
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

chapter 39(demonic sword unleashed: fiendBloodborne vs nature bestowal : spirit garden manifestation)

after running for 6 minutes straight, Amon's thoughts wondered towards a stray thought which he originally throw at the back of his mind

'its been a while since I have used mortality techniques, I've only used them secretly when doing exercises,minor chores and other same matters,I've never truly used them...this is my first time using them completely after coming to this world,let's start with this for now'

-I am ahead of you-

when he started running,he started off at the normal speed of his age,then in less then three seconds his speed reach that of a ten year old,then 15, afterwards 20, then it reached the highest speed of a normal human physique,then it reach slightly beyond that of the normality of man,then that similar to beast's,then it kept increasing till his speed was similar to that of a peak level tier 11

this was a result of mortality technique's, a form/type of technique or martial arts which helps cause slight evolution and strengthening to the human body

type: speed technique

name: I am ahead of you

effects: increases speed till the limits of current body

second form: boost flexibility and reflex

third form: decrease weight, presence and visibility by 70-90%

'although it's slightly hard to maintain and can collapse instantly if I lose concentration....plus...the energy and stamina consumption is no joke' amon though

Normally one can only activate mortal technique for a short span of time because of the limited natural energy of the human body(energy to do work), which could only be replenish by eating and sleeping, adding to the fact it's not a continuously storable energy like other energy's like mana and others

but amon has another mortal technique for that

type: body technique

name: eaten energy destrebuss

effects: help extract 99% energy of all things eaten and drunk , filter away all the dirt in things taken into the body and help make use of the energy for bodily benefit(strengthening and healing)


after running for another one and half an hour.... Amon reach the main river, following the

reverse of it's flow at his current highest speed

he took out the dagger from his bag and wrapped his right hand around it's hilt,he said in a soft voice

"hey...chief lead the way,the fastest route to agreed location"

[brat!!! why did you suddenly toss me into the bag like some garbage you just casually pick up....and my name is not Chief,just imagine being a farmer and your name is ja but instead of people calling you ja or farmer ja they start calling you farmers] the voice of angry boiling sounds out from the dagger

"I have no time for this...I have already wasted enough time on this, Silvia must be worried" Amon said without giving dogshit about what he was saying

[my name is Xoha....but seeing as we are currently in a predicament,I lead you to the fastest route I know....but I will warn you,it might have changed overtime]

"no problem...just lead the way" Amon said

with the help of Xoha,he immediately had an easier time navigating through the forest even though most of the forest had changed from ten thousand years ago.

though 40% of the time he was yapping nonsense he was very useful

when they saw the Mystic falls from afar,amon immediately increased his speed

but half way there

[get down]"fuck" both him and xoha spoke out simultaneously

instantly using a lazy-donkey-roll

not caring about his expensive clothes tearing open in between his pants,

ripping open his immature muscles and dislocated some bones. the pain was so great making his young body wanting to scream out yet he forcefully stoped himself

but he wasn't regretful for the pain instead he was very greatful for it

immediately after he dodge,a dark blood red aura swipe past a big half of the entire forest, directly cliving and severing all things that stood tall.

be it animal, monsters,trees and others..as long as you stood high... your reward would be DEATH by severing

amon stood up and looked at where the attack came from.. only to see the demon knight floating high in the air with a hole in his chest and the sword which was in the flower resting on his right grip

looking down menacingly at the swamp lizard


a few minutes early

while the demon knight was fighting with all his might and struggling with the swamp lizard

he was continuously looking around with both his true demon eyes and his demonic energy enhanced eyes, searching for any life form that would fulfill the requirements to unseal the demonic sword.

but no matter how much he searched,he still couldn't find any lifeform whatsoever...the only life forms present which could fulfill the requirements where

the swamp lizard- who has already transcended into the realm of nature lord, a special privilege bestowed only by nature herself.. basically making her as strong,if not stronger than himself.

so he can just forget about using her as a sacrifice without defeating her or killing her

and the other lifeform present that fit this requirement would be


if only this bloody sword accepted me as it's master completely and not treating me as someone unworthy of it...I would have easily demolish this fledgling of a nature lord who has just entered it's it's 1 stage of lordship

bending his body slightly dodging a energy blast and parring a tail swing which throw him from the demonic energy cloud he was standing on

hitting the ground, climbing out from the crater only to be greeted by the gapping jaws and crystallin teeth's of the swamp lizard

having no choice but to use,azka's nano compression shield; a technology based defensive equipment from the demonic realms,a shield which compresses itself into a bracelet on the owner's arm only turning into it's shield form when it's injected with demonic energy

although he knew this was only a temporary measure as only equipment at the level of spirit grade can stop a nature lord... and this shield was only at the level of high level mortal grade

after three attacks the shield lost its glow and shape

not even waiting for the demonic knight to catch his breath,the swamp lizard directly threw out a left right combo, sending the demonic knight flying back...the demonic knight used the momentum from the throw to gain distance from the swamp lizard

when his back touch the ground,he immediately raised his legs and lower body up into the air with his neck and back supporting his body, putting his palms on the ground...

