
Chapter 17

Laila's voice kept shaking as she sang to her heart's sorrows.

She didn't remember when the room around her became peaceful, quiet and calm.

She was in her own world until the lights slowly dimmed down.

The moonlight was the only thing that lightened her way.

She opened her eyes, panting, but breathing in a quiet voice afraid to wake him up. She didn't know if she had to leave or stay, as opening, the door might wake him up.

She softly walked to a couch beside her where nobles sat, and rested her head with another.

Her eyes kept staring at the window in front of her.

The moon that night looked majestic. All alone in the sky, shining beautifully while surrounded by darkness.

She was afraid there will be a day when it would stop glowing, a day when, it would lose its light.

Her eyes closed down gently, with a soft tear falling on her cheek.


In the middle of the night, a dark shadow was standing in front of her frail sleeping body.

Its dark eyes were staring at her coldly.

The moonlight glowed a bit on his massive arms, covered with armlets of gold.

His broad back covered most of the light from reaching her face.

He held in his hand a blanket, and gently threw it on her cold body.

"Hmm," she made a cute noise as she tightly clutched the blanket. Even in her sleep, she seemed happy.

His eyes were still cold as he watched.

His whole body took a deep breath with him, before he walked away.


The next morning.

Laila tried to turn around in her sleep, facing the harsh sun she woke up uncomfortably.

She stood up slowly rubbing her eyes. Suddenly remembering where she was, she hurriedly turned around to look at the prince's place.

No one was there.

She took a look in the room.

Still no one, but her ears picked up a bit of a commotion outside.

She stood up in a hurry when she felt the blanket falling next to her.

Did he?... She asked herself. No, it was probably Aaliyah early in the morning or something, she convinced herself.

She took the blanket with her and walked outside, where she found Aaliyah walking away.

"Aaliyah," she called out.

Aaliyah turned her eyes trying to look for who called. She ran to Laila as soon as her eyes fell on her.

"You're awake."

"Yes, thank you for this," she handed her the blanket.

Aaliyah took the blanket and stared at Laila confused. "It was the prince, not me," she opened the door where Laila came from and threw the blanket there without a care. "Don't worry about that now, we have matters to deal with," she held her hand and walked her.

Laila followed but she was still starstruck, that the prince was the one who placed the blanket on her.

When? She wondered, her eyes nervously shaking, knowing full well he must have seen her sleeping. I hope I didn't look weird, she thought.

While her mind wandered Aaliyah took her outside where the tribe, the prince's army, and a few slaves were packing.

There were a lot of people that made Laila stare blankly.

"Laila," screamed her father as soon as he saw her.

"Father," Laila looked a bit ashamed to meet his eyes.

"I was worried about you last night."

"I told them to tell you that I will be sleeping at Aaliyah's," she looked at Aaliyah apologetically.

Akshan turned to look at her too.

Aaliyah didn't hesitate, "I apologize, I just wished for her to aid me with my future wedding preparations."

He looked a bit suspicious, "And what kind of help would my daughter be able to bring?"

Aaliyah kept her calm composure. "I was just interested and curious about your ways and culture that I thought it would be nice if it could make my wedding a bit more special than the others."

Akshan looked at her for a few moments, but Aaliyah didn't show any weird signs while talking.

"Yes father, so don't worry. But tell me what is this about?" Laila tried to change the subject.

"She didn't tell you?"

"She didn't have a chance to as I slept early and didn't wake up till of now."

"Hmm, you must have been tired." He sighed. "The prince wants us to perform in front of the king. And if we do well we may regain our freedom."

Laila's eyes widened. She didn't know why this happy announcement, wasn't as joyful as she thought it would be for her.

"Come help, we have to prepare everything by tonight since we're leaving early tomorrow." her father walked away.

She stood behind Aaliyah.

"Making me lie for you, huh," said Aaliyah jokingly.

Laila smiled embarrassedly. "I am sorry."

Aaliyah placed her hand on her shoulder as she turned to leave, "I don't mind, but not when you try to kill yourself like yesterday. I don't know if you're stupid, or you're this confused about yourself. But I don't wish for my friend to throw herself to death blindly."

Laila looked at the ground ashamed, "Yeah, I am sorry. But," she took a deep breath, "I think, I am close to figuring everything out."

Aaliyah looked at her for a moment, then sighed. "Next time, let me know before you decide to make a move, I may help." She patted her shoulder.

Laila smiled, "I am sorry for putting you through all of this."

Aaliyah shook her head. "Don't worry, go prepare yourself."

Laila nodded and left to join her family members.

Aaliyah kept staring at her back, with a sad expression.

"I am sorry, Laila. But tonight may be the last night, you will see the prince, in his right mind."

Aaliyah looked like she was about to break, her eyes started tearing. "This may be, the last night, for all of us."

She turned to walk away after cleaning her tears away from people's eyes.

Laila didn't know when a bad feeling arose in her heart. She turned around, looking in the direction where she left Aaliyah, but she wasn't there anymore.

She didn't understand this bad premonition.

She shook her head and smiled at her mother while helping her, trying to forget.

Let's just prepare for the trip, she calmed herself.