
GTA: Vice city

Do you wanna be a gangster? A pornstar? A lawyer on the edge? How about a drug lord, a street racer, or a nightclub mogul? Step into the neon-lit chaos of Vice City, where every corner tells a story of power, betrayal, and ambition. Follow Tommy Vercetti's ruthless climb to control the criminal underworld. See through Lance Vance's eyes as he grapples with loyalty and a thirst for revenge. Walk in Candy Suxxx's stilettos as she fights to dominate the world of fame and exploitation. Ride the turbulent legal rollercoaster with Ken Rosenberg, a lawyer ensnared in the web of crime. Experience the empire-building ruthlessness of Ricardo Diaz, the merciless drug lord ruling the city's narcotics trade. Feel the adrenaline of Hilary King, the fearless street racer, as he conquers the asphalt. Immerse in the glittering nightlife with Kent Paul, the savvy music producer and nightclub kingpin. From opulent penthouses to gritty back alleys, from sun-soaked beaches to seedy nightclubs, each character's perspective adds a new dimension to the pulse-pounding life in Vice City. Welcome to GTA: Vice City—a saga of ambition, survival, and the relentless pursuit of the American Dream. Are you ready to dive into the chaos?

ETsnomx · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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71 Chs

Chapter 44: Deathtrap

In Diaz's room, the atmosphere is a frenzy of panic and chaos. His thugs are running around, desperately trying to fix the security cameras and monitors. The screens flicker with static and distorted images, evidence of Cam's handiwork.

"Move your asses, you useless pieces of shit!" Diaz roars, his face contorted with rage. He paces back and forth, his handgun firing wildly into the ceiling and walls, creating an atmosphere of terror. "Get those cameras working now, or I'll put a bullet in every single one of you!"

The thugs, sweating and trembling, scramble to comply, their hands shaking as they fumble with wires and tools. The room is filled with the sound of frantic activity—keyboards clacking, wires being stripped, and the occasional zap of electricity.

"Boss, we're trying! But the system's been hacked—it's going to take time to get it back online!" one of the men stammers, glancing nervously at Diaz.

"Time?! We don't have time!" Diaz screams, emptying his clip into a nearby monitor out of sheer frustration. "Vercetti is coming, and if those cameras aren't working, you can kiss your asses goodbye!"

His crazed shooting sends sparks flying, and the thugs duck instinctively, their fear palpable. They redouble their efforts, knowing that failure is not an option. Diaz's erratic behavior only adds to the pressure, his threats and outbursts driving them to work faster.

"Fix it! Now!" Diaz's voice echoes through the room, a constant reminder of the impending doom.

The thugs continue to work, the tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife. Every second feels like an eternity as they race against the clock, their lives hanging in the balance.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, one of the thugs manages to restore the camera feed. The screens flicker back to life, displaying various angles of the mansion. Diaz rushes to the monitors, his eyes scanning each one until he spots your team struggling through the trap-laden hallway.

He watches intently as you and your team navigate the deadly gauntlet. You move cautiously, disarming laser tripwires, avoiding landmines, and maneuvering around barbed wire. The tension is palpable, and Diaz's wicked smile grows wider with each passing second.

"You think you can take me down, Vercetti?" Diaz mutters, his voice dripping with malice. "You'll never make it out alive."

His men exchange nervous glances but continue their work, knowing that any sign of hesitation could result in another outburst from Diaz.

Diaz leans closer to the monitor, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "Let's see how you handle this," he sneers, reaching for a control panel on his desk. With a flick of a switch, he activates another series of traps in the hallway—flamethrowers hidden in the walls ignite, sending jets of fire across the path, while hidden turrets pop up from the floor, their barrels swiveling to target your team.

"Burn, you bastards," Diaz laughs maniacally, his voice echoing through the room. "You're in my world now."

He continues to watch the monitors, reveling in the chaos and danger he has unleashed. The mansion has become a deathtrap, and Diaz is determined to see you and your team fall.

The hallway is a gauntlet of traps, each step more treacherous than the last. You lead your team with caution, eyes scanning every inch for hidden dangers. Lance follows closely, his nerves still raw from the landmine incident. Avery's men bring up the rear, their weapons ready.

You carefully disarm a laser tripwire, the thin red beam disappearing with a soft click. "Alright, move up," you whisper, motioning for the team to advance.

Just as you think you've got a handle on the situation, the walls burst into flames. Hidden flamethrowers roar to life, sending jets of fire across the hallway. The heat is intense, the air thick with smoke and the acrid smell of burning fuel.

"Shit! Flamethrowers!" you shout, diving to the ground to avoid the searing flames. "Get down!"

The team scatters, finding cover wherever they can. You feel the intense heat against your skin, the flames licking at your clothes. As you struggle to find a way through, hidden turrets pop up from the floor, their barrels swiveling to target your team.

"Turrets! Take cover!" you yell, firing at one of the turrets as it locks onto your position. The bullets ricochet off its armored casing, but a well-placed shot finally disables it.

