
Gotham knight

A guy gets reincarnated into the dc world with all the martial arts in the world downloaded into his brain, he has a lot of options to choose from not just being a hero or a villian. but he chose to be something more than that, something better, he chose to be HOPE. my 2nd fanfic

KamBroFam123ERT · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

A sacrifice

-POV Alex-

I have been in jail for 2 days now, the only reason i am not taking a bail out of here is because i wanted to make sure i was thinking things through, maybe i should stay as a cop and keep my cover or should I just leave, nah might as well do it out in the open after a couple of months.

Today i am going to be shifted to the prison just like joker, it wasn't even hard doing it, just some well placed donations around the city and i got a joker in prison. Hell If i use my money right i can get him to death row quite easily.

No,no,no,no my minds going some dark places because of my stay in the prison, the prison where i put so many people in.

I hear the gate opening and see Marvin coming towards me "Hello Marvin" i get a slap to my face for that as he says "I trusted you and you proved me right, you know why joker can't be killed and that pushed you into killing him"

He looks at me as if I'm the crazy one here "All your efforts, all my efforts gone in the wind cause you gotta be a big dick about having money" I look at him in confusion and ask "What are you taking about?" He looks straight at me as he says "I was pushing for your promotion after you completed your mission but now you don't wanna be in the force because money is effective in solving your problems am i right? well your wrong now you got the clown prince of Gotham targetting your back"

I try to reply but before i can my mind clears and i take in a sharp intake of breath because i realised that joker has a goal that joker has an actual goal now, all those times before when joker was doing something he didn't care about the results he didn't want to win, he didn't want to lose but now he has a clear cut target, ME all the mad followers he has right now in this city and his hated towards me all of it points to destruction that batman won't be able to handle alone.

He will hurt everyone in this city just to hurt me, just to show me that i lose, i need to talk to him, i need to know what he'll do "Marvin i need to talk to joker" but he immediately refuses "No" I try to explain to him what i found "The cities seeing a lot of new faces since last month when the ceremony was announced, the cities is already half past it's limit, filled to the brim with people, if something happens Gotham will be wiped out of the map"

He looks shaken as he realised the implication of what could happen he goes out without replying to me as i shout "Marvin!Marvin!" but he leaves and i wait as he comes back and cuffs me before taking out and pushing me into a police van.

I sit on the left side as i look at my enemy The joker "So good to see you here failed assassin" I look at him coolly as i say "Wish i could say the same" the van starts moving as he looks at me with this manic look and talks "Did you know that there are atleast 7 people who look like you in this world, i thought me and badman are like that we think the same don't we"

My mind is confused at his words as i ask "You mean opposite" But joker is quick to correct me "Nononononononononononononononononono, we are the same as in we use fear as a tool, he uses fear to be everywhere and i use fear to be everyone but you...." he paused as he looks me up and down "....you use force, which is weak because you have to apply it everytime but fear..... it's different you just have to assure people that what people say about you is true that you are capable of the unimaginable horrors that people describe you can do and the fear will do its job, while force, you have to beat up a thug to the brink of death before he gives up his ways"

After hearing his spiel i say "And all the talk of this fear, yet you lost a part of yourself to that force"i look at his ear or where it used to be and smirk as he tries to burn a hole in my head with his gaze "Oh you'll lose everything for taking away Johny from me, he was good ear" He grinds his teeth as he says.

I look at him with a smile as i say "And what do I have to loose" with confidence as if nothing can hurt me but i lose it as he says "Oh you have to that girl to lose don't you, heard she is leaving the city so i decided to show her that once you come to gotham you wouldn't want to leave" My dread grows as he explains his next plan.

I get up ignoring the gaurds protests and pull him by the colar towards me and grit out "What the fuck are you trying to do?" He just smirks and says "Well, i heard from one of my little followers that your little bird is leaving Gotham so i put a couple of bombs under the bridges to tell her that leaving won't be such a good ide..".

I stop hearing at this point and say "I need to talk to Gordan" the gaurds immediately move into motion but joker laughs his crazy maniacal laugh which stops them in their motion as he says "Now i wouldn't want to let the mayor's ceremony happen in peace would i so i will take my leave now"

He stands up and the gaurds shoot up to stop him but he holds onto the strap and says "Brace yourselves boys in blue" and then the van got hit and i blacked out after i felt an impact on my head...




I stir awake and open my eyes against the burning light to see a shadow moving towards the light, my ears stop ringing and i hear jokers weak laughing reaching my ears.

As the dust settles and my eyes adjust, he tells me "By the way assassin even though my followers are everywhere, i don't know which bridge she'll leave by so, the rest is history" i clench my fists and try to move but my body still isn't listening to what i say.

"Oh poor boy don't whimper now did i whimper when you broke my fingers when you humiliated my past, no so get your ass out there and save your girl and leave my city Hahahahaha" and he leaves with those ominous words ringing in my head.

I can slowly feel my body wake up, i look around to see all the cops dead or unconscious, i pick up a cell phone from one of them and call Gordan's number from my memory.


"Hello this is James Gordan" I hear his voice and immediately explain what is going on while moving towards a parked red royal enfield "Gordan it's me Alex, joker escaped and told me his plan to blow up all three bridges in the city, i am closest to sector-3/3 bridge you'll have to handle the rest of them" before i can cut the call i hear a third voice "I'll handle the second-1/3 bridge" both me and Gordan recognise batman's voice and Gordan replies "No we'll deal with sector 1/3 and 2/3 you should help Alex deal with the last one".

With that u cut the call and move towards the red royal and field and break the handle lock with my legs before hotwiring it to start, i zoom through the streets and i hear jokers mad cackle again, i turn to see him riding an SUV and looking at me he smirks as he turns his car and leaves, my anger surges out, asking me to chase that bastard but i stay my tongue and reach the bridge just in time to see batman gliding across the streets and land infront of me.

"We have to search for wear he kept the bomb you search the right side while i search the left" I say and he nods as we move to action, we checked both sides up and down twice, i shot in the air twice to evacuate the bridge off of its occupents as i look into the sea.

I hear batman landing behind me as he says "Gordan evacuated the two other bridges, it's been ten minutes and there is no sign of any bomb it might have been a distraction." I nod at that as i fall into a slow rhythmic breathing before suddenly i open my eyes and look to my left and right before grabbing a piece of rope and tying it around my waist.

I throw the other end of the rope to batman and tell him "Jump off on the other side and meet me below" He nods before we both jump on the opposite sides of the and swing below, i swing until i reach underneath the bridge and held onto ledge while batman used his grappling hook to stay suspended.

I look up hearing beeps to see an explosive with a timer with 15 seconds left, i leap off of the ledge i was holding and hang myself by my fingers on the explosive, i pull myself up and put my legs on the underside of the bridge and push with my legs while holding the explosives it slowly starts to loosen and i fall with it into the water below.