
Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Alexander Maxim Universe, A kind old man, a war veteran, the most renowned scientist in the world. After a life full of hardship Alexander finally completes his promise to his dead wife. He made a super-effective medicine for cancer. But his kindness was greeted with ugly politics and betrayal from his loved ones. However, something different awaited him on the other side. ... After his death, due to unknowingly saving the lives of billions of people, God adopted him as his son and gave him the job to purify the multiverse from sin. From that day onwards, Angels and demons called him the God's Advocate. "My son, enjoy yourself while working, okay!. I don't want you to get bored from your job like Jesus. Damn, I miss Jesus, why did I send him there" ***Warning - No Harem, Extremely OP protagonist, more of a slice of life story.*** ___________________________ 2 Chapters daily [1st major world - Harry potter. Will not strictly follow the canon - Chapter 4-45] [2nd major world - Game of thrones - Chapter 47-105] [3rd major world - Marvel - 107 - 228] [4th major world - One Piece - 229 - 300] [5th mini-world - Star Wars - 302 - 329] [6th major world - Naruto - 330 - 402] [7th major world - Avatar: The Last Airbender - 406 - 452] [8th major world - Bleach - 460 -492] [9th major world - My Hero Academia - 493 -528] [10th major world - Full Metal Alchemist Bro. - 529 -584] [11th major world - Dragon Ball - 595 - 663] [12th Final Arc - DC world - 663 - 704] ____________________________ I do not own anything except the main character in this fanfiction. ____________________________ For advance chapters- www.patreon.com/misterimmortal Check out my other fics if you like this one by going into my profile. Thank You.

MisterImmortal · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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704 Chs

152. Defenders Of The Universe

"Death it is then." The Beast arrogantly proclaimed.

The Beast dashed to Alexander at an unimaginable speed and punched him in the stomach. He thought it connected but it was just an illusion.

Alexander appeared on the right side of the Beast and kicked him.


Alexander shockingly heard Beast scorn. The next thing he knew, Beast had caught his leg and slammed him to the ground.


A many miles wide crater was created where Alexander fell.

Alexander thankfully covered himself in a magical shield so he didn't get much injured. But there was blood, his golden blood falling from his mouth.

He cast a minor healing charm on himself and got ready for round two.

Alexander disappeared and reappeared beside Beast and punched him. He repeated the same thing at a very fast speed. He appeared and disappeared after each punch. Hundreds of punches were being thrown at Beast every second.

Then Alexander suddenly took out his RPG launcher and started firing thousands of rockets with his magic in them. Each of those rockets had the power to destroy a small planet.

But the Beast was just dodging the rockets. Alexander found himself wasting time and went back to physical attack. He created dozens of illusions of himself and started bombarding him with punches.


Finally, a good hit connected with the Beast's face. The punch was so strong that his body was thrown back to his castle many miles away. The castle got demolished from the impact.

"Haha, now I understand." The beast exclaimed and continued.

"So you can get stronger from fighting ha? What if there is no fight and you just die. Let me remind you. THIS IS MY REALM"

Beast picked up some black stone from the ground and ate it.

Alexander suddenly heard the sound of people screaming and crying in agony. Then he noticed that they were all coming from inside the Beast, or the black stone he just ate to be precise.

"My billions of years of hard work. Billions of souls I collected. But I have no regrets if I can kill you with it. Your soul will be much tastier." Beast spoke. His body was radiating black smoke and his mouth was salivating.

For the first time in so many years, Alexander was unsure how to fight this foe. But he also had energy worth a black hole. Hopefully, it would be enough.

The Beast jumped towards him. Alexander unleashed all his strength.

"Haha, it won't be enough." Beast laughed in the middle of the sky.


Nothing happened. The Beast was standing in front of Alexander. Alexander looked down and saw a wide hole in his chest.

"You Died," Beast grinningly said.

