? Will she put her belief aside and fall in love with the Vampire and keep denying her feelings for him? Read to find out what happens with Kyra Darvyn... Thank you for checking out my book and I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as enjoy writing it. Note: the prologue is not really important it just shows how Kyra met her tiger (Wynstar). The tiger has a specific purpose in her life. It was sent by the gods to Kyra against her future. She plays a significant role in Kyra's life

Destiny · Huyền huyễn
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31 Chs

Encounter with the Almighty Lavina

The laughing duo ceased from their laughter as they heard someone clear their throat and they both turned to see the source.

It was Lavina, Prince Clayden's girlfriend or was it fiancee. No one particularly knew what to label her with.

Although her father was the Royal Advisor to the Vampire King and also the King's closest friend. And it's because of the King's closeness to her father that guaranteed her friendship with the Prince. Her father was a very influential and powerful person in this Kingdom.

They have been friends for long and everyone sees them having a future together.

Kyra stood there with her mouth slightly open in surprise. She didn't know who this was but looking at this beautiful girl in front of her she could tell she was regal.

She had bright long wavy blonde hair and contrasting sea blue eyes. She was dressed in a beautiful blue lace gown with a lot of assortment on it and a beautiful pair of shoes.

Kyra in her life, has never worn anything pretty or expensive till she became a prisoner in the Vampire Kingdom. Still what Kyra wears is equivalent to what the maid put on, so seeing Lavina who was not dressed up in her usual expensive pattern still made her gawk.

Who could blame the girl. That is what poverty could do to a person.

"When I was a free citizen I couldn't wear fine clothing but when I become a prisoner I wear a lot of fine clothing.... Irony of life" she scoffed inwardly.

Indeed life can be tricky.

It was no doubt that the girl in front of her was a well pampered noble.

'She is indeed a beauty and who could she be' Kyra thought.

"Babe" Kyra heard Clayden mention as he stepped forward towards the beauty goddess. Then and there she knew that the this was the mystery future Queen of the Vampire Kingdom.

Indeed she was no match for her. She couldn't even dream it. Eros was mad for thinking that the Prince might actually like her.

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed due to the vigorous work you performed" Clayden asked Vina with a small smirk on his face.

"I am a Vampire, don't you forget that" she blushed at his words.

"Are you trying to say I didn't do well" Clayden retorted.

"Oh no my Grace, I could never" she said and did her best to muster innocence on her features.

"Ahem" Kyra cleared her throat disturbing the intimacy between the couple.

Kyra didn't know if she should greet the Vampire lady or just shut up.

"She is not yet royal so I wouldn't bow and I am not even their citizen" Kyra debated in her mind whether or not to bow before Lavina before coming to conclusion.

"Hi I'm Kyra" Kyra introduced herself after walking towards the couple and then stretched her hand for a handshake afterwards.

Vina shook the latter and gave the most fake smile Kyra had seen and said "I'm Lavina, the Prince's girlfriend it's nice to finally meet you, Kyra" she didn't forget to mark her territory.

"So what were you both up to?" Lavina smiled and linked her arms with Clayden's.

"I was just about to leave the garden, have fun" Kyra said and left the garden without waiting for a reply from them.


Kyra Darvyn

"What an uncomfortable encounter" I muttered to myself on my way to the castle.

The once bright sky was now turning dark swiftly already indicating a heavy down pour.

Oh how I wish the rain would pour now heavily and ruin her beautiful dress

Jealous much.

Oh you are mistaken.

I'm quite sure.

Shut up.

The wind was swift and brisk. The hitting of the wind on the soon was an enjoyable feeling.

I halted opened my arms wide like one expecting an embrace. I closed my eyes shut and enjoyed the feel of the wind on my skin while my hair moved in harmony with the wind.

"The best time to sleep" I said to myself while walking into the castle.

The guards by the entrance to the castle would agree with me if they weren't so uptight.

"Hey" I waved at them but they simply ignored me.

So uptight!

I easily weaved my way through the castle. I've gotten used to the castle by now so I couldn't get lost.

When I say castle I mean the ground floor because that is where our rooms are located.

Of course I don't know everywhere in the castle, only the parts I've been given access to.

I got to the door to our room and opened it and saw Eros and Kiara laughing heartily.

The two were really getting along. In all my life I never thought I'll interact with any royal but now I could even scold Eros the Crown Prince, the next Emperor.

"Hey" I said as I walked into the room.

I narrated to them what happened in the garden.

Of course I had to share my encounter with the 'Almighty Lavina' aka 'Future Vampire Queen' with someone.