
golden hearts

Emma's life was never a peachy one, she had to fight for every last thing she's got. Her indifferent father and broken marriage did nothing to mend the twisted mind she grew to have nor heal her broken self. Emma is not whom she pictures herself to be, secrets that are buried deep inside are about to be exposed. Secrets of gravity beyond imagination.

leadermc5 · Thanh xuân
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85 Chs

part 12

Third Person POV


Adam has been distant since that night, he wouldn't touch nor come near Emma like he used to do.

It was as if he knew something he wasn't supposed to, something that would put him in the harms way. And she wasn't happy about that fact, not one bit.

She was racing against time as it is, and she didn't want nor need to add any extra issues on her already full plate.

She kept thinking about how she would solve this new issue while pacing the living room until she heard the main door opening.

She went there thinking it was Adam, but was surprised when she was met with an angry red-haired beauty. "How may I help you?" Asked Emma, curiously yet politely.


"By vanishing from here before I make you!" Snapped the girl, angrily while shooting daggers at Emma.

"Pardon?" She was dumbfounded.

"This is my boyfriend's house, so you better scram you pathetic wench!" The girl almost shouted.

"Oh really?" Emma mocked. "I thought it was my fiancé's, I must've gotten in here by mistake. Wait let me call him to confirm." She fished her phone out to do just that when she was stopped.

"W- what are you doing? Y- you don't have to bother him just for that." The once confident and angry woman was replaced with a frightened little kitten.

Emma looked at her for awhile then she started laughing.

The woman looked at her, curious as to why she was suddenly laughing.

Then a slap suddenly echoed in the air.

"How pathetic!" Scoffed Emma before fishing out a handkerchief and wiped her hand off

The girl staggered back because of the force of the slap and the change of Emma's demure. "W- what?" She stuttered, holding her cheek.

"Just where did you get the courage to come to me when Adam's name alone knocked your breath out!" Emma's harsh tone resonated in the air, taking the girl by surprise. It went from polite and welcoming to a chilly cold one. "What? Cat got your tongue? Or did you think if you come here shouting and snapping I'll hand you what's mine on a platter of gold?" Continued Emma. "Even if I were to give Adam up, it certainly won't be for a person like you. Don't let me see you again or you'll regret the day you dared to challenge me." She warned.

"I'm s- sorry. I didn't-"

"Scram already!" She snapped before turning around and started walking back to the living room.

"GRETTA!" She shouted for the head maid when the woman was gone.

A woman in her late thirties came running to the living room. "Yes, Mrs. Knights?" She bowed slightly.

"What was that about?" She asked calmly, her original sweet tone coming back.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. One of the maids let her in because she told her she was your cousin." Gretna explained.

"This will be the last time something like this happens. I didn't employ you for nothing, you know that no one outside immediate family members is to come inside the premises without Adam's or my permission. You should let the employees know too." Still turning her back to the lady.

"Yes, ma'am." Acknowledged the lady.

"You can go now." She dismissed.

She kept standing for a while in the same place, then smirked before shaking her head slightly remembering the scene that took place few moments ago. People just like to bring the worst out of others. She thought before the smile got wiped off of her face.

She picked her phone up from the table then she dialled a number before putting it on her ear. "You know what to do, right?" She said to the other person on the other side.

There was no answer for a while, just breathing. Then a sigh was heard. "Do you really have to?" There was a hint of hesitation in the man's voice.

"Are you questioning me, Schmidt?" Not Jürgen and not schöner bruder, just Schmidt.

He knew immediately that he fucked up when he felt before heard the change in her tone. When she used his last name instead of the nickname she always calls him with.

"No, of course not! I'm just saying that you should consid-"

"Bring your ass here, Schmidt!" She snapped before hanging up.


"Emma, I really don't think we should do this. If großer bruder finds out-"

"Why are insisting on going against me today! You do what I say not anyone else." She stated in a threatening tone.

"I'm doing it for your sake, your fiancé will be at the receiving end of his wrath. He told you multiple times to keep it subtle if you want Adam to stay out of this ordeal." He explained.

"Nobody is to touch him, not even großer bruder. He knows what I'm capable of, and he is smart enough not to provoke me." Her eyes darkened, matching the promise of destruction that would befall on those who harm the ones she cares about.

"If I do it, will you be satisfied? If I handed her to them will you be pleased." He sighed, still not agreeing with her method but yielded for her sake.

She nodded, breathing a bit heavily. Trying to control the pain that shot through her head without being noticed. However, he saw right through her. He was bound to, he knew her for so many years after all.

"Okay, okay, I understand. I'll do it, just don't get yourself worked up. It's not good for your health. Your condition is bad as it is with all the stress you're going through, don't make it wor-" He said trying to reach for her, to help her sit.