Alexander looked back up at Beast and started laughing. "HAHAHA... I wouldn't start enjoying victory yet."

Suddenly his body vanished while Alexander had been thinking about how to deal with Beast. His body then popped up a few miles away from where he died.

"H-How are you still alive?" Beast had a shocked face when he sensed him.

"Immortality," Alexander revealed.

He then unleashed all the spells he knew. Bombarda Suprima, Fiendfyre Suprima, Frostfyre Maxima, Killing curse, and also grenades and rockets. It was actually doing something to Beast.

While continuously keeping up his magical attacks, he attacked him physically.

"You might have the strength, but it will soon run out. While I have the strength and all the time in the world." Alexander punched with full force. Their fists collided

"AAAAAA" Beast screamed in pain as his arm's bones broke.

"HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE" Beast was surely losing his mind now. He kept on asking the same question.

But his maddening state was proving to be harder to handle. It was like he was in some kind of beast mode and his body reacted automatically. No matter how fast Alexander was he was always countered with strong attacks.

Alexander was again getting bloody.

"WHYYYYY" The beast roared and took out another black crystal. It was smaller than before.

Alexander didn't want more souls of people to be eaten so he attacked.

"Haha..." The beast laughed.

Alexander realized his mistake, but it was already too late. Beast grabbed his neck. Then he proceeded to eat the stone.

Alexander got enraged and turned into his animagus form. The humongous lion was too big for Beast to hold. Alexander quickly slapped his claw at Beast, making the black stone fall from his hand.

Before the stone, even touched the ground, he took it into his pocket dimension and got purified, releasing all the trapped souls. But his big form was a disadvantage as it gave the Beast more area to attack. He refrained from turning back as it would take time.

He started fighting the best he could to tire Beast out. Hoping that he would die and be respawned in his normal form or it would at least give him time to turn back.

"WHAT ARE YOUUU?" Beast crazed.

The huge lion and the demon fought for a very long time. The Battle still didn't look anywhere near the end. Beast also had his dark black blueish blood flowing out of his various wounds. Alexander's lion body was also covered in his golden blood. He was panting a bit, but his eyes still had a firm resolve.

"We can keep this up for as long as you want. I promised someone that I'll kill you. And I WILL KILL YOU" He spoke in his thunderous lion roar.


1 week had passed outside.

The Hand was already erased from Earth. But there was still no news of Alexander. Dobby, Hela, and Ragnarok were trying to find him but couldn't. Their search only led them to one conclusion that he had gone on to fight in another dimension.

So Dobby went to the Ancient One as she knew how to cross dimensions.

"Yes, I can feel him in a demon called Beast's dimension. He should have told me before going there. I could have helped." Ancient One exclaimed.

"Can you take us there?" Hela worriedly asked. She had grown to love her new family and didn't want to lose anyone in it.

"Absolutely, I can. Wait, someone is trying to come here." Ancient One loudly interrupted.

Suddenly a dark red flame appeared in the room. Jean Grey walked out of it.

"What happened to Grandpa? Why haven't I received funny texts from him all this week?" She asked.

"He's trapped in Beast's dimension. He's probably fighting it too. We were about to go there." Dobby explained.

~You should go. I can help kill the Beast. He's a very powerful demon.~ Phoenix told Jean in her mind.

"Then count me in...." Jean was interrupted by a colorful light falling from the sky. When the light disappeared an old man with a white beard and golden eye patch appeared.

"Where is Alex? He promised to play chess with me this week," Odin asked Dobby. Dobby repeated what he told Jean.

"Damnit, why wasn't I invited for this fight? He told me I'm a part of his Defenders of the Universe team. I'm in, let's go and kill this beast." Odin's golden armor appeared on his body.

"I am coming too, he went there due to my stupid promise" Olivia barged in.

No one had the guts to say no to her at that time. They already had a pretty strong lineup so they didn't worry much. Jean Grey(Phoenix), Ancient One, Odin, Hela, Ragnarok, Hulk, Dobby, Olivia, and Shiroi Kage were already very OP people.

