
Gotham knight

A guy gets reincarnated into the dc world with all the martial arts in the world downloaded into his brain, he has a lot of options to choose from not just being a hero or a villian. but he chose to be something more than that, something better, he chose to be HOPE. my 2nd fanfic

KamBroFam123ERT · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs



It was chaos, the most beautiful i have seen since that time i filled the cities water supply with viagra, i know pretty old school villany stuff but if it works it works i think to myself as i throw dynamite on all the cars i pushed aside a minute ago with my truck.

The explosions are pretty...but they are boring if i can't see any casualties. When will batman come here, i though that assassin won't die on the bridge, i thought of it as a side quest before he fights the final boss, in this case me.

Turns out he isn't as selfish as i thought he was. But i am bored fighting cops and need some bats in my fight to spice things up, cops aren't enough for me but as i hear the hooves of horses behind me i turn around to look at a special surprise fight i didn't plan let's see who this is going to be.


A shit show it was to kill those damn beasts, but we couldn't get any rest whatsoever because the mob which has been running when the animals appeared have made their presence known by attacking us when we aimed our guns back at joker.

Did people really fall this far in this city to support a criminal instead of the people that saved their lives, that early retirement has been looking better and better with every passing day now.

I used my guns wooden grip to knock a kids teeth out, maybe i should put aside police brutality aside for just once it might help me release some steam.

I pushed a kid onto the hood of a car and twisted his arms behind his back before handcuffing him, that's the 6th and last handcuff i had on me.

Where the fuck is batman, is he on a date or something because if he was i'll curse that bastard for not being there when i actually fucking need him.

I side step the molotov which hits lamp post behind me and setting the surroundings ablaze "Whoever catches joker gets a promotion, so get going you fuckers" i scream into the communicater, every cop who heard it fighting with a lot more vigor against the crowds which are dwindling down.

"Whoever wants the promotion can take it but the joker is mine" I heard a voice from my communicator which i thought was dead until now and then i heard the hooves of a horse.

-POV Alex-

I woke up to a familiar celing of a hut which i don't remember the path to, i sit up from the bed and look around the room and noticed i am back at masters hut.

I move out of the hut to see master with a few more inches in his hair and beard from the last time i saw him meditating beside a river in the foggy place i thought home years ago "You changed" he says as if he can sense me with his eyes closed "I grew up" i reply but he calmly points to a rock infront of him as he says "physically yes but mentally." He sighs as he continues "you still cling to memories, it's not..." "memory" you interrupt he opens his eyes and raises his eyebrows questioning you.

"I cling onto one memory to motivate me to fight not several" He looks unimpressed "And that one memory just so happens to be triggering your anger doesn't it" I nod at what he says "People are not one moment of their life, that's why you should create new ones" I shake my head as i say "I only need memories which help me in my goal nothing more nothing less."

He takes in my answer as he slowly gets up and walks towards the water "pick up the rock you are sitting on and throw it into the river" I did as he told following his orders became a habit at some point.

The rock causes ripples in the calm surface of the river, is he going to talk zen about how the rock disturbed the tranquility of the lake or some bullshit.

"No, i am not gonna talk zen bullshit" he says and that caught me off gaurd but he continues "Now throw four rocks of the same rocks" I do so in quick succession and look at what happened "What do you see?" I look at him confused as i say "water?" and turn back to the water and feel a stick hitting the back of head "ouch".

"The ripples, observe the ripples you fool" i look and notice something so say "They are smaller?" He nods and says "Your memory is the same kid use it too often and it cancels itself out" I scoff at that and say "So, i have to let someone die again because i need more memories to feel motivated, No thank you".

I get hit in the head again for that "Memories don't have to be anger inducing they just have to be memories" He paused here and looks at me as he continues "memories are needed but not all memories need to be the same" i think about what he says "I'll give it a try" i give in to his cold hard logic.

"So, let me leave i have a fight to.....fight?" Master looks at me one last time with the same judging look he used when he trained me "Give yourself a chance Alex?" My eyes get wide in surprise as he never, not even once called me by my name, i thought he forgot my name maybe he is being serious.

