
Gotham knight

A guy gets reincarnated into the dc world with all the martial arts in the world downloaded into his brain, he has a lot of options to choose from not just being a hero or a villian. but he chose to be something more than that, something better, he chose to be HOPE. my 2nd fanfic

KamBroFam123ERT · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

I Dont Like You

-POV Marvin-

"You are crazy to even think of that." No its not just crazy its the peak of mental illness to even think of something like that.

"Not as crazy as him."

"Doesnt matter kid even a top psychiatrist became his bitch after talking to him for a while, that guys craziness, its a disease." I start lighting my cigarette but my hands are still shaking after what he said so i had to fumble with the lighter.

I see an orange glow infront of me i look up to see him holding a lighter for me, so i light my cigarette while he says

"I got myself a vaccine for all the crazy that roams around gotham and i dont care about the consequences, the only thing i value more than myself is...well i dont know, i'll tell you when i find something i value more than myself."

"Then they will kill you." "I'd like to see them try."

"I suggest you don't try to find something you find more valuable than yourself until you know you can save it." I give him the one suggestion i regret not hearing before i joined the force.

"I'll keep that in mind" he replies"Now all i need is a few 1 to 1 sessions with the joker, no questions asked." "Your crazy" "you already said that."

I sigh as i look at the recruit once again, atleast he doesn't look crazy "Are you gay?" I see him sputter as he answers "Ah. ,No, Why" " I don't know he might make you fall in love with him like that bitch by his side"

"I understand" He nods and i decided to put my trust on him, if the joker escapes because of him atleast we know we need more security, and we can test the tracker inside jokers leg.

"Fine kid you got 2 months with joker no one will ask you about what you'll do to joker, we don't wanna know either" "yes" The fuck is he excited about.

-POV Joker-


"What are you laughing at freak?" The security person assigned to me yells.


"Laugh all you want freak, you can't hurt anyone in there with your crazyness" His voice takes a mocking turn. " Your the only one in there, all alone"

I laugh like a joker, oh wait i am the joker 'HAHAHAHAHA'

"Oh i am done with your crazy ass" The secure person leaves and i try to move my head around, but i can't see him yet.

"Come on out batsy, i know your here."


"Well that's new...." I feel a hand grab my head and slam my face into the table.

"I think we established that, starting with the head makes the victim dizzy, before." I thought batman learns from his mistakes.

"Well, i want you to be dizzy for this conversation" I look around and see some guy in a hoodie.

"Who are you?" How peculiar, it wasn't batsy, and i was so sure it was him too.

"I am an assassin and i have been given a contract to kill you by a very influential guy, oh where are my manners i am alexander albon a pleasure to meet you."

"Hello alex, i am joker the joker its nice to meet you........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... So, why am i not dead yet is this your first time or are you just the worst assassin around town."

"My question is also the same mr joker, why the fuck are you still alive?"

"Well my doctors said i have a great diet." I dont get it, i am alive because nobody killed me its as simple as that right, i may be crazy but i am not that big of a dumbass.

*THUD*'OOOF' I exhale all the air in my lungs from the pain, batman couldn't break my finger with a single hit like that what the fuck did he hit me with.

"Ooh you are just like batsy, but younger." I say ignoring the pain, no matter how much it hurts i never show it.

"Thank you. I meant why they don't have a shoot at sight order on you yet." Oooh so he was asking about that.

"I want batsy back as my playmate, he gets straight to the point and doesn't expect me to understand all the politics."

*THUD* 'WHEEZE' Another bone but this time i saw the police baton in his hands, Oh so that's why it hit different.

"Come on joker, if we count 4 bones per session, we can have atleast 51 sessions for your whole body. I will keep coming back to get the answer until the 51st session and on the 52nd one you die." Intimidation tactics huh pain doesn't work on me, the joker gas made sure of that, it will hurt but i won't show it. And death huh, bats will save me it's as easy as that.

"Look alex the assassin, just like you said you will keep on appearing until i spill the secret whatever that is, i will be here waiting to have my bones broken for all of the 51 sessions as u call them."

"But on the 52nd one we will switch places, doesn't matter if you want to or not."

"And you'll know that day that, if you are really good at this" I look at my finger pointedly.

"All you will will need is one session to make people spill all their little secrets." After i completed the speech i prepared for my next game with batman, i realised i am not talking to the bat, but someone else i almost replaced batsy with this this i don't know who this is but he has to pay for it.

"I don't like you, and there are very few people out there that i don't like, and they were dead before they knew it. But you, you are different i want you to know you are the first person to know that he is the next target of The Joker."

"I am humbled by yours words joker, so....."

*THUD* *THUD* 'AAARGH' "That's the last two fingers of todays session i'll meet you again soon." And with that my new cold companion left.

