
Gotham knight

A guy gets reincarnated into the dc world with all the martial arts in the world downloaded into his brain, he has a lot of options to choose from not just being a hero or a villian. but he chose to be something more than that, something better, he chose to be HOPE. my 2nd fanfic

KamBroFam123ERT · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

I remember my promise.

-POV Alex-

I start by hitting the guy beside the leader, i can see the leaders face morphing into a confused look as he looked at what i was doing but before he could order his thugs around, i uppercut his jaw and he goes down.

As the people around me come out of their slow-mo shocking faces and come towards me palms heavy, arms ready. I shift my head to the right to escape the punch thrown by one of them, i grab a hold of his head and judo flip to throw him into another guy.

As they both fall down, i get a hit on my head and my wound starts acting up, literally at the worst time. Seeing that i am holding my head down from the hot searing pain in my head, the thugs hold me down.

The leader gets up spitting blood and teeth out of his mouth, "Plans changed boys.." i can see him looking at me and taking some breaths before saying "...we gonna kill this fucker and that bitch too" i get angry but the pain stops me from even responding.

They take me inside a van and all of them get in, as the vehicle starts the kid who started all of this says nervously "I don't think we should kill him, beating him up is enough" the leader looks back from his place beside the driver

"Don't worry kid you won't be implicated." the kid responds "No, it's not about getting in trouble i just don't want to kill him" The boss looks annoyed even though all my eyes see is a blur. I could tell, but he doesn't respond.

The car stops moving they drag me out and i see that Lauren is already here, unconscious.My body screams at me to do something, but my brain isn't working with the feeling of lava pouring into my brain.

"I won't pay you if he is dead" The kid nervously asks the leader "Well, this ain't about money kid so fuck off of here" the kid looks guilty as he turns around and runs, but before he can run 5 metres i hear a deafening boom and the kid falls down

"We don't need no witnesses." The leader says as he pockets his gun but i only look at the kid, the way he fell right after a deafening boom, felt familiar like i have seen it and felt some pain because of it. I remember now my friend died the same way, i became a police officer to make Gotham a better place, I remember my promise.

My eyes turn red from the pain or the anger that's coming back "We are gonna kill her right before you, how does that feel huh?" I just look at him with with my red eyes defiantly.

"Still got that fire in you huh, let's wipe it off then" I observe unmoving as he drags her body right beside me, he holds her cheeks and brings her face close to me "I would have raped this bitch if i didn't shoot that kid earlier, we gotta go before the cops come, so in a way the kid saved her a lot of misery, your lucky" his bloodied teeth show me an atrocious grin, a grin of revenge.

I lay there and looked at her face as he goes off to bring a hammer from the other side. I ask God, what did i do wrong? Was it because i couldn't control my anger? Was it because i couldn't fulfil my promise fast enough? whatever it may be, i pray to you god just give me one chance.

The thug found his hammer and was walking back, i looked at Lauren for the last time iam afraid. Please god, i will protect Gotham with all i got "this isn't going to hurt her a bit, but you..." the thug looks into my eyes "....this is going to fuck you up" just give me some water that's all i need.


As the lightening lights up the world, as the first drop falls on my head and as it turns to hundreds in a second washing my body with relief, soothing the fire in my brain with its cool touch putting a stop to my pain into a numb sensation.

I thank God and look at the thug swinging his hammer down on Lauren's head beside me, the anger, the rage, the hatred, the fire everything i suppressed comes back into me as my hand moves on its own.

-POV black mask-

Joker is hailed to be the most chaotic villain in gotham because of his influence on people, which he doesn't use to his benifit.

I have seen people trying to stop the dark knight in his pursuit just to get jokers attention, but what they don't know is the joker had only ever cared about the dark knight himself.

While i. I used that chaos to my advantage, i organized the chaos into gotham's very bricks and bones with jokers name written on them.I made joker a religious leader a symbol of chaos for the youth to follow.

The cult was made to influence these people into what i wanted them to do, but as the cult grows stronger they won't listen to me. The apostle of the clown as i told them i was and will seek the real clown to rule them to anarchy.

So, i gathered all the underground leaders of this city including penguin and the falcone's, a really strong lineup if you ask me and put forward my proposal to kill joker which got refused the moment i brought it up.

I was made fun of by all the leaders as the newbie church preacher who doesn't know how this city works so i investigated and the results are shocking to say the least, joker has a reason to exist in this city which i can't object to even if i wanted to.

I changed my plans, i asked the followers to raid Arkham and get joker out of prisons to shift the power in gotham with all the chaos he can bring with his fanatic followers and pick up the pieces left from the destruction to build a city.

But the plan failed, these dimwits who went out there in the thousands came back with broken bones, i expected the reason to be infighting or an ambush by Gordan but NO.

It was one guy.

One police newbie.

Who went into the middle of the crowd just to catch a guy and bring him in and that pisses me off more than anything all these carefully crafted plans to make Bruce Wayne fall from grace and it was thwarted by a single guy

It's been a week and there isn't a sign of him anywhere, maybe the mob bosses got him who knows "put that bitch over there" I hear an echoing voice and move towards the middle to watch who it is.

i am currently in a building under construction, the design makes it so that the middle part is empty and i can see from my place on the fifth floor, some thugs bringing a girl in, i turn a blind eye to and move one but i see the police officer who i was thinking about being brought in.

The guy holds his head and leans on a pillar in the middle as the thug drones on about his plan and all that.

I was utterly disappointed that this guy who is being hit by some randos on the street was the reason my carefully crafted plan got torn to shreds.

