
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 38 (opposition in range,hitman organization; hunterbasket)

in the path selected by Amon the tree's where closer in range and as results of th splitting up the masma creature's also divided into different groups to chase after them

with the help of the cramped trees,their increased size and the reduction of speed which came with the increase in size, amon and ovec where already to far for them to catch up to... adding to the fact that ovec was an assassin who specializes in speed and agility

"AHHHHHHHHHH...FUCKING LIZARD HOW DARE YOU !!!!!" the demon knight voice rages from afar

one could easily tell he wasn't in an advantageous situation....

which was fortunate for them

after running for another 20-30 minutes, they arrived at a location where a great many brefge where in root,nest of many great and small birds crown the branches of the trees,once in a while a small rodent or two would willfully climb or crawl out from their holes and barrel's only to by swiped up from the ground by the birds of prey...with the smaller birds hiding in their nest or simply playing outside....at the very bottom of the tree where many seeds of brefge fruit.

suddenly a small numbers of black tusked elephant walk out from another Open road.....from a far yet not so far distance from them where groups of different animals.the elephant group after getting close enough to the brefge tree's stopped letting only their leader who has a size larger than a school bus to continue walking.

it's majestic was worthy of it being call a leader of such mighty beast's

when Amon and Ovec saw this,amon asked ovec to reduce his speed by 70%,his reason best known to himself

it was a very slow and majestic walk but when it finally reached the middle of the massive forest of brefge,he raised his front limbs high up into the air...then brought them down at the next moment


the force and vibration traveled through both air and earth to shake the tree's heavily enough for them to start dropping fruit's from above

when the first fruit hit the ground there was a much larger reaction than the stomping of the dark tusk elephant

the creatures instantly when crazy with all of them running wildly towards the fruits falling from the sky

this reaction immediately baffled Amon who was paying 80% attention to this process

' what's so special about unripe and premature brefge fruits thats causing all this creature to go crazy over it' amon though

and yes this weren't ripen brefge fruit's but immature and unripened ones

'not only are preys and predator coexist together without caring that they are basically hunter and hunted..but they seem to have repulsion towards the ripened one's '

amon though amon knew he was lacking in information but their reaction reminded him of an old memory

'this reminds me of that time in earth pillar or formally know as Sahara' Amon though with a smile hiding behind his currently cold face

but when he looks at the ground he discovered a disgusting sight which almost force not just him but Ovec to what to throw Thier inside out

on the ground a many great number of earth worms of different kinds came into sight stretching as far as the eyes can see

Their target where the seeds which where broken open by the stomp's of the horde of beasts... devouring all of them and started eating the ones unbroken as well

Amon simply shakes the disgusting sight from his mind.... returning to the beast horde which the effects of the brefge fruit's has started taking effects on already...

the birds forgot how to fly and start staggering,falling, standing up and repeating the process continuously

the snake's and serpent's started performing the ouroboros circle, with the completely mature and overly poisonous ones poisoning their self to death in process

most of the mammals either started fighting each other or simply fell asleep

and this is nature no actual parental control are truly practiced as their children and young ones where Also in on the high of life

some even directly gave some to their Cubs, directly paralyzing them from highness putting them at the mercy of other's

most of the smaller mammals only took a single bite with the bigger ones like the ghost eyed bear eating 3-4 with the results being shown above...

"truly mother nature is fascinating and filled with wonder's.... "amon muttered in awe

turning to ovec who was already looking around anxiously

"let's go" amon said while gesturing for ovec to turn so he could climb on top his back

after climbing they resumed,

"you have also rested a little right sir ovec?"

"yes young Master..I thank you for your consideration of my health" ovec spoke without looking back instead kept running forward

along the way amon suddenly fell asleep

'!!!!' ovec noticed but didn't wake him up instead continues running at full speed

after what seemed like 7-10 minutes after Amon fell asleep,he stop by a side of an old tree

looking around he turned and dropped Amon

his entire persona changed

his eyes turn emotionless,his figure that looked tired and worn-out became straight and imposing,his presence almost completely merged with the surrounding,

his breath started releasing white air similar to when one is in a cold area

and yet the entire environment wasn't at the temperature which could produce such effects

looking down at Amon with his cold and emotionless eyes

"what a monster....not only is he smart and well informed....but he also has such a inhumane defensive system, the beauty of sleep&death,an acute triangle mixed type poison which is supposed to put people around the of 3rd to 2nd tier professionist to sleep after 4-5 minutes of them inhaling it....such valuable poison which I never expected to use on a boy who basically has no power whatsoever...but not only did you not immediately go to sleep but Instead resisted for 8-9 minutes, forcing me to wait an extra 10 more just to be certain" he said with a praising Voice which sounded like the bitterness of an old man who lost something valuable

