
Growing a Space Pirate Kingdom

A sci-fi space opera from the perspective of forming a pirate group in a dark universe. This webnovel isn't for everyone. If you like political intrigue, brutal combat, sci-fi, military and war, slow buildup, and non romantic relationship building then this is for you. If you want to read something that focuses on romance, moves quickly while skipping over bits, or has people acting unreasonably arrogantly then this isn't for you. All tags are accurate.

DetectiveEspionist · Khoa huyễn
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9 Chs


When the crew got to the cafeteria Micca and Verona naturally stayed together and got their food. Beno was nowhere to be seen as they were going towards the tables. Micca quickly whispered into Verona's ear, "Come with me." He led her towards a certain table where a girl was sitting alone.

Micca didn't tell many people, but he typically found it easier to get along with women rather than men. A lot of people would think that meant he was always after women, but he just found it easier to get along with them. There was also a certain chemistry that made it easier to do things like... how he handled testing Verona's loyalty. 

As they took their seats, Micca looked around and noted the positions of the security officers around the room. His face looked back to the table and had a smirk gently revealing itself.

"Hi, I'm Micca, and this is Verona." 

Verona just realized that this girl looked timid. She looked as if she was scared and hunched her body inwards while she ate, not looking around at all.

"Hello. I'm Kimi."

Micca gave her a gentle smile. "Kimi, that is a cute name. It matches you."

Kimi blushed at Micca's compliment and looked down slightly. "Thank you." She said with a weak voice.

"So Kimi, how long have you been on this ship?"

Kimi looked back at Micca before her eyes moved away and down as she thought with a sad expression. "A couple months. I was taken from my world about a couple months ago."

Micca matched her expression with ease and kept going on with the conversation. "Well I'm glad I got to meet you even though you went through that. You seem like a beautiful soul."

He slowly leaned in towards her until, his face was right in front of hers and whispered to her. "Tell me... Kimi. Have you been lonely on this ship?"

Her eyes kept darting down and back up at Micca as her face blushed from someone being so close to her. As she spoke she let out a voice which was as quiet as a whisper. "Yes. I haven't talked to many people here."

Micca reached across the table and grabbed one of Kimi's arms. He moved his head back to give her more room. "I would like to be your friend and talk to you. How does that sound?"

The girl nodded without saying anything as she looked down at Micca's hands around hers. 

Micca released her hand and moved to his food to ensure he finished his meal. Verona who was sitting by him looked almost as flustered as Kimi.

Then Verona realized something. Micca did the exact same thing with her hands when he talked to her in the cafeteria. Thinking about it, this whole interaction seemed familiar to her. Micca was much more upfront with her, but he did compliment her then convince her to join him. That must be what he is doing here.... Was Verona just another pawn to him, just like it looked like this Kimi would be? Verona would like to know the answer to this, but she already pledged to be loyal to Micca, and him to look after her. She really had no choice but to keep going with their arrangement or risk making an enemy of Micca.

Verona's thoughts were interrupted by Micca beginning to speak again. "So Kimi, how has life been for you here?"

Kimi and Micca talked for the next ten minutes before she had to leave back to her duties. Micca learned about her job on the ship, having to coax almost every bit of information out of her due to her shyness. Kimi operates as a courier taking orders and other high priority documents to and from petty officers, midshipmen, and mates. It sounded like a good job to Micca. No heavy lifting, having the ability to go through the halls independently unlike the other ratings, and being able to see around the ship.

That's right, she said that the people pressganged like them were all considered ratings, until they were promoted anyways. Ratings were generally not given any rights that it was common for other crew to have. Privacy, freedom of movement, even food and water were not guaranteed. Kimi was lucky as her job of courier allowed her to move in the halls in order to deliver the relays of information. She was even allowed some degree of privacy as her courier room only contained a few other ratings and had permanent bunks inside. It sounded like Micca and Verona were given the short end of the stick with their duties at the cannon.

As Micca finished his thoughts and food, it was time for them to go. Micca and Verona stood up together as they deposited their trays and headed to the door. Right after the bin for the trays Micca leaned over and whispered in Verona's ear.

"I am getting information out of Kimi and am not very invested in her, but I will do anything in my power to protect you. Don't think I am thinking of you just like her."

Verona was astonished that Micca knew she was having those thoughts. She must have been making facial expressions while he was talking to Kimi and he noticed. Micca always seemed to be able to read people like a book, but Verona was questioning his motives. Would he really protect her like he said he will?