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God_Of_Brutality · Phim ảnh
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210 Chs

Chapter 5: Ruthless

9:06 PM, Gotham City;

It was a dark noisy night in the crime capital of world, police sirens could be heard from the distance, gunshots from various directions and news chopper's trying to get the next big scoop. But on this night a new face appeared in this lawless city, standing on the edge of tall building overlooking the city with a smile on his face whilst his all dark clothing blended with the city. His hair fluttered in the wind and his eyes seemed to shine with a certain brilliance like never before. He took a deep breath and looked up into the sky.

'So it was real'

But before he could voice his thoughts a voice resounded in his head.

'I have memories of creations that have been to the most beautiful places in existence but they don't compare to seeing something in the flesh...'

The lovely voice of the infinity couldn't retain commenting on anything that she saw.

'Those lovely lights , oh so many vehicles...and such noise...'

A slightly irritated expression rose on Arias's face but he simply let out a breath of air. This feeling was new to him. Having a voice constantly speaking in your head isn't exactly comfortable no matter how lovely the voice.

'Will I have to hear all your thoughts constantly? I don't mind you talking but doing it so energetically is making me barely able to think'

Realizing that she had gone a little overboard she calmed herself.

'I apologize being bound to someone is a new experience for both us and I forgot to take make a few measures so we don't drive each other insane, if you wish it with a simple thought you can block me from seeing and or hearing your thoughts but I'll leave you complete access to mine , I do this to show that I hold no ill will towards you and that I can be trusted as I am a part of you now'.

Arias followed her instructions and cut her access to his thoughts and memories.

'so if I choose to I can simply isolate you for as long as I want?'

The infinity answered with worry in her voice.

'Yes if you so wish but I can be of hel-'.

Arias cut her off before she could start a debate.

'I was simply curious don't take every question I ask so seriously or you'll never cease to worry around me. Not that you'd need to with your capabilities'.

Hearing this the infinity sounded relieved and felt she could trust her refuge to some extent but he on the other hand had different thoughts on the matter

'She seems naive but that's far from the case. Even if she were she'll grow and being bound to me makes her important to me, keeping her close and happy will make her invaluable as I grow'

After thinking about it, Arias communicated with the infinity.

'One more thing , do you mind if I call you Àpeiro it still signifies what you are but since but it rolls off the tongue easier'.

the infinity was silent for a moment she had many great names but none sounded as lovely to her . She stayed silent for long while before finally voicing her thoughts.

'I will cherish the name you've given me my refuge may I...address you as Arias?' She asked rather meekly.


for a moment she seemed to think herself presumptuous for even asking, but he was also grateful to her for fulfilling his one true wish..

'My friends called me Ari feel free to do the same'

She was taken aback once more but positively this time.

'Thank you Ari, I must go into a slumber while our soul strengthens, as it is now we are stressing it too much but feel free to call my name when In need of my presence'

With that, her voice and presence in Arias's mind vanished but the feeling of her still being within did not.

Left alone he closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again almost immediately only this time they had a slight glow on them,his body began to give off a dark smoke which hovered around him. He then removed his sweater, leaving him in his plain black buttoned shirt. He unbuttoned the buttons near his neck then folded his sleeves, afterwards eyed himself up and down before nodding in a satisfied manner.

'I chose this place because it seems best for testing my new power...now...'

His thinking seemed to come to a halt as he leapt off the building free falling rapidly while rotating,leaving a trail of light black smoke which faded moments after, just he was about to hit the ground his body stopped mid fall and faced the right way up his feet mere inches from the ground which cracked from the pressure alone.

'This smoke feels almost sentient, my senses are reacting madly to everything...this feeling...'

He looked around the empty alley he was standing in and walked to one of dumpsters and lifted it off the ground effortlessly before tossing to the sky..but it never came back.

'Incredible...seems my will plays a major role in control, I feel like trying more but the last thing I need is attention before I'm fully settled with my abilities'

with that final thought smoke covered his body once more and seemingly cleansed. He now stood there dressed neatly in Dark chino pants with a button up shirt of the same color and dark boots.

'I suppose I should call it a night soon but I've still got time might as-well see if I can ran into anybody to "lend" me some money'

He didn't have to walk far as a few blocks over from where he landed, a group of men and few women stood by the steps of some crummy looking apartment building

'they'll probably force money from tenants, I've seen this enough times to know the drill. However they're about to lose that money to me'

...he walked confidently towards the apartment building not even needing to state his intentions as they spoke first.

One of the male gang members was quick to speak first.

"well well looks like we got a lost pretty boy on our hands boss"

Another member bearing a scar on his face then added on.

"seems so heh ,drop everything and I mean everything and walk away am in a good mood today hahahaha"

The female gang members eyed him up and down and licked their lips as if they just saw the meal of a lifetime, Arias simply looked at them without answering, his body tingling to break them apart.

'This feeling...'

He encountered situations like this before but back then he could only either give them money or talk his way out, however this time was different.

Seeing as he wasn't reacting, an energetic member of the group spoke up.

" Boss I think he's mocking you heh you're dead ki-"

As the slim looking man was about to kiss ass a fist landed right in his face, making fly into the building wall before his body fell lifelessly.

"A META!!".

The gang members shouted in unison panic with fear filling their once proud faces. Before they could even beg. Arias held two of them in the air with his bare hands..he looked at the leader and smiled



He then cracked the two men's skulls in. The women where kneeling on the floor but one had tried to stand.


Her leg got crushed then a hard covered her mouth before she could scream , Arias the leaned into her ear.

"Shhh, people are sleeping, if you make one more sound I'll have to silence you for good..."

He said slowly and with no emotion which sent shivers down the girl's spine.

The gang girl bit her lips and endured while her friend simply covered her mouth and kept kneeling.

"Fuck off right now or I'll shoot!"

The gang leader held a gun in his hand and pointed it at Arias who simply smiled before holding the barrel and crushing it with his hands,he then held the gang leader by the jacket and brought him closer before stuffing the gun in his mouth with a hard punch.

"3 dead 2 in excruciating pain and 1 just kneeling well that's not fair".

He looked at the uninjured gang girl before slowly walking towards her, she began to remove all her possessions and money before removing her clothes as-well.

"Oh?, well you're smarter than your friends I'll give you that..search them all and bring the money to me"

She hurriedly gathered the money like he ordered before handing it to him but right after, he put his hands on her neck and cracked it.

"I'm not exactly picky but she looked looser than my sense of justice".

'Killing is nothing new to me but doing so with my bare hands feels...different'.

Having ended his little encounter he carried on with his stroll before something caught his eye...

'interesting, I didn't think I'd see a familiar face today..'

He looked at shadowy figures rushing into what seemed to be an abandoned building. He simply looked on before coming to a decision.

'let's observe for a little while ,this looks interesting'.

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