
GoT: The Black Wolf of Winterfell

Barthogan Stark, called Black Barth, Second Son of Lord Rickard Stark, Elder Twin Brother of Eddard Stark, and Reincarnated soul unlike any other. Sunday 26th September 2021: Barthogan's saga has almost been sung, but the story of His Son Cregan I Blackstark and his Siblings Steffon, Cassana, and Josephine have yet to be written and sung.

Theragfromthecrag · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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38 Chs

20: The Tower of Joy

(Red Keep, King's Landing, Blackwater Bay, The Crownlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(Barthogan Blackstark POV)


Tywin had exceeded his expectations. Barthogan had expected him to wait for the Golden Company to be Dealt with before acting, but apparently the Golden Company was delayed and Tywin had run out of patience. Barthogan walked into the Throne Room and was pleased that the Throne was like the image George Martin had said was the closest thing to what he'd envisioned it as.

The show undersold the Throne by a wide margin.

Barthogan stood before the captured Elia Martell and Princess Rhaenys.

''You two will never be harmed, let it be known that to attack Princess Elia or Princess Rhaenys warrants immediate execution. I'm also appointing Prince Oberyn Martell as Lord-Commander of the City Watch, should he choose to accept it. Now then, bow before the King!'' Barthogan rumbles as he ascends the Iron Throne.


Barthogan sat atop the Iron Throne a Crown atop his head, which looked to be a combination of King Maekar's Crown, Aegon The Conqueror's Crown, King Aenys Crown, and the Ancient Crown of Winter.

The Circlet was made of a Valyrian Steel Band encrusted with Jet Black Onyx Gemstones, while Nine Points of Black Iron formed a Wall. The Points represented by the Ancient Crown of Winters Design, and in between the Points were Direwolves and Stags of Gold and Silver, while the Stag and Direwolf in the center most area were made not of Gold, Silver, Bronze, Black Iron, or His Super Alloy, but rather Valyrian Steel.

He listened to the Argument made by Tywin and Ned, and when an actual argument looked to break out silenced them before calling up Jaime.

''Jaime Lannister, you and both know the truth of what Aerys was plotting, so you might as explain what Aerys final orders were. Ned will never let it be if you don't. Consider it a Royal Order.'' Says Barthogan.

''Aerys planted Wildfire around the City. Beneath the Red Keep, The Great Sept, Flea bottom, The Dragonpit and under every gate. Tell me Stark, is it honorable to let millions of innocents perish for nothing? To become a Kinslayer at a King's Order? I think not.'' Says Jaime and Ned is left speechless.

''The Wildfire is to be removed and transported to the Night's Watch, perhaps they'll have a use for it.'' Says Barthogan before turning to The Lannister's.

''Lord Tywin I cannot remove Jaime from the Kingsguard, however I can offer you an alternative means to ensure the Succession. My Daughter Cassana will Wed your grandson together they will Rule Casterly Rock when you die. Furthermore I hereby Appoint Ser Barristan Selmy to The Role of Kingsguard Lord-Commander and command him to go forth to Dorne with Ser Brynden Tully and Garth Hightower to retrieve Lyanna, with me and Ned. While I'm gone Cassandra Rules in my name. The Princess Rhaenys and Elia shall accompany us.'' Says Barthogan planning to have Doran and Oberyn meet him at The Tower.


(Tower of Joy, Dorne, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


Barthogan, Ned, Barristan, Brynden, Willam Dustin, Howland Reed, Mark Ryswell, Ethan Glover, Martin Cassel, and Theo Wull all rode to the Tower of Joy. They arrived to Find House Martell already present and when they saw them Oberyn snapped, only to freeze when Elia and Rhaenys threw back their hoods.

"I looked for you on the Trident," Ned said to them.

"We were not there," Ser Gerold answered.

"Woe to you Usurper if we had been," said Ser Oswell.

''When King's Landing fell, Ser Jaime slew your king with a golden sword, and I wondered where you were."

''Far away," Ser Gerold said, "or Aerys would yet sit the Iron Throne, and our false brother would burn in seven hells."

"Don't blame Jaime, King Aerys commanded him to slay his father while he ordered King's Landing to be destroyed By Wildfire." Barristan says.

"I came down from King's Landing the Tyrell's have already surrendered, and I was certain you would be among them."

"Our knees do not bend easily," said Ser Arthur Dayne.

"Ser Willem Darry is fled to Dragonstone, with your Former Queen and Prince Viserys. I thought you might have sailed with him."

"Ser Willem is a good man and true," said Ser Oswell.

"But not of the Kingsguard," Ser Gerold pointed out.

"The Kingsguard does not flee."

"Then or now," said Ser Arthur. He donned his helm.

''We swore a vow," explained old Ser Gerold. Ned's men moved up beside him, with swords in hand.

They were many against three.

"And now it begins," said Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. He unsheathed Dawn and held it with both hands. The blade was pale as milkglass, alive with light.

"ENOUGH! You swore a vow to Serve the King on the Iron Throne, that's me. Ser Barristan thought at the Trident, watched Rhaegar Fall to me. Princess Rhaenys still lives as you can see. Elia still lives. Rhaegar's blood lives on. Would the Rhaegar you know not want you to live guarding his son and daughter? Is that not the best way to ensure his survival? In memory if not in life?" Barthogan says roaring.

"You say truth, but we swore to guard..."