Lance is huddled behind a sandbag, sweat pouring down his face. "Tommy, we need to move! We're sitting ducks here!"

"Stay low and keep moving!" you command, firing at another turret. "Cam, can you disable these turrets remotely?"

Cam's voice crackles through the earpiece. "I'm working on it, but Diaz's system is tough. Hold tight!"

You curse under your breath, knowing time is against you. The team inches forward, using the sandbags and debris for cover. The turrets continue to fire, their bullets whizzing past, but you manage to take them out one by one.

Just as you think you've cleared the worst of it, the flames intensify. The flamethrowers' reach is almost the entire width of the hallway, leaving no safe passage.

"Lance, cover me!" you shout, pulling out a grenade. "We're taking out those flamethrowers."

Lance nods, popping up from behind the sandbag to lay down suppressive fire. You sprint forward, dodging bullets and flames, and lob the grenade towards the flamethrowers. It explodes with a deafening roar, the shockwave knocking you back.

The flames die down, and the hallway is filled with smoke and the stench of burnt metal. You scramble to your feet, coughing, and see that the flamethrowers are destroyed.

"Move! Move now!" you urge your team, pushing forward through the smoke-filled corridor.

One of Avery's men is too slow. As the group advances, another turret pops up from a hidden panel in the wall. It fires a rapid burst, catching him in the chest. He cries out, collapsing to the ground as blood pours from his wounds.

"Man down!" you shout, turning back to help him, but the turret is relentless. You fire at it, desperately trying to take it down, but the man's lifeless body is already riddled with bullets.

"He's gone, Tommy! We have to keep moving!" Lance yells, grabbing your arm and pulling you forward.

You grit your teeth, a mix of anger and sorrow washing over you. The death is a harsh reminder of the stakes. You press on, the memory of his sacrifice fueling your determination.

The moment you step into the room, the door slams shut behind you, and a loud ticking sound fills the air. A large digital timer on the wall begins counting down. Suddenly, Diaz's voice crackles over the loudspeaker, dripping with malice. "Welcome to your doom, Vercetti. This is where you meet your end. Solve my little game, or breathe your last breath. Good luck, you'll need it."

"Son of a bitch," you mutter, looking around the room. The walls are lined with color-coded switches and levers, each connected to a series of lights. Scattered around the room are various clues and hints: scribbled notes, diagrams, and patterns.

"We need to figure this out fast," you say, urgency in your voice.

Lance finds a scribbled note under a loose floor tile. "I found something! It looks like a pattern."

"Great, we need to match it with these switches," you say, moving to the panel with the switches.

The timer ticks down relentlessly. You work together, interpreting the clues and adjusting the switches. Each correct move is met with a green light, but some switches turn multiple lights on or off, complicating the process.

"Cam, can you see anything on the cameras?" you ask through the earpiece.

"I'm looking, Tommy. There's a pattern—try the red switch first, then the blue," Cam's voice crackles.

You follow his instructions, the lights slowly turning green. The tension is palpable, each second feeling like an eternity.

Diaz's voice booms again, mocking you. "Tick-tock, Vercetti! Time is running out!"

You raise your gun and fire at the speaker, silencing Diaz's taunts. "Enough of that," you growl.

As the timer nears zero, a warning light flashes, and a hissing sound begins. "Hurry, we're almost out of time!" you shout.

With a final flick of the switch, all the lights turn green. The timer stops, and the door to the next part of the mansion unlocks. You breathe a sigh of relief, but then the hissing intensifies. The gas is still being released.

"Fucking liar!" Lance curses, eyes wide with fear.

"It's too naive to believe a snake," you say, the realization sinking in.

The gas starts filling the room, and the situation turns dire. Two of Avery's men collapse almost instantly, choking and gasping for air. Their bodies convulse as the toxic fumes overwhelm them.

"Shit! We need to find a way out, now!" you shout, your mind racing.

You, Lance, and the remaining Avery man scramble to find an escape. The walls feel like they're closing in, the gas thick and suffocating. You notice a vent near the ceiling, a possible escape route.

"Up there!" you point, your voice strained. "We can get out through the vent!"

Lance grabs a nearby table and flips it over, creating a makeshift platform. You climb up, using all your strength to pry the vent cover off. The gas is getting thicker, and every breath feels like fire in your lungs.

"Go, go, go!" you urge, helping the others climb up into the vent. The narrow space is barely enough to crawl through, but it's your only chance.

You push forward, the acrid taste of the gas still in your mouth. Behind you, you hear the last man coughing, his breath ragged. Lance helps pull him along, his determination unwavering despite the dire situation.

After what feels like an eternity, you reach the end of the vent. You kick out the cover, and fresh air rushes in. You drop down into another part of the mansion, gasping for clean air. Lance and the Avery man follow, collapsing onto the floor beside you.

You take a moment to catch your breath, the relief washing over you.

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