

I know you guys may have been wondering

What's up with me , well let me just bring you into my reality . I did do my math assignment with the aid of a kind senior but one thing I learnt in boarding school is do not be a friend to a senior , cause they are going to take advantage but also do not be hated by them cause your gonna be in for it and oh boy , I was always in for atleast most of the time. Boarding taught me discipline, built my strength, made me rely on my self but also made me smarter than I already was , because you can't be a fool here , make a wrong move and you're either a target to the teachers or to the seniors or to even you're classmates . And there was this saying that everyone knew and it was mostly said when group of people were talking secretly or most likely gossiping and it ' the walls have ears'. And trust me they really did , cause twenty minutes after the discussion, someone had heard it and it was most likely the student or senior that was being gossiped about .

I still remember my father , I see him in dreams, I silently cry but I have to face reality , I have to be strong, intelligent and I have to be the person that he always wanted me to become. He's the only person, I owe it all to , him , my mother and brother cause none of the family cared to support when he died , the family drifted apart, hatred spread , but I thank God that He never left us , cause He is all we have.

And there's this girl I let break my walls down , she was in a class behind me and she became my friend but she really wasn't and everything I told her , she went about telling it to the school, even secrets of other people because I trusted her. And when we were questioned about who said all that was said , this girl had the audacity to point at me , she started crying and saying it wasn't her and I was just to shocked to react.

And after everything, later that night she came up me and said , that she said all those things because the boys were talking bad about her and she wanted to put them in their and then she asked to go apologize to the people that their secrets were revealed and again I was in shock that a person could do this and I wanted to go tell the seniors that she was the one but I held back . The next day she came to me asking if I hated her but I said no , cause I didn't have time to be hating on anyone but this girl's story doesn't end here, it's way too long ..