"HE'S FUCKING DEAD!!! It's over. I won and he lost. Your Loyalty is commendable, but if you don't sheathe that Blade what am I supposed to tell Ashara? She's liable to jump off the Castle Tower when we return Dawn. Do you want that Arthur? Or how about you White Bull, will you become a Kinslayer and Raise your blade against Ser Garth Hightower? The Wielder of Vigilance? Your Nephew. As for you Ser Oswell, you are directly responsible for all of this! If you hadn't gone to your brother none of this would've happened!! How many more need die? Huh?" Barthogan screams, unloading all the pent up frustration he had from his old life when he read about the Tower of Joy from Ned's Fever Dream in the first book.

"We'll let Lady Lyanna decide." Ser Gerold decides.

"Barristan, you and I will remain here while Ned retrieves our Sister. Everyone else secure the Kingsguard. I need to speak to the Princes." Barthogan commands.


"You understand I can't just give you your Sister or Niece. But I can offer you something that will ultimately satisfy you. Aegon's Killer, my son Cregan to be fostered at Sunspear and ultimately wed to Rhaenys. Aegon's Blood Debt is satisfied, Rhaenys is given the Throne she deserves by Dornish Custom, and I'm also extending the Position of Lord-Commander of the City Watch to Prince Oberyn. In This Your brother can keep an eye on me, Rhaenys, and Elia." Says Barthogan.

"You offer much for so little? What's your play here?" Doran asks.

"Let me speak freely. I instructed Tywin to spare your sister and Niece, it's unfortunate I could not include your nephew in that order, but what other choice did I have? However I never SPECIFICALLY called for his death either, that was purely the initiative of Lord Tywin's man. What I am offering you is this Oberyn Martell; As Lord-Commander of the City Watch, you are within your rights to arrest the man in question, because he along the way he Ra*ed many a woman. You can haul him in justifying that, with no chance of Tywin retaliating. What happens afterwards is up to you. But I think we both know what it'll be. Furthermore if I harm your Niece or Sister, I'm all but guaranteeing the same will be unleashed on my son." Says Barthogan.

"That IS true I suppose, but why should we?" Asks Oberyn.

"Because I went of my way to preserve your Niece and Sister! I had an escape route built in just in case Tywin tried to renege. And thus far I have not harmed a hair on either of their heads. I'm willing to take things a step further, Elia can serve as a Dornish Advisor on the Small Council. Guarded by her own personal Guards from Sunspear. I'll even permit a Garrison of Dornish Troops within King's Landing. I'm also returning Lewyn to Sunspear for burial. He might have been our enemy, but he deserves a Proper Burial and done by his own kin at that." Says Barthogan.

"Brother, despite Aegon's Death, I do feel that we can trust him." Elia says quietly.

"Forgive me Princess but, your no widow, Rhaegar annulled your Marriage on the Grounds of Infertility. The High Septon himself did it." Ser Arthur says.

"I'm aware, I gave Rhaegar my permission." Says Elia sadly.

"Well Shit. That explains a lot." Barthogan mutters quietly.

"You've given us much to think about, may we at least reunite with our Sister and Niece properly?" Asks Doran.

"I'm not one to deny it, go right ahead. It'd be cruel not to." Says Barthogan.


(POV Shift: Ned Stark)


Ned carried young Aegon out the Tower. He saw Barthogan shaking hands with the Martells.

"She wasn't kidnapped and raped was she?" His brother asked him.

"No, she wasn't." Says Ned with a sad sigh.

"Fuck, I knew this was case. Lyanna would never let it happen without a fight, but Brandon wouldn't hear of it." Says Barth.

"I know what your thinking Ned, but it's more appropriate if the Boy's passed off as Brandon's. Tully's are just as stingy as Walder Frey was, at least as far as Bastard's are concerned. Is that what I think it is? That fucking dog, he got our sister with a Legendary Sword." Barthogan chuckles as he notes a familiar design of a Sword at Ned's side.

"It is, it's Dark Sister." Says Ned.

"Give it to me, babe too. I won't have your marriage bed freezing because of Lyanna's child. I'll raise him myself for a time, before sending him to you. Your wife should be more accepting this way. As for his name, Jon Snow. That's his name." Says Barthogan.

"A Good name, and a better plan than mine." Ned admits with a light chuckle.

"You and Me Ned, We will deliver her together. It's only right." Says Barthogan.

"Robert too." Says Ned.

"This will destroy him, but yes, he should carry her too." Says Barthogan in sad and solemn agreement.


(POV Shift: Doran Martell)


Barthogan Blackstark by all reasonings was his enemy, yet he spared Elia and Rhaenys from a fate unbecoming of them, offered appropriate reparations and compensation, a fair trade, and proved more reasonable in one meeting than King Aerys had been in their entire associate. Yet he was not a something for nothing sort, he wanted to ensure peace and stability while also satisfying both parties with a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Elia's agreement was the only reason they accepted, but with the Condition that Doran's daughter Arianne must foster with him as a Companion of Rhaenys. Barthogan Blackstark would be their King so long as the agreements and Promises that had been made were honored and Kept. If it was, the secret of Jon Snow would remain buried for so long as Barthogan Blackstark wished it.

But Doran would be lying if he said he didn't feel a hint of fear in him for allowing Elia to return to Court with Rhaenys. But he wasn't sure if he should be more worried of the fact that Oberyn AND Arianne were going to Court was more dangerous.

Suppose he should be grateful that Oberyn isn't taking his daughters with him...that would be bad for everyone involved.....