I still wait to see his demise, but am surprised at the sudden thunder and rain. I look up for a second and look down to see the thug raising his hammer to hit the girl lying there, i wait for the familiar blood and shattered bones spilling everywhere but that never comes i see the guy who was out of it until now hold the hammer head from falling down with just one hand.

-POV Alex-

(Try listening to this song on Spotify if you want to, while reading this- search on Spotify Ne ne alalaa)

I hold the hammer for a couple of seconds just looking at him as he says "You woke up huh" I nod and kick him hard enough to break his rib.

I get up but my steps are dizzy scratch that my whole body is dizzy, i lift Lauren up by my arms and make her sit straight on the electrical outlet.

I turn around and count in my drunken mind while droning out "1...2...3 doesn't matter come on guys let's start" i punch the guy infront of me twice left and right. As my momentum turns me to the right i feel a kick behind me pushing me into the hood of the car, i see a guy close to me and punch him off the car, i go infront of the car to hit the rest of them but i feel another kick from behind.

I kneel on one leg and see a leg approaching my face, i hold the leg and punch the guy in the nuts. I grab a fist of sand and throw into the eyes of a guy infront of me and get up but before i could hit the blinded black man i get pushed back onto the hood of the car by a hammer, as he holds me on the hood and presses into my throat i see 4 guys helping.

I grab the hammer along with the 4 guys and push the hammers head into the guy on the right and before he falls down i push the hammer head to hit the guy infront of me, as they scatter, i go to the side of the car, grab a thug by his hair and smash him into the window three times.

As a guy throws overhead punch at me i just get up close to him hug that bastard from all the tiredness in my bones, as he continues hitting my rib cage with his free arm, i see a thug climbing onto the cars roof with a knife i grab the arm of the bugger i am holding and twist it.

As he kneels down i kick his face into the cars door. I swipe legs of the guy on top of the car as he falls down i turn around to see another guy with a knife whose hand i grab and twist before beating the shit out of him.

As i continue my hits, i get pushed back onto the car by someone's elbow on my chest as soon as my back hits the car the guy that was on top of the car chokes my neck from behind me.

I punch the guy infront of me, and as he falls down i pull the guys hands off of my neck and turn around and flip him into his front facing down before pulling him off the car halfway and sending his head throught the cars window.

Someone holds my waist from behind and lift me enough to get on top of the car and fall of the windshield to the front of the car, i take a breather and look at the leader who pushed me here slowly standing up.

I hear a metal sound to my right and look towards it and notice the hammer that has been pushed towards me by lauren, i nod at her in acceptance and take the hammer and hit the leader with a hammer uppercut.

The silence is deafening if i ignore the rain and thunder and in that silence i hear clapping, i look towards Lauren thinking it was one of her jokes but she is looking somewhere else on the building.

I look towards it and find the black mask on the fifth floor but i ignore him and act like i didn't see him "Are you ok, did they hurt you?" I ask Lauren as i go through the leader pockets.

(For those who want a better experience with the fight go to youtube and search"'Mahaan' Ghandhi's first fight"😜)

-POV black mask-

I look on to see what he does next, will he kill these thugs or will he spare them and i hear them talking while he looks for something on one of the thugs body "Are you ok, did they hurt you?" "No i am fine... What are you searching for?" "Nothing we need a taxi to get home and they took my money" "I told you you should control your anger" "Well, i can't fight calmly when i am normal how do you expect me to be in control when someone i care about might die....." "Again?"

He sighs loud enough for me to hear as he says "Yes, again" then he turn towards me and points a finger right towards me, but turns his finger towards a couple of meters left of me and then he moves his hand upwards to point at the eighth floor.

I wonder what he is doing and if he noticed me, but before i can guess his purpose he takes out a gun from the fallen thugs jacket and aims it at where he pointed and shoots before i had the time to react. I move but it didn't matter as it hit my thigh and me made me fall on to the floor taking my ability to run out of this situation.

-POV Alex-

I help Lauren up and we move towards the fallen black mask by climbing up the stairs, we reach just in time to see him reaching for his gun on a table.

I swipe the gun of and grab chairs for all of us to sit in, as we all take our seats "I wasn't with them officer, i was just here for an inspection" I look at him as if asking if he thought i was dumb.

"Then what was the gun for" i ask and he replies "For self defence cause you shot me first" i think the blood is making his thoughts stray here and there cause he can't seem to collect his thoughts enough to make a better lie.

"Then how would you know i was a police officer." "I..." "Just stop, i read your file which has some of the crimes you committed recorded" he looks like he gave up lying as he just straight up asks me.

"Then save me I'll surrender myself to the police" And that's when for the first time in my life i chose a different route "Nah, you either spill information right now and go to jail or you bleed to death and go to heaven" He looks at me and chuckles but my face doesn't change "Your kidding me right, they said you were an honest cop"

I look at his sweat filled face and say "I used to be but it doesn't seem to be working for me, so i switch my plan of action. Now, tell me what you know." He bleeds for a couple of seconds becoming paler.

"Fine, I'll tell you everything" He relents and starts telling me about the cult and what it is for and how it was made, who the members are, how many apostles there are after listening to the whole plan, it was pretty good except for one part.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on a minute, why did you not assassinate joker than?" i ask and he looks me straight in the eyes and says "Not enough resources and...." "Tell me the real reason or I'll let you bleed to death" i interrupt him and he scoffs.

"look kid if i tell you why i can't kill joker, I'll be dead by tomorrow anyway, so why should I bother" He looks like he's given up and loses blood some more and after touching the edges of death a couple of more times in a couple of minutes he finally relents.

"Fine if you want to die then do so, the reason why joker can't be killed is because....."

Author's note:A lot less pov and i didn't have time to re-edit it so it might be a little rusty here and there, please bear with it.