I nod and the fog moved aside to show a path, i follow it and when i blink my eyes i am suddenly standing in the middle of the bridge that i saved.

I take a deep breath of gotham's polluted air and exhale all of it when i hear gun shots, i turn towards it and notice it's near the ceremony area so i run towards my home which is on the way and open my suitcase to find my uniform still there.

I wear the uniform which gave me the strength to fight, which allowed me to arrest any criminal as long as i had enough evidence, i didn't have to beat up criminals and wait for the police to take them away, i could arrest them myself in this uniform, it feels wrong now, it feels useless but i will wear it one last time, one last time to fuck up a criminal and arrest him before i quit.


I turn around to see a chariot?.. the mayor's chariot, i see a silhouette from the shadows of the fire behind someone riding the burning chariot towards me i see him disconnect the horses and the chariot moves freely and he jumps off the chariot and runs along with it.

The chariot free of its reign hits a car and makes an arc in the air as it falls down, the chariot's burning wheel breaks off and hits me in the chest, i fall back and feel my ribs break but i ignore it and look for who this opponent is and lo and behold walking along the burning chariot illuminating his face to show me... assassin? why is he wearing a cop uniform.

"OH!OHOHOHOHOHHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHA" My laughter doesn't stop until he is standing right before me but i still giggle when i thought about how this cop kid tricked me "So, my little assassin turns out to be a good guy" This kid looks too calm "but now that you are a good guy you are so much easy to beat" i look around me to tell him why before i got punched in the face.

The hit had enough force to send me crashing into a car door, my spine tingling from the force applied but i am kick to reply with a quick search in my pockets, i find the makeup powder i use and throw it in his face when he comes close.

As he closes his eyes, i look up and my eyes widen seeing him, no not the cop but someone else, if he is here then it only means one thing batman is in danger i have to save him this cop kid be damned i can kill him later, i punch his gut in an uppercut and start running.

The man i am running away from can easily catch me but he didn't move yet so i looked back to notice he isn't looking at me, he is looking at someone to his left, i turn my face towards that side but fall down from the feeling of something pulling me down by my shirt.

-POV Lauren-

It's all chaos around me, when i see him coming here on a chariot and promptly destroying it to make a cool entrance, didn't know he was a showoff until now but all that showoff and he got blinded after one punch from what seems to be makeup powder....

HE! serves him right for showing off but jokes aside jokers running from someone, i know it isn't from my brother so i look where he is looking to see him, that is understandable.

But i want to have my last shot, i came here today to fight back against the injustice done to my brother and i sure as hell am gonna fight back even if my brother is still alive.

I look around and find a fence spoke and lift it up to weight it in my hands. I know how to throw one, i learned Javelin throw to get a scholarship but it's going to be used for something else tonight.

I take aim and throw it, i don't even look towards the makeshift spear but look at him observing me not even bothering to catch joker.

"Hey" Did i just say hey for the first time i speak with FREAKING SUPERMAN.


I came here to Gotham the forsaken city that i can't enter without its protectors permission because he says and i quote 'i know how to handle my city, you don't' , i am not one to be arrogant, but i am pretty sure anything batman considers harmful for him are not harmful for me.

I can walk through tank fire for god's sake (Bruises don't count) but i came to Gotham because it's protector went missing 6 hours ago and his cities already in shambles, so me and flash decided to help cleanup as part-time in gotham but once again the fastest man alive is late.

I saw the cop kid with his dramatic entrance, he shocked joker into a laughing fit, that's new and could be dangerous for the kid if he is targeted by joker but his first punch eased away my worries because it seems like it's personal so I didn't move.

Even though he got blinded the next second i commend him for lasting that long, joker is surprisingly hard to deal with that's why batman doesn't allow us in this city.

I still don't move watching the show because i can reach him before he can take a hostage but the joker seems to be afraid of me 'hehe' i am so gonna remind batman about this every chance i get.

I look to my left noticing a girl hefting a broken fence spoke before throwing it, i see the trajectory and i know i don't have to save joker as it catches shirt and pins him to the ground, i see from the corner of my eye the cop kid running towards joker so i fully turn towards the girl and she says "Hey" Interesting.