
Goliath [ MHA/SL]

All Might is the number one Hero to Izuku, always has been and will be. He was the one he always wanted to look up to! However, it's also true that the All Might isn't the only idol for him... There's another one. Always positive and prone to pathos, his giant uncle Andre, better known to the public as Goliath. *** [ I'm warning you. There will be mistakes in the text. English is not my first language, and I would appreciate it if you could point out my mistakes. It won't be perfect, and even below average, but I want to improve, so your criticism would be helpful. Be my guest, and point out my problems in the fanfic to me. ]

MasterBoner · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

13.Upcoming Storm(2/2)

After letting Owl go about his business, Goliath prepared to leave the place. He will leave B-Q here until the organizers give the okay to disband. The decision on which team members to send home as the event progresses rests with the Team leader, Lynx, who will be in charge today in his absence.

Goliath strolled unperturbed a bit away from the crowd, his every step radiating calmness and his professional smile pleasing even casual passersby. He looked like a mountain, unshakable and towering above those around him, surrounded only by the decorations and bulky inventions brought here for this event.

Among those who passed by Goliath were old men and women, men and women who threw him uncontrollable glances, and even a few children, amazed at the sight of a manly man capable of bringing down an entire building with one mighty blow. His face was firm, his eyes hidden behind stylish glasses, his fingers clenched into fists, and his gait confident and straight.

In front of such an impressive gathering of people, he emphasized professionalism and was adamant about it. Although he often liked to create spectacular scenes, he understood when it was necessary to behave with restraint. And the scientific conference was just such a place, where there was no room for unnecessary antics. If only the organizers had decided to add an element of showmanship to the event, he would have been happy to host. However, he was a little disappointed that the organizers had decided to limit themselves to simply sounding out inventions and their creators.

Among other things, Goliath's thoughts were preoccupied with the report Owl had given him, which, though incomplete, was still troubling. Goliath was aware that death was a part of life, and even here where he was right now, at this very second, there were murders taking place.

He intended to expand his Guild of Honor to the entire country so that evil would feel fear. He intended for villains, criminals, rapists, and murderers to know that they would not escape justice.

He wanted people like Gabriel Garcia to not die because of their individual characteristics.

In his time as a lifeguard, he'd seen all sorts of shit, read all sorts of reports, but he could never condone the death of innocents. He only hoped that this Gabriel had been granted a quick death, without torture or agony.

"Back in my past life, things weren't all colorful, but we didn't get to this level like this world. So many morals crossed out, less humanity in people. So much shit on the plate in this world... Forgive me, Gabriel, I hope wherever you are, you'll forgive me. I don't know how many people have already been hurt, but I will avenge you. "

André already knows that a full report will make him angry, and he will hold his rage until he finds the culprits, he promises.

He sensed something. In his internal sonar, someone was oscillating between death and life.

A sharp voice through the communicator confirmed it.

" Boss, stand #24, a man fainted! You're the closest! "

He shifted abruptly from his seat, eliciting a reaction from the people nearby, who had to jump back a bit. " Roger! " he replied putting his fingers to the communicators and relaying the information.

People looked at the huge hero with surprise and bewilderment, who suddenly shouted "Out of the way!" and started to rush towards one of the stands.

A wave of anxiety swept past the crowded people, some recoiled, some froze in amazement, and staring at the titan moved aside so as not to be crushed.

Some began whispering and exchanging glances, not realizing what was going on, while others tried to discern where Goliath was headed.

"Boss, medics are on their way," came a sound in Goliath's earpiece. He didn't respond, just rushed towards booth number 24.

A second later, he was already at the booth where a commotion had been raised and several scientists were fussing over a body lying on the floor. Goliath's appearance overshadowed everything around him, his enormous stature like a mountain in front of them.

He knelt down to be level with the scholars, but even then he was still high above their height. Some of the scholars looked at him in surprise, but Goliath was concentrating on the man lying there. He quickly turned to one of the scholars and asked: "Did you check his heartbeat?"

The elderly man almost shrieked in response, "Yes! His heart rate is too high, he may not make it, we need to sedate him!"

The man was clearly stressed, and you could tell from his shout that the unconscious man was his friend or had some sort of close connection to him.

Goliath clenched his teeth, trying to remember something useful about the current situation. He remembered the lessons of first aid. For an elevated heartbeat, one should... Yes, that's right!

"Step back a bit!" he said sharply, turning his head toward the gathered people, who obediently moved farther away. He then turned to an elderly man

" Sir, to begin with you-

He was interrupted by a sharp gasp from the man on the floor. At the sharpness, the grandfather beside him jumped back, and Goliath looked down at the stage.

He watched anxiously as the man opened his eyes abruptly and made a jerking motion, as if trying to come back from a momentary coma. Abrupt, exhausted exhalations and inhalations shook his emaciated body, and his skin lost its natural coloring.


