
GoT: The Black Wolf of Winterfell

Barthogan Stark, called Black Barth, Second Son of Lord Rickard Stark, Elder Twin Brother of Eddard Stark, and Reincarnated soul unlike any other. Sunday 26th September 2021: Barthogan's saga has almost been sung, but the story of His Son Cregan I Blackstark and his Siblings Steffon, Cassana, and Josephine have yet to be written and sung.

Theragfromthecrag · Book&Literature
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19: Trial by The Trident Part 3

(The Trident, The Riverlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(Barthogan Blackstark POV)


It was Done, but not without losses, Rhaegar Targaryen lay dying at the feet of Barthogan and Cassandra, Ser Barristan Selmy was the sole survivor of the Kingsguard accompanying Rhaegar. A Shame as Ser Jonothor was a decent enough man.

Taking Robert's hunting knife, Barthogan buries it in Rhaegar's Eye. He dies instantly.

''It's over, House Targaryen's days are numbered.'' Says Cassandra.

''No, it's not over yet, we still have the Golden Company to contend with. But for now, send Prince Lewyn's body to Sunspear, and bring Lyn Corbray to me.'' Barthogan commands.

''And what of Rhaegar?'' Asks Cassandra.

''Crucify him, we'll carry him to King's Landing as a Message. But while your at it, bring me Roose Bolton, Wyman Manderly, ''Bronze Yohn'' Royce, Garth Hightower, and Stannis.'' Barthogan commands, deciding to take initiative and promote a bit of forethought.


(POV Shift: Roose Bolton)


Roose didn't know why King Barthogan had summoned him, or with Corbray, Royce, Baratheon, Hightower, or Manderly. He assumed it was either Small Council appointments, new marching orders, or both.

They Found King Blackstark being Patched up by three Maesters. Beside him were Brynden Tully and Queen Cassandra.

''I've summoned you men here for two reasons, first is to announce the formation of a New Order, The Kingsglaive. The Glaive is charged with scouring the Realm for threats to the Royal Family and either turn them into am asset or destroy them before they become a problem. The Lord-Commander of the Kingsglaive will sit on the Small Council. Lord Yohn you will lead the Glaive, raise it to Fifteen Thousand Men. No more, no less. Second Lyn Corbray, defeating Prince Lewyn Martell, even injured as he was has earned you a Place in my Kingsguard. Ser Hightower you have place there as well. Thirdly, I lack a Master of Ships, A Master of Whisoers, A Hand, and a Royally Appointed Marshal. Roose Bolton, Come peacetime you will serve as The King's Marshal. Wyman, the Fleet will be yours. As for you Stannis, I Name you my Hand, and when the War's over, Dragonstone is to be yours.'' Says Barthogan.

''What will be my duties Your Geace?'' Asks Roose, seeking clarification as to just what being the Marshal entailed.

''Your mandate is to maintain and lead the Royal Forces, you will plan their tactics and composition, determine it's Generals and Lead it in battle. Your Authority is superceded only by myself, The Hand, My Wife, and Lord-Commanders of The Kingsglaive and Kingsguard. You have no authority over the Kingsguard or Glaive as they act independently of your Authority and answer directly to me. That is all for now.'' King Barthogan says in dismissal.


(POV Shift: Barthogan Blackstark)


The Loyalists were either dead, dying, surrendering, or retreating. The valuable Prisoners such as Jon Connington, Richard Lonmouth, Barristan Selmy, and Highborn Lord's of similar standing were tended to and given decent cells and regular medical care.

Barthogan had no idea when, where, or how the Golden Company would attack, land, and work against him. His Ravens were spread rather thin right now. His best options were to take King's Landing, but he needed Tywin to do that and kill Aegon. Or He could use the Sewers to sneak in dnd disable the wild fire caches, kill Aegon quietly or send him off to Astapor. But how would he do this all qiuetly? His surest bet would be taking Dragonstone now, get his hands on Viserys and Daenerys sooner rather than later and Queen Rhaelle too if he was lucky. He could legitimize Jon Snow so Jon Redstark and give Dragonstone to him and Dany while Summerhall would become The Seat of Stannis.

Originally Summerhall was supposed to go to Renly, but Now that his heart stopped beating so fast he could think more clearly. So he summoned Stannis.

''Your Grace?'' Asks Stannis.

''Queen Rhaelle is pregnant again, bringing me a dilemma. If she has a Girl, I can deprive Viserys of an Heir by betrothing her to a second son of Stark Blood. But it would mean breaking my word to you Stannis, I promised you Dragonstone, but Dragonstone would placate Houses Celtigar, Velaryon, and Darry if it was given to a Targaryen Girl. I had intended on rebuilding Summerhall and giving it to Renly, but...well you see my dilemma. I suppose we'll have to wait no? In any event I have orders for you to Give, Secure The Riverlands, Reach, Red Mountains, and Vale, We'll wait for whatever is gonna happen, actually happen....'' Says Barthogan.


(Casterly Rock, Lannisport, The Westerlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(POV Shift: Tywin Lannister)


Barthogan Blackstark had killed Prince Rhaegar, making their decision clear, they could no longer afford to wait for the Golden Companies Arrival, they had to strike now. Barthogan had instructed that they were to limit the damage but capture Rhaenys and Elia Alive and Unharmed, which meant Gregor Clegane was not useful for this, Lorch would be the one to kill the Little Princeling while Crakehall and Marbrand would secure the Princesses...


(POV Shift: Myles Toyne)


The God's were against them it seemed, the Golden Company had hit the Stepstones, but were set upon by constant Raiders who were led by Ironborn Reavers. The Twenty Thousand Men he had had dwindled down to Fifteen Thousand.

It would be nice being able to break this contract which was becoming far more trouble than what it was worth, but that thought alone went against the Company Code, meaning they'd have to see it through regardless of his personal feelings on the Matter.

There you are folks, The Mass Release.

Next Chapters will detail the Golden Companies Arrival and aftermath of the Sack. And hope you liked the Small Council appointments, Roose is obviously a controversial choice, but it was that or making him Hand.


Lyn Corbray


Garth Hightower have Joined Brynden the Blackfish in the Kingsguard....Yay!!!!!

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