
Chapter 3

I woke up today with the weirdest dream, I'm the dream everyone was happy and I kept hearing people say my dad had resurrected but I didn't believe until I saw him with my own to eyes . I was overwhelmed, excited, happy but then he just disappeared when I turned around, no one understood what had happened but they didn't want to hear me cry , they didn't want to hold me and tell that he would be back , so I was left alone again, crying to myself until I woke up shouting ' daddy ' still crying but he wasn't there and I was still surrounded by strangers.

So what's my daily routine you may ask , well I wake , then I pray thanking God for the day because He's the reason I'm alive , then I get greet a few people and I get sent around school by seniors to get them water in their giant bucket , I can't refuse, I would get the beating of my life but I don't blame them , their seniors did it to them too , it's the Nigerian boarding school lifestyle.

Then when I'm done playing house girl with the rest of the juniors , I take my bath , get dressed, arrange my bed and sweep and mop my space cause no ones gonna do that for me . And when I'm done I am off to class cause if you're still in the dorm when it's time for assembly or class -( Omo you go chop cane)- meaning- you will be flogged without mercy and maybe if the teachers or seniors are not in a good mood , you will also be punished and the worst thing a junior needs is to be flogged by 9 am in the morning.

So after assembly everyone goes to their various classes and I'm there praying I'm not gonna have math as my first lesson of the day but immediately the teacher walks in , I begin to pray to God for understanding because it's math and I don't know shit then I turn to my right and see the math guru's so excited , ( God when me sef go shout because of math) - meaning ( God when will I also shout excitedly because of math).

So the teacher keeps teaching and explaining but I still don't get shit and I'm too tired to write all those equations down, I mean who cares about finding x , so I just doze off till the lessons over , only to find out that an assignment was given (who go help me do this one now) meaning ( who's going to help me with this) cause I ain't really close to any body, maybe I'll just find a nice senior to help me do this cause I have too much dignity to ask my classmates to teach me . I know I have pride but I know that immediately they are done helping me , they go behind my back and insult me or gossip and I'm tired of being gossiped about .

So what do you guys think about this book. It’s kind of hard for me to right cause it’s right I’m writing a biography on myself and thank you so much to all of you who cared to read . It means the world to me . Love ya❤️

YUSRAH_ISABORSONcreators' thoughts