
Chapter 7 Weird things happen ( Updated)

( i want to change the last part because it's a bit weird. I know this story is a bit confusing but it will make sense in a few chapters)

After placing the egg down on the nest that I build, i decided to go outside to see if there's any pokemon. I didn't go too far because I'm afraid that the egg will be stolen.

I just sit at the entrance of the cave and watch for any pokemon that is nearby. I did hear some bush rustling nearby across the river and there's a figure running by but i just ignore it because it's a bit far. It's probably just some pokemon wandering around.







2 hours later, i was getting bored picking berrys by a nearby bush and train by myself. I'll just put the egg behind my back with vines covering it. I just walked a few meters away from the cave and hide the egg in a bush with me.

After a few minutes of hiding, i still found nothing! There's usually a lot of pokemon in this area, why is it so quiet all of sudden.

I became cautious and stay in the bush, i got a feeling that there's a danger coming. I can't hear anything around me, it's weird since the river that I can hear from meters away is silent. I grab the egg and keep it closer to me and suddenly, I feel a chill down my spine. I didn't move because the next thing I see is a figure with black and white fur with it's eyes full of hatred.

Name: Pangoro

Type: fighting/dark

Lvl: 36

HP: 287

Strength: 136

Defense: 201

Speed: 88

I was scared as fuck! A Lvl 36! What the hell is it doing here!?! It was looking around when it stopped and looked at a bush. Yep, It's the bush that I'm in. I can't out run it, can't fight it, I'll get one shot and there's a egg with me which is my weakness right now.

Maybe I can use myself as bait to lure it away, this is risky but i can at least try to get it safely away from the egg. I can't out run it but i can distract it and lure it deeper into the forest where other strong pokemon like it stays.

I prepare a plan and before I even try anything, it talked.

"Hey you! The one in the bush! Have you seen any human come through here!" It shouted like it's angry at something.

"Ummm...i don't saw any uh.... Human come through here..." I said while cautiously watching it.

"DAMNIT!!! THOSE HUMANS ARE FULL OF TRASH!!!" it yelled creating a loud roar.

" If uh... If I may ask, why are you angry? "

What the hell me! That's all I can think of! I'm freaking dumb!!!

"THERE'S A HUMAN WHO WENT DEEPER IN THE FOREST AND COME INTO OUR TERRITORY AND OTHERS TO STEAL OUR EGGS!! IF I FIND THAT HUMAN, SHE WILL BE DEAD IF I EVER SEE HER! OTHERS ALSO CAME TO FIND HER BECAUSE SHE ATTACK THEM AND RAN AWAY!!! NOW, THAT'S WHY I CAME HERE WITH OTHERS TEAMING UP TO FIND HER!!!" He said while I think there's no way trainers will go deeper if they have strong pokemon. If they do, they would just capture the strong pokemon! One question, why the egg tho? Maybe some they want a baby pokemon? There is a lot of trainers (maybe like 2 or 3 people. Mostly girls and some boys) want it because it's cute. Or it can be one of the team rocket stealing pokemon again. Also, WHY is she attacking pokemon and running away??? This will cause the stronger pokemon to go rampage and destroy the nearby village or city if she doesn't stop!

"May i know what is the human clothes and their pokemon?" I asked politely

" Female, shirt with a pink and white colour and I only saw two pokemon she took out before I and my group was unconscious. It's a Braixen and a Alakazam."

Welp, seem like a strong trainer and she only took out two pokemon. I wonder if she has a full team of pokemon that has Lvl higher than this Pangoro right here. I can't do anything about it.

"Maybe I can help you?"

" Why am I talking about this to a weak pokemon! Your weak and can't even fight her. Your lucky that I have things to do, otherwise I would have killed you!" He says as he starts moving.

When he left, i just sit there still in my bush. I just dodge a bullet and angry. I'm not weak! I'll get stronger than you, just wait for a few days until this egg hatch.

I quickly ran out of the bush with the egg to the cave, i put the egg down in a corner and stand at the entrance of the cave. Then I sealed the entrance with some rock, i leave a small hole where I can go in and out. It's not the best but hearing that there's a girl stealing eggs, it's just stupid to leave it in a cave with no protection.