"Wait, count me in too" Another voice came and Archangel Michael appeared in his majestic form.

Dobby nodded and shouted, "Alright then. Defenders... ASSEMBLE"

~Why do I feel like the boss would have laughed at those words~ Dobby felt.


"You can't kill me, Beast. So do me a favor and just die." Alexander shouted. He was back in his human form and continuously grew stronger.

"HOWWWWW" Beast madly raged. He was able to kill the lion but Alexander appeared again which made him go crazier.

Alexander only had minor injuries now, much lesser than his opponent. But Beast had started to summon lesser demons now, which were very annoying to deal with. He didn't know how much time he had spent fighting. The Beast was much weakened now but it'll still take some time to finish him off. Then suddenly he heard a familiar voice.

"Need help, boss?"

Alexander turned and saw the craziest lineup of OP people.

"Haha, the Defenders have arrived, Alex," Odin majestically spoke. He had become a very good friend of Alexander and nearly considered him his elder brother.

"Haha, it seems the pig has been giving you trouble." Ragnarok joked.

"Grandpa, I missed your jokes," Jean added.

"Alex, you will sleep on the couch. How can you be so careless to come here alone" Olivia showed her love-filled anger.

Alexander felt so loved at that moment, "Hahaha... I didn't know this pig was this strong."

"Then let's finish it." Hela smoothly took out the sword that Alexander gifted her.

The Beast had started to feel the combined power radiating from Alexander and the others. "PESTS, ALL ARE PESTS"

He dashed towards them and they did the same.


The first attack came from Hulk, who punched Beast straight into his face.

"HOW DARE YOU HURT MY HUSBAND." Olivia roared. She was in her own armor and had a long sword in her hand. Olivia had a very pure magic thanks to the old man God. It was very effective on demonic beings like Beast.

She made a slash at Beast's arm and a wide wound appeared one it. They all heard anguish filled roars of him.

"You mess with Grandpa, you mess with me" Jean burned him in her fire phoenix form.

"You delayed my chess game." Odin attacked with his spear. Cutting his leg.

"Your existence is a threat to the mortal world." Ancient One used her mystic arts and cut his left arm.

"For corrupting my home" Shiroi suddenly appeared behind Beast and slashed at him.

"Demons like you have no place in father's world." Archangel Michael bellowed and stabbed his sword in the Beast's guts.

"You dared to put your filthy eyes on my family. Death is too little for you." Hela planted her sword in the ground and many spikes came from the ground under the Beast, punching many holes in his body. Odin looked at Hela proudly.

The Beast was kneeling on the ground from the constant attacks. Alexander walked up to him with his huge Dragon Slayer Sword.

"The Defenders of the Universe sentences you to death," he prepared to slash with full power at his neck. He also read his sins at the same time.


||Beast - Category 5

Damage to lives across multiverse and dimensions - 7,158,578,432,789

Sin Percentage - 100%||


The Beast really felt that he was going to die and started to use different tactics, "Please, mercy..." But before he could say more, Alexander interrupted.

"Showing mercy to your enemies it the biggest hypocrisy. And I am not a hypocrite"


The sword beheaded Beast at a speed many times faster than sound. He then used his eyes to erase his body and soul from space and time.

Since that day, his sword wasn't just called Dragon Slayer, a new name 'Demon Slayer' was also added to it.

"Let's go out and celebrate. I don't know how long I've been fighting and I really need a drink." Alexander announced.

"Yes, let's celebrate. It's been a very long time since I've been to Midgard" Odin cheered.

Alexander took out his anywhere door and opened a path to Westeros bar. In just a few minutes. The Defenders of the Universe were eating and drinking the best whiskey and the best burgers in the world.

[You can see The Defenders Of The Universe on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jönsson* and *Conrad*.

Thank you for your support!