
Gotham knight

A guy gets reincarnated into the dc world with all the martial arts in the world downloaded into his brain, he has a lot of options to choose from not just being a hero or a villian. but he chose to be something more than that, something better, he chose to be HOPE. my 2nd fanfic

KamBroFam123ERT · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs


Author note-The upload schedule will be hectic because i can't get back into the groove for writing.

--POV James Gordon--

"He is not the right guy for this gordon" I flinch but relax after recognising the voice.

I am currently watching the clip of jokers interrogation the guy is brutal but brutal doesn't work on joker.

"It's his first meeting, maybe he tried to make it memorable." My joke results in silence, just like always but i am used to it by now.

"He isn't allowed to go in there anymore." What is up with batman today, trying to defend joker for some reason.

"That is not something for you to decide."I put a little commanding tone into my voice. "It's just a couple of bones broken, why do you care."

"Joker is angry." And that's all the reason i need to pull Alex back, but as i look at the scene of jokers bones breaking, and him almost screaming in pain, I get a feeling that this might be the right thing to do.

"No, i will order him to be a little less violent and that's all i can do." He looks at me in silence but i didn't back down.

"If joker goes crazy, you know how to call me" Batman says with a gruff voice.

"He already is crazy." I get no response so i look up from my table to see that he is gone. I hate it when he does that.

-POV Alex-

I wake up and see the ceiling of an unfamiliar room, and i don't remember a thing, what...what was my name?, where am i?, i start to look around but all i see is a blur of a dark room with warm lights here and there, i see a window and it looks like it's night.

"oh you woke up" i look towards the sound and see a girl who looks 14 but i can't be sure.

"Who are you?" I sounded a little too angry for some reason, what am i angry for? i can't remember what i am angry about?.

"Calm down i am Lauren" Seeing my look of confusion she explains "The girl you saved by beating the ever living shit out of those guys in the train" i am still confused why did i beat someone up "Huh maybe you are a little concussed, drink this soup i made, it'll help calm your nerves." she tries to calm me down, i take the soup in good faith and question "why did i beat someone?" i ask in confusion but that tinge of anger and indifference in my voice didn't stop.

"Holy shit you really don't remember all that, man were you mowing those guys down, maybe that bottle hit your head a little too hard on the head." she explains everything that happened, how i saved her from thugs and all that.

"So, i beat them to shit cuz they looked like they were trying to force you..." "yes" "And that hit..." i touch the back of my head and feel the wound "Hmm maybe we should get that checked."

She touches my wound and i feel a jolt across my body but i ignore it "NO" she looks startled at my sudden anger "I mean, i don't have any identification and money to pay hospital bills."

"What happened after i hit all of them?" i inquire and she says "well, you fell down like a sack because of your injury." she points to her head while saying and i contemplate about that and ask "Where are we?"

She looked happy that i asked as she said "welcome to my humble abode Mr.."she stops and asks my name, I realise i still can't remember a thing about myself so i answer "i...don't know".

She looks wide eyed while saying "oh so you really did forget what happened?" I nod and say "uh huh" I look at her childish face and ask "buut why are you alone here where are your parents kid?" She looks down and says "well they died when i was 11."

Now i feel like an ass for asking "I'm sorry" she just smiles and says "nah it's fine, i am searching for new ones anyway" her smile can light up the world and i hope this city doesn't wipe it off with its misery.

"Have you seen any of my stuff like an ID or something?" I ask because i need to know who i am "nope" she says and we fall into silence while i take the time to drink the soup and contemplate on how i can remember my past.


"I get it Gordan, he wasn't the best lad we had but you can't put this on him too, if this goes on his record his chances of ever getting a promotion are over" I say, for the first time in my life telling Gordan that he is wrong on something.

"If that suspension order doesn't get burned right now i am resigning" i say and he stares at me takes off his glasses and sighs as he says in a whispering tone "look Marvin, i remember our vow to both resign when one of us gets suspended but this new lad. Why do you care? he's just a rookie."

"Yes Gordan a rookie with potential to be GPD's poster boy, Gotham City has a dark knight in batman and a white knight in Harvey dent and both of them have their own way of doing justice, which is the wrong way if they take law into consideration." I can see Gordan's gears turning so i continue.

"Think Gordan, our own Knight who follows the rule book to the T, not the rules that Gotham created for itself, the real rules" I take a pause before saying "The rules of law, the rules which we pledged our fucking caps on and burned"

I think of the young officers fire and say "Think about how our city can change if a petty bastard who'll run to the edge of the world for a fucking pick pocket gets the chance to be something bigger than us"

Gordan looks like a slave finding hope in life with the image i was painting as he says "Fine i can see how he might be helpful, but i can only buy him 3 months of time and he needs to be the security escort of the mayor for the carnival, atleast that can give the lad a chance to impress the mayor, we all know there's gonna be an attack on him at the ceremony with all the joker strikes going on" he looks at me silently asking me what i think about this.

I nod and say "I will notify him once i can contact him." this is the last chance for him this is all i could do buddy hope you know what your doing.


-POV Alex-

Lauren has forced me to come out with her to shopping, after these two weeks, I learned a lot about her, she is a strong girl for her age, she got into gotham cities best education program by herself, while working at a restaurant to feed herself

While the other kids who got into the program needed tutors from top universities teaching them to even pass the entrance exam she didn't even prepare for it, she just went there and took the exam right after work and got the invitation to attend.