Another sigh from the man on the floor was accompanied by a sudden burst of light, looking like a faint blue beam of energy. Goliath didn't immediately notice it, but as the beam approached one of the appliances in the room, he felt a strange tremor in the air.

This invisible beam of energy disappeared inside the device, causing sparks and flashes. Instantly, everyone in the room noticed what was happening, eyes of general surprise and consternation turned to the strange device.

Anticipating trouble, people pulled back even further. Stand #24, on it stood some gizmo that looked like a bulky iPad, white in color combined with dark, and there were some buttons in the corners. Right now, there were sparks flying from it and being thrown in different directions.

With anger in his eyes, Goliath reacted.

The device continued to spark and throw in different directions, threatening not only those around him, He took a moment to look away from the body to the floor, whose color was already whiter than snow, and felt the growing anger within him." Shit... And that thing. It might explode, we need to get rid of it soon, or it'll cause more casualties, two was already enough... "

With a determination that overshadowed the pain and danger, Goliath stood up sharply on his four meters. He slid towards the men with his broad grip, the clumsy steps bringing him closer to the device. Ignoring the current hitting him and the sensation of his skin burning, he grabbed the device in his hand under the astonished stares of the men.

Anger permeated his every cell. He realized that the time for idiotic doubt and deliberation was over - a reaction was needed right now.

"Careful, and step aside! "

With a twinkle in his eye, Goliath took aim and targeted the glass ceiling. Gathering the strength in his massive figure, he waved his hand powerfully and threw the device into the air.


Due to the speed of the flight, the device only punched a small hole in the glass without obscuring the entire base. There was only a small hole in the entire ceiling left by the device.

Under the general stares of amazement, the device left his hand, swung down in a curved trajectory and past the surrounding people. Goliath hoped he could get rid of the possible explosion and danger without harming those around him.

Goliath stood with clenched fists, gazing up into the sky where he had just dropped the device. The plan was that because of the altitude and time to fly and fall, the device would have enough time to explode, if it was going to explode at all. He just at the moment the thing started sparking and pounding frantically, at the moment he thought it was going to explode, and he didn't wait, so he threw it out of bounds just in case. He had yet to find out what the thing was doing and who it belonged to.....

However, the device floated slowly and smoothly in the air, much to Goliath's misfortune. His desire to see it broken or destroyed turned to disappointment. The device proved to be stronger, or Goliath jumped to conclusions.

As he watched, he heard the outstretched, "Oooh! " next to him. "Whoa!" Clearly impressed by the moment and not quite understanding people.

Goliath noticed that the medics were already approaching the scene. He was sure they would reach his location soon. Not wanting to stay put and give anyone suspicion, Goliath activated his earpiece and sent a message, "I'm leaving the fair, Lynx knows what to do."

With those words, he took a quick step towards the exit, bestowing a professorial smile and waving his arms. Goliath knew Lynx would handle the rest. After he caught this thing, a full-scale investigation would have to be made and a hunt for whoever was behind something like this would have to begin. First Gabriel, now this man, his gut tells him it's connected.


Goliath stood at the entrance of the Science Fair building, his eyes fixed on the sky where a small device was circling. The sunlight was beating directly into his eyes, but he kept his gaze fixed on it, trying to make out something unimaginably small in the air.

He put a hand to his forehead, shielding his eyes from the blinding light, and scrutinized the device. His eyesight had been refined to the point where he could see even the smallest details at great distances.

Goliath stood motionless, waiting for the explosion that was due any minute. But then the device began to fall from the sky, and Goliath caught a glimpse of its trajectory. It's about to fall...

" Isn't this where Comic Con is held? And one of the biggest in history? There's going to be so many people there, damn it! And why didn't I just close that shit with both hands, could have withstood the fucking explosion!" bellowed Goliath, now disappointed in himself, letting anger take over, thus making such mistakes. He could have secured the safety more easily, not making things harder on himself by simply shutting the nasty thing down and trying to correct his mistake.

"Argh, let's not waste any time," Goliath muttered, tensing his legs after a few steps.

Spreading out, he jumped.


Goliath took the leap.

And within a few moments, he had traveled several kilometers. Impressively, the leap was less than half his full strength.

In one leap, he reached the roof of the building where Comic Con was being held.

The penetrating sounds of those gathered inside the building reached his ears. Goliath looked around and noticed the footprints under his feet that he had left on the ground. It got him thinking.

"Need to hold back more. This is getting harder and harder. " he sighed, lifting his head and intensifying his vision again. He saw his falling object there, and as it approached, Goliath made the vision weaker so the etl wouldn't get in his way. Andre decided to just catch it at the last moment.

With his arms outstretched, he expected the device to land.

However, the very second the object touched his fingers, it shattered into pieces. The shattered electronics left only debris and splinters.

