
Got re-married for revenge

"In the gripping and emotionally charged novel 'Got Re-Married for Revenge', Tamara's life is turned upside down when her husband, Dixon, decided to divorce her after one year of their marriage. Weeks later she lost her child and blamed Dixon for it, with her world shattered and her self-esteem Tamara vows to exact a devastating revenge on him who destroyed her marriage and her trust. As she embarks on a journey of transformation, Tamara discovers a newfound strength and determination, fueled by her desire for retribution. She sets her sights on Dixon's business empire, seeking to dismantle his reputation and fortune, piece by piece. But as she navigates the treacherous landscape of love, lies, and deceit, Tamara finds herself torn between her quest for vengeance and her growing feelings for a mysterious and charming stranger, Axel her husband. Later on she found out that her ex husband was cheating on her with her best friend. She found out her the mystery behind her mother’s death and wanted more revenge and justice. As the stakes grow higher and the web of deceit thickens, Tamara must confront the darkness of her own past and the true motives of those around her. Will she find the justice she seeks, or will her pursuit of revenge consume her entirely? Will she fall in love after 5years of her loveless marriage? Dive into this captivating tale of heartbreak, empowerment, and the unrelenting pursuit of justice, as Tamara's story twists and turns in unexpected ways, keeping you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

Lou_ha · Thành thị
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37 Chs

Chapter 23

Feeling bored at the banquet, Fiona decided to sit down and told the waiter to give her a wine. Almost immediately, the waiter gave her a glass of wine, when suddenly a projector was being on. Not quite long videos and pictures of Dixon making love with is secretary was being shown to the world. It seems Tamara was really ahead of Dixon and wanted nothing but to destroy him.

Watching the video Tamara had a smirk on her face. "This is just the beginning", she said.

Shocked on how the person got the video and how the whole world had seen this, Dixion left the banquet feeling embarrassed while Fiona on the other hand felt wronged and betrayed. She also left the banquet not quite long and went home straight wanting to get an explanation and answers from Dixon but when she got home, Dixon was no were to be found.

She asked the maids if Dixon had come home but they said no. She went to their room and started sobbing quietly as she destroyed the room and yelled out of frustration. She couldn't believe it Dixon was cheating on her. She waited for Dixon to come back home and fortunately he came back home but this time drunk. When Fiona saw Dixon, she started yelling at him and punching him on the chest but what Dixon did next gave her the shock of her life.

Out of frustration Dixon raised his hands on her. Fiona was shocked, lost her balance and fell to the floor. She couldn't believe it. Her husband slapped her. He moved closer to her and said "Enough, just shut up. You saw the video and the whole world saw it. Stop acting stupid and childish and yes I had sex with her and guess what, her pussy was thight and wet when I drove my dick inside her. She's sweet Fiona, sweeter than you could ever imagine". After that he left the room.

Fiona sat down crying and slept off crying. Axel was really suprised by the video and he knew he didn't do it even though he knew about it. When he saw Tamara smirking he guessed she was the one that posted it. Wow really misjudged his wife, he thought as he smiled and wanted to see what she was going to do next.

She was pretty sure that the chances of Dixon getting his fame now and having a business patner to help him get his company back was now very low. She wanted to destroy him, piece by piece and wants him to be on his knees begging from her for mercy and she was going to do just that. "Don't worry baby, mummy is going to make sure she completes her revenge and makes sure she destroys him for killing you". What she needed now was to confirm the relationship between Dixon and Fiona before she goes into a conclusion.

Soon the banquet ended. Tamara and Axel both entered their Lamborghini Veneno and the car drove off with full speed. It was past midnight when they got home. They both went into their various rooms to get some sleep. Tamara freshened up and sat down on the bed and flashes of what happened in the last five years started flashing through her eyes. She cleaned her tears and promised her self never to cry again. She wasn't going to give up now when the fun just started.

Tamara open the drawer on her right side of the bed and drafted out her plan for tomorrow. She had an evil grin on as she saw what she drafted out. Closing the book, she laid down and went to sleep but had an hard time falling asleep because she kept on thinking about her child. She on the light and took sleeping pills, soon she fall asleep. On the other hand Axel was watching Tamara and felt pains for her. He really wanted to see her smile and laugh and also wanted to destroy the people that made her like this. But he wasn't going to do that he his going to allow her to do it her way and help her when necessary. He closed her door and went to his room..