"its not like you can hear me....but why did you choose this path though? they is nothing here?" he said scanning the surrounding seeing nothing but a cliff at the end which leads down to an unknown abyss.....





the ground started shaking violently

causing rocks at the end of the cliff to start falling of

"what's this....!?!?!!" Ovec said with a switch in expression


29 consecutive explosion sounded

causing a jump in ovecs heart

"what the fuck.....what the hell type of mission is this?you all only said retrieve the young master of the slaen barony....no one told me I was going to die along the way!!!!!" he screamed out complain's

when the dust cleared what led before his eyes where jet-black giant and menacing worms with giant multi jawed mouth without any form of eyes what so ever

at the both sides of their body are bloodred whisker like wipes which continuously move around like catfish whiskers

"what the actual fuck.... aren't those boomworms??why in the actual fuck are you guys like that" he asked with sweet rolling down his Head, although he asked he never expected any form of responds except


pure violence

they attack..directly attempting to swallow him whole

"how dear you mere worms..." ovec move at a speed 2 × faster then his already shown speed, proving his actual rank as lower level tier 8

not only was he much faster and stronger but his fighting reaction where also more experienced than all the other squad members proving another point of decades of experience

with a single swing he directly aimed and pierced one of the worms hearts causing it to release massive amounts of blood

"ha...so that's all your made of ?" he said with a smile then he suddenly bent down into a leaping form similar to the one monslum used at the beginning of the fight against the crock's

but when he did it,it has another flavor altogether...when monslun used it he was like a tiger hidden in the shadows his presence everywhere yet nowere

but when ovec used it,it's more than just tiger hidden in shadow,but more of the shadow it self

"special ability{shadow rogue} " saying so his ability instantly manifested into the living plane as his shadow climb out from behind him to manifest a clock which downed on him

{shadow rogue}

Simmons a shadow mantle from the realms of shadow to down in battle


increase speed and agility by a level

increase strength by another 2×

increase defense by a level

decreasing of presence completely from those who don't have you in their immediate sight by %100

after activating his ability he started harvesting the lives of the worms ending their lives before they could activate their ability

after killing 24 of them he smiled looking at the other ones

then one of them suddenly realized They don't have advantage in number anymore

raising it's head into the sky and


when ovec heard this he suddenly had a bad idea, turning back wanting to carry Amon and run away bit it was too late



the force and ferocity the worms started coming out created defining explosions

ovec simple stood there....

terrified by the disgusting sight before him

over a 100 worms similar to those ones or even much bigger surface surrounding them

he started throwing up from disgust, looking up again after calming down and cleaning the side of his mouth a said with a disgusted voice

"nah....I ain't fucking

throwing hand's with any of you" saying so he jumped back picked amon up by his neck and started running back into the forest easily losing them

yet after running for over 20 minutes at his highest speed

"this worms don't have eyes yet they can still locate me even with my special ability active....what's going on?!?!?!!!!" ovic screamed in a raging voice

no matter how much he tried to run,turn,maneuver and hide he still couldn't escape their unending pursuit

after running for another hour and half he was already low on energy, looking at Amon with killing intent

"it's all because of you little shit....if only my survival and that of my lover wasn't on your head...I would have taken it myself" voice said

but that was just a wishful thinking,as he was suddenly surrounded by the worms with nowhere else to run to

throwing amon badly to the ground causing him to hiss in his sleep yet not waking up

but ovec didn't even care about the force he use as he was currently using all his remaining energy to fight the worms

luckily for Amon he was thrown at the side of a small but sulid mountain causing the worms to not budder with him for the time being as their target was currently causing a massacre toward their brethrens

after over an hour of life and death fighting and some worms sacrificing themselves using their ability to injure ovec badly...both sides where in teetered state and only 12 worms and their queen remaining

looking at them ovec smiled with his blooded face saying with a self proclaiming voice

"you have lost... victory is mine bitches"

although he said that, he knew better than anyone how is current state is

after the Queen heard that she seemed to have understood it's meaning

with the vibration and connection to the earth she has,she could easily tell that their organism is no more.....

an it's all thanks to that human over there

with anger,rage, hatred and bitterness, feeling emotions she barely feels before...

she gave an unredeemable order


this time the sound Queen produce was foil deeply by her emotions

her subject's could hear clearly it's meaning

and there too responded with similar sorrowful sounds




and they all went straight for ovec who smirk evilly at this sight as he could see the red veins appearing all over their jet-black bodies...a sign which shows they're about to use their ability

a very very fucked up ability

one which the others have been using throughout the fight with him, causing him and the other worm's massive damage

ability {explosive suicid}

as they all got close to him and jump preparing to detonate themselves with him

ovec bent his knees slightly wanting to use that leaping technique both him and monslun used ....to escape.



four consecutive gunshots where heard,with overwhelming pain being generated from both his knee caps assaulting Ovec's brain causing him to momentarily forget about everything

what came next was.....



after the explosion calmed down completely.