She looked around in a panicked way, searching for any hint of a person that heard their conversation before turning to him with a glare that could burn a person alive. "What did I say about talking about my condition here? What if Adam was here and heard you? How am I supposed to explain to him then!" She snapped.

He didn't understand her today. She was snappier and easily irritated, she wasn't like that with him. They would usually spend their time speaking, teasing, and pranking each other whenever they meet. Today, however seemed as if she was worried about something, something that she wanted to avoid at all costs but knew there's no way to help her do it.


"What is this thing that I shouldn't find out about?" Asked the voice she dreaded hearing at this moment the most.

Both their heads snapped his direction in a speed like no other.

Jürgen was about to say something when Emma beat him to it.

"Just leave already before you cause any more damage." She ordered icily.

He just looked at her for a while before exiting the room. He was upset with the way she treated him today, but he couldn't bring himself to stay angry at her for a long time. He understood where she's coming from, she has a lot of things to do in such a limited time.

She had to execute her revenge, protect those whom she cares about, help him get his revenge, and amend their relationship before it's too late. She was in race with time, a race that no one knew of.


Jürgen shook those thoughts off his mind before getting into his car and speeding off.


Emma walked to Adam who was busy trying to study her every movement. "Why are you here earlier than usual? Is everything okay?" She asked concerned, and trying to avert his attention from what he just saw and heard.

"Who is he Emma, and what was he doing in our house?" Adam asked, ignoring her question.

"You mean Jürgen? He's like a brother, I called him over to discuss about some work related stuff." She answered smoothly.

"A brother? Why don't I know of those brothers of yours that keep on popping out of nowhere?" He asked sarcastically. "And why are you discussing our company stuff with a total stranger?" He added.

"I meant my previous work, Adam, and you don't have to act this way with me. I'm having trouble dealing with all the issues I have now alone, I don't have time or strength to deal with those petty issues." She said calmly. Ignoring his first question.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He hissed, wanting so badly to shout but was reigning himself because of the tired expression and paleness that was covering her.

"It means that I didn't go complaining to you about your flings that found their way into our house, so you shouldn't be angry or jealous about my family!" She snapped, tired of being questioned for something so trivial.

"Which is why I didn't speak when you told him to deal with her." He snapped.

She tensed when her mind registered what he just uttered. "Oh, don't look so surprised, Hypnosis Professor Annalise Sampson. Did you honestly think I would jump into marriage with someone I don't know anything about? I didn't reach where I am today with a simple mind. Figuring things out and weighting them is my speciality, Mrs. Knights." He smirked at the end.


"That's right, I gave that whore to a bunch of gangsters to do whatever they want with her, to make her think millions of times the next time she dares targeting others' men. I want her to tremble with fear every time she hears my name, so that she know who she messed with." She hissed. "That's how I am, that's what life taught me, it taught me to snatch what I want instead of sitting down and waiting for others' leftovers! That's how I Annalise Sampson lived and how I will continue to live." She whisper-shouted, unable to raise her voice because of the pain she was still experiencing from earlier. "I'm this wicked, evil, and twisted. I was never the obedient and naive girl you knew for two years. The sooner you get that through your head the better." She concluded, and was about to retire to her room before he stopped her.

"I don't care about what you do or how you handle your business. What I care about is for you not to close yourself off from me, to let me in. Especially when it's something concerning your health, it's not something I want to learn about from strangers. If I had any objections about you or your way of doing things I wouldn't have proposed to you in the first place. I wouldn't have even glanced your way. I know everything that I need to know, you're still my Emma and will always be no matter what anyone says." He said in a much calmer way. "The only thing I want from you is to tell me when things are too hard to handle on your own, that's why I'm here for. I want you to tell me what's wrong with you before I notice it myself, that's what married couples are about." He added.

Silent tears slipped from her eyes, his words cut her heart open. How is she supposed to tell the one person who considered her his world that one day she will be gone. That one day she will forget every last memory she had of him.


How is she supposed to ask forgiveness for the sins that she can't stop committing, how will she ever be able to look at herself in the mirror without being repulsive.

"I'm sorry, Adam." She murmured before trembles shot through her head and down her whole body, the pain almost paralysing her senses. Black dots appeared in front of her eyes before she hit the floor with a loud thud.

She welcomed the only piece of solace that helped easing the guilt that left her heart in torment.


Hey, my lovelies!

Here's another update, much sooner than expected. You can think "Loving Caliber" for this early update. The songs are just fabulous, especially 'The One Who Saves Me' and 'These Feelings Won't Go Away'

Hope you enjoy, my lovelies.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Until next time, happy reading.