
Greatest Of All Legends

“Who is the football GOAT?” A question that has been asked countless times in the last decade. Is it Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi? To be fair, the question actually depended on what one wanted from a player as they were two different people and they played differently from the other. This was also the case with every other legendary player to grace the game. As a diehard fan of the game, Jason Bolu also had someone he thought to be the goat, but unlike most people, he harbored the desire to not only become as great as them, but even greater than any legend that ever graced the game. He wanted to become the Greatest Of All Legends… the GOAL. Unfortunately, fate has never cared about people’s hopes and dreams, and just like every other unfortunate human, she hit him hard across the face with a broken reality and sent him flying in another direction from his goal, yet he didn’t give up and continually persevered but, in the end, he didn’t ever make it. He wasn’t even halfway near his goal. He thought it was over… but it wasn’t. He got another chance at his dreams, and this time he was going to do more than his best to achieve his dream. *disclaimer* There is no system or cheats, just plain hard work and a past life of experience.. Also, despite the use of real-life characters, places and things, this is an artistic creation in which things wouldn't be as they are in real life so don't be surprised at some things that are unrealistic and out of place e.g. exact details, attitude of characters etc. This is a slow-paced novel. Join my discord channel and let's have fun together... link below, https://discord.com/invite/QpbCdNZW

Sphire1707 · Thể thao
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
393 Chs

Duration of Recovery

The plane soon took off.

Due to being in the first class area and the plane lacking a few passengers, Jason somehow ended up not having anybody seated beside him.

He ended up sleeping throughout the three-hour flight, only waking up just before the plane was about to land.

The plane soon landed and Jason got off, once again battling with his luggage but managing to handle all of it.

After doing all the necessary things, Jason got out of the airport and got a taxi to take him straight to the CTFD Portogaia training center.

As soon as the words 'CTFD Portogaia' came out of Jason's mouth, the driver did a double take and glanced into the rear-view mirror trying to discern which of the Porto players he was carrying and it didn't take him long to recognize Jason's blue eyes that stared right back at him through the mirror.