
Soul's Session


Another book piled on the left side of my table. *Sigh* That Puppet sure knows how to waste my time. I've gone through 5 books and I can't seem to find a powerful attack by turtle except for biting down hard. Even in mythologies they are only considered holder of vast knowledge of the world. It is only to be expected as turtles usually have a long life span.

They would be stupid like those cave mans if the turtles doesn't accumulate knowledge. Those cave mans only goes out after sitting around doing nothing for hundreds of years oblivious to the things happening in the outside world.

Do i give up? No way! I can't admit defeat. Puppet is still holding with his conflicting personality I gave him. Fine, if it doesn't exist, I'll create a new legend of of a turtle shooting lasers. If that doesn't work I'll make it shoot waters amd considering some species can live on both water and land, I'll make it capable of earth manipulation. Hah, how about that, I will finish this book today.


Right, I forgot this suit. At first I thought this suit would make Puppet suffers a bit, I didn't expect his body to improve so fast that this suit is improving his strengthening process. A suit that absorbs most of your body moisture and nutrients... any ordinary people would turn to a shrivelled corpse in a week but to him, it only made him a little hungry.

*Sigh* Most of my prank to him isn't working. The memory lost seems to affect him a bit, even his butler is worried. Damn it, why am I even thinking of pranking him right now... Less than 1 year is left, I should do my part properly. Saving this world is a must.

I rested my elbow on top of the desk, palm facing outside, placed both my pinky and ring finger at the base of my thumb. Pinching hard with my middle finger and thumb, I snapped my finger and twisted my palm.


A loud clicking sound was heard and a moment later an old guy dressed in suit opened my door.

"Yes master?" He said while slightly bowed.

"Bring me 10 set of high calory meal and could you please build a pool for me? I want to write a book while being completely submerged. I'd hate it to have my session interrupted like last time."

Looking slightly shocked, he nodded.

"Your wish is my command. It will take some time to build a proper pool."

"No need for a proper one, just get four glass around two meter tall and one meter wide, glue them together and water seal it at the sides and bottom. fill the water in and I can write completely submerged."

Scratching his head, he replied. "I will personally build it master, give me one hour after i bring you your meal master."

Without any other word uttered, he exited the room. Swift and efficient. I like this slave that Puppet trained. Now where did I put my waterproof paper along with that pen.

Without realizing it, I had become engrossed in yet another book. It was not before that slave woke me from my immersion that I'm aware of the steaming hot food all around.

"Please." The slave only uttered a word while bowing to me and gestured at the food.

If it wasn't for this vessel's health, I would straight up research a whole new combat gear for the soldier's use. *sigh* When would I be able to go on a week without eating?

Focused on eating this time, I became oblivious to my surrounding. Only focussing on how thoroughly grinded was the food in my mouth. I counted a total of 42 time the food would need to be chewed before swallowing. This would allow for better nutrients absorption by the body thus further improving the rate at which this vessels grow stron-

"Master, I've finished filling the hastily made pool. Forgive me for the lack of ornation." That old man interrupted me again, how rude. I noticed there are still three more plate filled with heavily nutritious food... *Sigh* It is worth the effort... For the future.

Finished gulping down the nutritious meal, I climbed to get inside the pool and begins my session of researching, designing and creating a book about a silver turtle.


Opening my eyes, it hurts. Opening them again I noticed I'm inside a glass tank filled with water.

*Choking sound*

I calm down, luckily I wasn't flailing around like a drowned person. Still, that shitty Soul... Is he trying to kill this vessel? As it is my habit to take a deep breath everytime I wake up.. I almost drowned trying to breathe water.

Opening my eyes wide, I observed the surrounding. There is no one here, I'm quite lucky to avoid my blunder being seen by others. Picking up all the books here, nothing seems to be out of place. Just the usual research and new designs he did.

I put all these books in the corner of this water tank. There seems to be a lot of effort put in constructing this water tank. As I climbed out of it, I observed every details there is.

The north corner is engraved with a dragon coiling around with one of it's claw grabbing a sapphire blue pearl. No head or tail could be seen.

The south corner is made out of a milky jade tile ornated with an onyx black image of a black Tiger. It's eye were ruby red and seems to be alive looking at where ever you are.

The east corner is a blue pheonix spreading it's wing wide as if embracing the water tank.

The west corner is decorated with a jet black scale. Probably depicting the Imoogi. No head or tail could be seen either.

Humm, perhaps the base of this water tank is a turtle's shell? I sharpened my gaze and indeed there is a similar resemblance of a turtle's shell. I wonder how long was I out.