She also helped me learn about myself, she made me remember that i love chicken, SpongeBob and detective novels. She also taught me the one thing i could have done without, fighting.

We just finished our shopping and are going back when some group of thugs decided to mess with Lauren, "Look who we have here, little Miss has a father now hahaha" they all start laughing, must be some kids from Lauren's school i didn't mind them calling me Lauren's father, it kind of feels good until they said something that stopped me in my tracks.

"Heard your old daddy used to force you, is the new one same or you need me to be your daddy?" and from that point on it felt like I wasn't me anymore, i was something different, something primal, something.....


My body moved and before i could stop myself, i was lifting him up by his neck, before i could stop myself i was threatening him "Look kid"

All his friends are trying to get me off of him but i didn't budge.

"I don't care who's behind you but if i ever find you even looking at her in the wrong way." Before i can continue Lauren tries to stop me "Alex, stop you don't have to do this i am fine" "QUIET" She looked scared from that but i didn't bother.

The kids friends back off from me after that, so i get close to the kids ears and say "i will find you, i will know where you are, i will know where you sleep, i will know where you will be, can be, could be, should be...

.....and i know what I'll do to you once i catch you." Maybe i shouldn't have scared this guy but i don't care sometimes my anger gets the better of me.

While we were walking to Lauren's place she asks me "Why did you have to fight?" i feel guilty for yelling at her so i say "Sorry for shouting at you back there, i shouldn't have crossed my boundaries and why was i fighting.... maybe cause i got angry"

She looks at me and says "Well i don't mind you shouting at me, you felt like a real dad looking out for his kid" she smiles and continues in a stricter tone "But you got to control your anger, you might get a heart attack if your too angry for too long" Her tone while strict also showed me her concern.

So i appease her by saying "It's not that easy to kill me kid" i smile while saying and she looked shocked as she says "Is that a smile i see on your face, ooh i wish i had a camera to take a photo of this historic moment"

We both chuckle at her joke, but our happiness didn't last long because once we reach inside her house i collapse because of the intense pain in my it feels like my brain is burning right now.

"Alex, what happened are you ok?" She kneels beside me and asks in panic, I heard her calls through my pain and respond what i feel i need the most "Water" she brings a bottle as quick as she could but i am already loosing my consciousness.

As she brings the bottle to my lips, i take it from her and dunk the water on my head with the cool water flowing on top of my head i could feel relief wash over me as i regained my breath and lay on the wet floor thinking about what might be happening to me.

When i woke up i saw her beside me asleep, i don't know what the pain was but i hope it is a one time thing from my wound opening up or something like that.

She didn't mention it after i told her it was just an intense migraine i get every few months from a rare disease i have, atleast she believed my lie or not and is just willing to accept that i don't wanna talk about it, i think its the second one cause she looks concerned most of the time.

After that incident she also started my yoga lessons to get my intense anger for no reason in check, but i don't think my anger is for no reason, there is some strong reason why it's important to me, why i need to hold on to it.

After a week of trying to subdue all my anger inside i was more of a cooker waiting for a release and that's when he came back with a gang, the guy i threatened but with a real gang this time, they brought there bats and everything but i didn't back down because Lauren's home and i don't want to.

"We heard you tried to threaten our guy here, come here ricky" the big guy with tattoos all over his hands holds the the guy i threatened infront of him and the kid had a cocky hit me grin on his face.

"I didn't try to" The tattoos guy looks disappointed thinking that i am lying, "Because i didn't try to threaten him, i just did." i said in the most bored teacher voice i could muster up.

Tattoos looks happy that i am engaging him and says "look you might be new to the city, you might be ex-military or something but here it doesn't matter, we are the ones incharge in this city so you should shut your trap and apolo...."

I tune him out cause i can remember some words from my past now, i think its a little jumbled but it's slowly getting to me

A kid in his 20's is pulling a tire by his shoulders with a rope tied to it while a bald and well built man with a killer moustache talks to him.

'When your fighting a small gang of 20 alone, remember to talk to the leader and the leader only and try to make him get as mad as possible through words alone' 'but how do I know who the leader is?' the kid asks while taking a few breaths.

The bald man explains 'the leader either mouths off too much and is in the middle or stays silent and sits at the back'

The kid contemplates for a while and says 'So, i hit the leader after identifying him right?' 'hahaha no kid you hit the one next to the leader' seeing the confused look of his disciple the man explains, 'The leader gets confused when you do this 'you were trying to fight him right, but why are you hitting his subordinate?' he'll think '

The man stops his disciple and looks him in the eye while saying 'And that is when you take out the leader', the kid looks like he is still confused 'does that mean the fights over?'.

The man bursts into laughter and says 'Hell nah, who's gonna take care of the rest of them?'

The kid looks at the laughing man and asks 'but how do I survive the rest of the fight?', for the first time in the conversation the moustached man looks at his disciple seriously and says.

'you don't survive' I look at him questioningly and realise i was that kid, i was the one training, this was my trainer who helped me train but why was i training so hard? 'You beat the ever living shit out of them' I don't know why, but every single part of my body agreed with him on this.

So i did as my master told me, i started blasting.

Author:Don't leave the novel just because i used the memory loss trope, it may be annoying to the reader but super convenient to the writer 😜

here is a spoiler the big surprise, he will remember everything later and i do mean everything including the dc knowledge, no losing future knowledge shit in my webnovel.