Ovec led on the ground completely defenseless with all four of his limbs completely obliterated,half his face was also burnt and his lower waist no longer existing

one of his eyes has turned completely white with trance of blood dried up at the corner, all the flesh on his jaws where evaporated leaving only burnt muscles

with the remaining usable eye he looked at the smoke and dust cloud blocking his vision,but it did not stop him from see a shadowy figure standing at the other end of the smoke cloud

looking at the figure with fear and praying to anyone for him not to come over...

only for his prayers to be meet with rejection by whoever he prayed to

the figure walk slowly and steadily into the smoke and dust clouds, moving towards ovec...

every step the figure takes causes his BP to increase badly..his remaining eye was filled with tears as his fear towards death reviled itself....the rate of his heartbeat has already reach a dangerous level at the time he finally saw the true figure of the person

it was non other than his target and the cause if his misfortune

"young master amon....."

ovec said this words with fear, hatred, anxiety and hope

fear->for he is currently defenseless

hatred ->toward the cause of his


anxiety ->for he doesn't know if amon understand the situation or not and would leave him behind

hope-> for he is 99.99% certain that amon was asleep during the whole process and should only wake up a day later

'but with his defense system.. it's natural for him to wake up sooner than expected...and it's actually a good thing' ovec though

Amons response while watching him "I always had a feeling that you were hiding something...not only did you not use your special ability but you also.... keeped looking at me throughout the exploration, although most wouldn't notice but unlike most I'm just built different in this type of things..."

"y-young master what are you talking about...let's get out of here" ovec instantly forget what he was about to to saying something else entirely from shock

looking at the flustered ovec amon expression never left it's apathetic state,he continues without much change

while we were in the group I already discovered you where the strongest of your teammates and I'm sure sir emz discover it too...while we where running it though 'this guy's probably after my life what should I do there's no way I can fight you and if he suddenly goes un a killing spree Silvia would be in danger' so I choose this planes and plan to jump off that cliff...I made a parachute in my free time and added it to my emergency suites"

"then--" ovec wanted to ask a question or specifically any questions to extend his life, because whenever he looks at amon apathetic face,he instantly loses all interest in wanting to beg or deceive the boy

"shhh" amon stop him from speaking, then resumed speaking

"while on the way I discovered how the worms keep going after the brefge fruits seed even with it's near scentless scent, they could some how sense it scent , going as far as to devour the ones with the scent on them and I thought ,'this! I can use this for my own survival' so I dipped 3 of the seeds into visuquom ex and so I secretly smeared some on your clothes when you secretly sprayed that dust into the air.." Amon Said

visuquom ex:->

'it's a type of chemical used by perfume companies to amplifier scent and the officers of law to amplifier the scent of something with faint trances,a chemical of this world... but the ones they use is slightly less powerful than this one as this one is a top quality raw material'

amon though

"and as for the boom worm's....you remembered that book sur emz gave to me? not only those it have I fo on the tribes which live here but also the maps and their inhabitants..and we just so happened to be close to the -pond of no man- where basically no man fishes there as no actually fish live there only giant and naturally mutation boom worms"

"but..but the poison!!! I tore open a small unnoticeable hole in your suit" ovec couldn't believe the poison did not work

"oh no....you tore a hole in my suit....what am I to do?.....well too bad for you though,they are more in my space bag and I can swap them with the one am wearing with a link swap rune in them" Amon said

"If you have so much why didn't you give any to the rest of us...you said you'll take care of your people..you want me to believe This bullshit,this is why I hate noble's" Ovic couldn't help but snap at the Hypocrisy of nobility

"I never lied,this one's are as I said there are, I tagged them with 'usable' or 'sizable' ,you tore the 'sizable' now I am currently where this," amon said while pointing at the lower side of the right legs were a tag with the letter's of 'esizable' amon stated

"well I'll have to go now.." after saying all that he started turned around and started going to the agreed location

"young master....are you...." ovec was taken aback

"am I no going to kill you is what you which to ask?" amon said not turning around nor stopping

"y-yeah" ovic said

"you might not see it but you are currently surrounded by lot's of wild animals...your blood is too filthy to stain my hands" Amon said

and truly as he said, In the dark woods and the darkness behind....lay a many great numbers of hungry and menacing eyes


as Amon listened to the screams and begs of ovec as he kept walking without stop

'not giving the suit way?that not from wickedness or any such emotions, it was simple as; my thoughts where only on Silvia and myself that is why I see no reason I giving them away...' amon thought while walking away.... soon he increased his speed