-POV Alex-

Making joker talk is harder than i thought, his obsession with batman is as shown in the nolan movies, I think my existence changed his plans.

I climb the subway, and sit at the back of the empty train.

He also looked a lot more angrier than the calm and composed joker, now that i think about it this batman and joker have a lot of similarities to the nolanverse, but the super man is the one from the snyderverse.

The train has very few people one girl, one old granpa, a couple and a balck dude at the corner.

Maybe it's a crossover and if it is, are there any other films involved, if it is it's just another huge pain in my ass, more villians to stop.

The train stops at the 23rd intersection, and a gang of drunk looking assholes enter the train, and my day is already ruined.

Joker needs something more than violence, something that damages his already damaged brain.

"Hey you get out, you too ni**a get the fuck outta here." I see the fuckers pushing everyone out except the girl and me cause they can't see me.

I can deal with these guys, one of them is definitely rich and has someone to get him out of jail, i can show my badge and take them to the jail but they'll get released again.

Released again.

They'll get released again and i will be the one who'll face the consequences.

They'll get released again and the girl will die before i know about it.

They'll get released again and this time, i won't be there to stop them from hurting civillians.

They'll get released again and they'll kill marvin again.


"Why the fuck did i survive?" Marvin asks me at his parents funeral.

"I don't know." It seems to be my thing now, not knowing why things happen around me.

"They didn't deserve to die, it should have been me, it was my shift with drive-thru i didn't feel well and it was my..."

"It wasn't your fault, your dad wouldn't want you to think so." I try to stop him from drowning in guilt.

"I don't think i deserve to live while they rest here"

"It isn't like that marv..."

"We think so too boy, that's why we are here." Before i can turn around i hear two loud booms and the next thing i know i am falling down.

"Should have finished us off like our boss kid." I can hear their footsteps leaving.

"Marvin hang in there we can survive" He is lying right next to me.

"Look alex, i died in that restaurant don't try to bring me back again, just live my life for me, i died the day my parents died, don't try to bring me back here. I just want to rest, I don't want to be a collateral damage for your story anymore"

-Back To The Now-

But that didn't happen, marvin died at drive-thru. i was alone at the funeral, i was the one who got shot.

But if marvin was alive they would have killed him again, i would have to see him die again.

If jail doesn't work.

And killing is out of the option.

A Few Broken Bones Might just Work.


I stand up and gain their attention, i count atleast 14 of them.

As i walk towards them i hear "Hey what the fuck are you doing here." i look for something to use in this fight and i find a fire extinguisher, i take it and stop the train in the middle of a tunnel by pulling the emergency thing.

"If anyone of you has any mouths to feed at home, i suggest that you get down and walk a mile back to the previous station, I don't usually do this but today i am pissed off and i might just make it personal."

One of them the, rich kid i assume orders "Just take that guy out." and as they start walking the train starts moving too. I run towards one of them before they can react and hit his torso with the fire extinguisher, and as he bends forward i uppercut his jaw with it again.

He floats upwards for less than a tenth of a second before falling down in a beautifull arc. "You guys are fucked."

I start by smashing a guys face with the extinguisher into a pole, as i turn around to hit the other guy, i get hit with a bottle from the rightside.

The fire extinguisher slipped out of my hand, and i had to hold onto a pole so that i don't fall down.

*YAAARGH* I rip the pole out of it's base hit the guy who hit me on his leg and it bends backwards, i look up to see these bitches terrified "COME ON" i push the first one who is coming towards me to the side with the pole and spin the pole infront of me to clear some space, but they go around me and round me up.

I first hit the one infront me in the balls and then i make an arc from the top and hit the guy behind me on the head.

There are two guys on my left, one guy on my right and one guy infront of me.

The ones on the left throw beer bottles at me, i hit them and the glass shards forces me to close my eyes for a second and in that second i feel the one from my right holding my waist and pushing me towards the left window.

I stop him in the middle and hold his waist and start smashing him onto the window the rest of the guys watch in fear as the window starts to crack, but i stop myself from throwing him out of the window and let him fall down.

One of the fallen guys has his mouth open, i put my pole in his mouth(That came out wrong) and vault over him to kick the guy in the middle.

I look at the rest of the guys and raise my hands, ready to fight but they start running and i sit down beside the girl.

Took half of them down no problem.

"Thank you for taking the subway" The girl just looks at me a little scared.

"what?" she questions.

"Needed a release and if you weren't here i wouldn't have been able to hit someone today, so thank you."

"No problem, i...am cindy by the way"

"Hi i am alex..." And i black out.

Author note: I have to study for my semester exams, so i might have to take a break, will come back this Sunday can confirm🥲🥲🥲 sorry for this long absence.