he pushed with might directly flying backwards gaining even more distance from the swamp lizard who was already reaching him

when his legs touch the ground he bent slightly and jumped into the air,using a demonic skill <demonic wings manifestation>

to create wings out of the his demonic energy

looking coldly at the swamp lizard who had stopped her crazy attacks on the demon knight and is currently looking at the demon with a look of vigilant

sucking in cold air,he started speaking with voice filled with hate

"I have long heard that nature lords are creatures of peace, balance and nature only hostile to those who have offended them or the forest which they lord over,yet I have not offended you in any way...I only took a little bit of life from the forest yet you have decided to fight me to death....I shall tell you this,I am not one to be bullied"

immediately after he finishes speaking,he raised his right hand...

then directly thrusting it into the very center of his chest, taking out the a heart similar to that of a human but instead of it being red in color it was black..with the blood it released being red

stretching his hand forth and leaving the heart at the same time he said in a heavy tune


the sword which originally rested peacefully at the center of the flower suddenly flew out at light speed, directly piercing into the heart and started floating

looking at the floating sword pierced heart,the demon knight muttered with a bitter tune

"that is my second time using this method...now I only have one heart left" touching his left chest chest

with a drinking sound,the heart magically started drying,with the sword's red color glowing vibrantly red

when the heart was completely dried...it withered away, turning into


the swamp lizard still hadn't come to a decision yet if to attack or not,as all this only took a few seconds

but the demon knight didn't even waste a second after the heart dried instead he immediately grabbed the handle with both his hand's and swung down... sending a blood red sword aura which spread out like a stone thrown into water, directly reaching half the forest and cleaving half of it away, animal's, monster's, tree's,lone mountains, hills and more...

the demonic sword instantly proved it's lethality...

but such powerful strength has its price...immediately after the demon knight held the sword he fell into influence of the demonic known as, becoming it's slave falling it 'madness','bloodlust' and 'bloodloss'

mad;is a state where the one holding the demonic sword -fiendBloodborne- completely loses all rationality and start attacking all things that moves

bloodlust:is a battle craved state where the one in possession of the demonic sword -fiendBloodborne-

is doing all in their ability to make sure blood continues flowing,by any means necessary

bloodloss: the one in possession of the demonic sword -fiendBloodborne- will have their blood continuously sucked and drained by the sword throughout the the duration of the battle


back to present

amon look in awe from a distance

"for a lifeform to possess power similar to a nuke....this,this is very exciting" Amon said looking at it from afar forgetting that the nuke level bastard was after his life

[brat I have no idea what the fuck you just said but you better start running for your life...cause if that demon manages to defeat the Lord swamp lizard then you are next]

but Amon completely ignored him instead he pick up the communication device and sent a message saying-[guy's stay where you don't come and search for me,leave immediately after 40 minutes, regardless if I am they or not]

after he said that,he put the phone away into his spacial bag( changing the communications device to phone from now on)

turning over just in time to witness the place where the swamp lizard original stood explode with air pressure.

pushing away all the dirt clouds to reveal the the figure of the swamp Lizard

"KEkekEKe...As eXpecTed oF A nAtUrE LoRd,yOU wONt dIE FrOM SuCh a SImplE aTtaCk" the demonic knight which was supposed to have lost all its rationality,roared out a surprisingly rational statement, thought in a slightly creepy and weird tune

causing Amon who was far from them yet could hear them thanks to him forcefully enhancing his ears and the demon knight loud voice to have goosebumps listening to him

but amon had to agree with the demonic knight.

the swamp lizard is currently looking more menacing and beautiful than it original was....

it's scales suddenly grew slightly longer and on each of them was a shiny rune

at the back of the lizard,it's dorsal Crist grew longer as well with the light it radiates increased

the -nature bestowal- runes on its claw's and eyes where glowing as well,with small light green and lemon colored treads of energy coming out from them, dancing and waving in the air

it's slitted eyes radiated a dangerous and deadly glow causing the frenzied demonic knight to retreat backward while looking down from the sky

a mature female voice spoke from unknown source but the demon could immediately pinpoint the origin of the voice

it was from the swamp lizard

the words she spoke where simple

~~"nature bestowal : spirit garden manifestation "~~

Incase I didn't say the swamp lizard is a she

and if I had mistakenly used 'He' or 'HIM' as reference

then sorry I apologize

OceanStarcreators' thoughts