

'I was reincarnated as a sapling? How?' Of all things to happen this was not what Paul expected, in the first instance the CYOA should have reincarnated him as a baby or Case 53 (deformed humans whose powers altered their physical appearance to monster like features) at worst.

The realisation of his situation drained him mentally, 'no point fussing over it', shifting his attention upwards he noticed that the constant hits were raindrops falling onto him, his body barely 10 cm long. Realising that the amount of sensory input he's receiving from Spatial Awareness, it resembled the Byakugan in use but rather than being limited to above ground as the Byakugan is, he can see beneath the soil.

'Just what I'd expect from this', focusing back to his surroundings he noticed that he was about 40 ft away from a cliff, 'alright no point overthinking as I don't think I'll receive any answers at the moment'.

~ Advanced Growth x10 ~ [256]

As soon as he focused on the charge he felt his roots burrowing into the soil at an incredible rate, absorbing all the nutrients in the soil and rain, plants in the area began to wither and their body sucked dry of all nutrients. He also noticed that there was an energy in the air that made hi feel comfortable, not sure what it was, only knowing that it was beneficial and he was absorbing it at an increased rate compared to previously he decided to invest some charges into energy manipulation.

~Energy Manipulation x2 ~ [254]

If he could laugh he would have as he discovered he could now control the energy to an extent, his elation continued as he absorbed the energy at an increased rate, moreover, he noticed that when the energy got past the threshold of what he could hold in an area of his body the area became hard almost like stone before the energy got distributed towards other parts of his body.

In the span of an hour he was already 9 ft tall and growing, as soon as his roots sucked up the nutrients in the soil they would go deeper in finding more nutrients to devour. Another thing he noticed was how advanced growth had a synergy with his charges, his spatial awareness continuously expanded until he was able to see in a radius of 3 miles and growing.

His energy manipulation was also growing passively as he found it easier and easier to control the energy in the air. His thought process became easier, processing speed constantly improving, 'wow' his thoughts stalling as he realised what it will mean in relation to his future charges.

Content with his passive growth buff he relaxed as the euphoric feeling of growing bigger was ever present, suddenly a thought occurred to him, 'I'f i grow too big, won't i attract attention, and I don't know what type of people are in this world', with that line of thought he spent a few more charges on power manipulation.

~ Invisibility x3 ~ [251]

~ Biological Manipulation x5 ~ [246]

~ Intangibility x3 ~ [243]

~ x-ray vision x3 ~ [240]

~ Infrared vision x3 ~ [237]

~ visual perception x5 ~ [232]

~ Aura perception x5 ~ [227]

Activating his perception abilities his vision exploded into a canopy of colours, colours he's never seen before appeared to be dancing around him. 'Beautiful' he thought as it was truly a sight to see, 'how limited are we humans, cursed to never see such a sight, i wonder if this is how the first man saw'.

Moments passed as he appreciated the beauty before him, all around there was a golden mist in the air that he was actively absorbing 'this must be what I was absorbing, I wonder if I'm in a cultivation world'.

Finally content on his charges he immediately activated his Invisibility, his now 10 ft body disappeared from the top of the cliff however, looking at the space he occupied he noticed the imprint of his roots are still visible so he spent a few more charges for that.

~ Illusions x4 ~ [223]

Casting an illusion the ground returned to its usual appearance with no trace of him in sight.

'Alright! Lets have a look at where I am ', his focus shifting back on his surroundings, 'hmm there's a lot of animals around me but no humans and the range of my vision is passed three miles' a gentle breeze ruffled his leaves as he observed the life around, 'these beasts share similarities to the ones back on Earth but they seem bigger, they also seem to have some form of energy in them but blue in colour, interesting'.

Activating biological manipulation he suddenly had a connection with all lifeforms in his range he could now manipulate his own body contrary to before where he could feel but not move, 'I feel like i can change them to whatever I want', he would have laughed if he could, suddenly as his vision stretched enough he finally noticed the presence of humans. 'Finally! Humans! Hopefully this will allow me to know where I am', his body shook in elation as branches danced in the wind.

His dancing froze as he realised something peculiar, 'wait why does that look familiar', it took only a second before it clicked in his mind. 'Uzumakis?!'

Some might say he's too OP but if you guys are familiar with the Worm fics fanfictions and the Worm CYOA, that world setting is already imballanced so being OP is nothing.

Y_Maverickcreators' thoughts