"You gotta be kidding me... "

Suddenly, the current from the shattered device became brighter and more visible, penetrating the concrete as if being absorbed in an unknown direction. Goliath felt his anger bubbling up internally. This unpredictable reaction of the device only made him even angrier. Plus another misstep for today. Terrible.

"Fuck!" - he let out a shout, not hiding his irritation. He realized that the situation was getting out of control and time and this shit going off somewhere in a building wasn't going to bring something good. He didn't want to take any chances again. "Need to Evacuate everyone. " and maybe he'll regret it, maybe he'll save lives. He had the right to do that though, and he would deal with the consequences later.

Goliath made a quick decision, realizing that the safety of the people was a priority.

Goliath abruptly jumped off the roof and his massive body landed on the asphalt, creating a crack under his feet. He quickly approached the large doors, which seemed gigantic even by his standards. As he rushed inside the building, his gaze stopped on the guards standing in the way.

As Goliath entered the building and his eyes met the guards, one of them suddenly recognized him. The boy mumbled the name "Goliath..." with a glint in his eyes. This small acknowledgement and sign of recognition gave a bit of joy in the gray and deteriorating day to Goliath. At the same time, he quickly addressed the guards, beginning his address with the standard words.

"This is Hero Goliath, evacuate everyone immediately!" - he pronounced with clarity and strength in his voice.

One of the guards turned to him and expressed his bewilderment, "What, why should everyone evacuate? What's going on? Is there a bomb threat? We've been doing a thorough sweep of everyone, and we haven't found anything!"

Goliath frowned, realizing that an explanation would be difficult, but necessary. He replied with seriousness in his voice: "An unknown energy has infiltrated this building, and we don't know what it can do. The only proper solution is to begin evacuation immediately to ensure the safety of everyone here."

"This Comic Con has been going on for so long, so much effort has gone into organizing it, there are nearly a thousand people here, if not more. And you want us to just turn around and leave because you say so? " the guard replied gruffly.

Goliath clenched his jaw, the clear outline of his cheekbones visible, he stepped a little closer to the first guard, showing his dominance. Not just in height, but in aura, character, and professionalism. He didn't rough up the man in front of him, because he knew he was doing his job. However, Goliath was about to deliver one thing. "Evacuate. People. Now, officer. There could potentially be heavy casualties, and just because you didn't listen to me, it will all be on your hands. "

The guard however didn't back down, he held on tight until he was yanked by his colleague. "Dude, that's Goliath! He don't say shit, if he says it's dangerous, that it is! " muttered the second guard.

The first man waited for a moment, keeping his gaze on Goliath, which made him raise his head high. Though he himself was under two meters tall, Goliath's titanic stature was impressive. And the guard was proud, he didn't want to give up, but he realized that Goliath's words made sense. An unknown threat could be far more dangerous. "Shit, okay, activate the fire alarm, that's faster way to go! " he growled giving his colleague the order.

"Okay! " scurried away from him.

Goliath leveled himself, "Thank you for your cooperation, officer. " and headed for the doors to the main hall under the officer's disgruntled look.



Goliath stood still, listening to the audible alarm siren that went off throughout the building. The guards activated it to get people to move faster and more coordinated. Panic gripped the crowd and people started running towards the exits seeking escape.

At first there was pandemonium and the panic only increased. But when people noticed Goliath standing there in his Hawaiian shirt, their anxiety eased a bit. They saw him as a symbol of strength and safety. The people's eyes on him were filled with hope.

Goliath sprang into action, taking on the role of leader and guard. He showed composure and calmness to adjust the course of the evacuation, by his actions he set an example. He instructed the men to follow his commands and directed them to the exits.

Under Goliath's leadership, people were rapidly leaving the building. His calming presence and authority helped them cope with the chaotic situation. They had faith in him, knowing that he would protect and accompany them on their journey to safety.

All together, under Goliath's guidance, they successfully evacuated the building, leaving potential dangers behind. Goliath continued to stand there, guarding until the last moment, and confidently escorting everyone to freedom.

Let them think so. Their looks of adoration and attention, only made him stronger. Literally.

" Okay, people have been evacuated, now we need to contact Headquarters-

After everyone was left behind, Goliath was left alone with a bunch of things to do with Comic Con, as well as the empty halls of the building. He slowly moved forward, walking a little further until he decided to pick up his phone to contact headquarters.

Suddenly, something strange happened behind him, something truly incomprehensible. First came a sound, a sound Goliath had never heard before. It penetrated his ears, causing him to feel a sense of the unknown.

And as soon as that sound died down, the next moment came an incredibly strange "POYO?"


[ Yup, We're doing it guys, we've been wanting to do something like this for a long time. And guess what this device did, and what led up to it? I apologize for the mistakes, I'm tired of typing on my old phone. Tell me the characters you want to see.]

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

MasterBonercreators' thoughts