
golden hearts

Emma's life was never a peachy one, she had to fight for every last thing she's got. Her indifferent father and broken marriage did nothing to mend the twisted mind she grew to have nor heal her broken self. Emma is not whom she pictures herself to be, secrets that are buried deep inside are about to be exposed. Secrets of gravity beyond imagination.

leadermc5 · Teen
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85 Chs

part 11

6 Years Earlier.


After everything I've done for him this is how he repays me!

I thought I was the son he never had.

I kept on blaming myself for being replaced and fooled without even realising it.

"In the end I was only used." I mumbled, and was about to drink the remaining alcohol in my glass when it was snatched from out of nowhere.

I looked up to see a very beautiful brown haired woman, her locks were a light shade of brown almost golden. She gulped the cup down her throat before she slammed it down a little too hard, startling the bartender. Then she looked up with a pair of stunning turquoise orbs. "That's how life is supposed to be. It always shows us how bitch it can be in its own unique way." She finally said.

She continued talking when I kept looking at her without answering. "What I'm saying is to not let it get to you. Being used is much sweeter compared to real hardships people are going through, so, hang in there, schöner bruder." She smiled beautifully while looking at me.

"How did you know?"

"You being used?" She asked. "You said it yourself few minutes ago." She nodded my way with her chin.

"It's easier said than done." I said, referring to her earlier statement about hanging up. Then turned in my seat to my original position, facing the bartender.

"Leave! I want to be alone for awhile." I said, cutting her next sentence before even uttering it.

"I can help you." She offered.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'm sure you'll be running to the hills when you hear my story and who I want to bring down."

"Jürgen Schmidt, right hand man of Gerald Fischer, CEO and founder of Ours finance company, am I wrong?"

I snapped my head her way, suddenly taken aback by this stranger. "You'll hear from me soon, schöner bruder." She winked at my shocked self then she collected her clutch and hat before exiting the bar.

What the fuck was all that about!


I was sitting on my desk typing some important documents when few officers barged into the office. "Mr. Schmidt, you are under arrest for the murder of Ours' previous head accountant." Said one of the officers while another was busy handcuffing me.

I looked up, searching the crowd for anybody to help, to speak for me, but I came up empty handed. Then I saw my boss making his way to us. "Bos-"

"What is this all about, Mr. Schmidt?" He asked in fake concern, but beneath the worried facade he was showing, I noticed a hint of a smile.

The bastard was happy the blame was forwarded to another direction away from him.

Only then I realised, I was ruined!

"He's the prime suspect of a murder, so we're taking him in for questioning."One of the officers spoke.

The bastard then continued his acting. "I know it's a bit too much to ask but can you please take him without the handcuffs. He's one of our company's staff members despite everything."

The officers could do nothing but to agree, they didn't want to disrespect 'the compassionate leader' as everyone describes him.

"I'll send the lawyer right after you, you don't have to worry about anything as long as you're innocent. However if you're by any chance found guilty then you have to pay for your crimes, no status is going to help you then." He lectured loudly, to gain some more respect from the audience. He was and still is a strong believer of the 'power of the word'. Gossip was his fame's essence.

I glared at him one more time before going with the police.


"Are you seriously going to exert your right of silence at this time, when all evidences are against you." Asked the prosecutor, frustratedly.

"You better confess to get a lower sentence." The fucking lawyer adviced. Isn't he supposed to be with me, not against me.

"They really are too incompetent. I mean if they want to really appear like what everybody envisioning them they should at least bring a proper lawyer." Appeared a new voice, a somewhat familiar voice.

"Who are you? What are you doing in the questioning room?" Asked the prosecutor, angrily.

"I'm his lawyer, starting from this moment." Answered the well refined woman before putting the oversized hat off her head.

Everyone in the room gasped at the woman, making me even more confused.


"I prefer Professor much more than what you're about to call me." She cut the prosecutor off.

"W- what are you doing here, professor? And what do you mean by his lawyer?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"Law is one of the many hobbies I like to exert." She said smiling in a not so sincere manner, before looking at the lawyer next to me. "Are you by any chance waiting for a written request to evacuate the place?" She mocked venomously.

She then held some documents that were in her hand in a forwarded manner to the prosecutor.

"Is that enough of evidence to show you that I'm capable of being here or do you need sometime to check whether my licence to practice law is legitimate or not?" She dared.

"No, not at all ma'am, but he already has a lawyer!" The man exclaimed.

"A lawyer who's too busy to prove his client guilty instead of doing his job properly." She then looked at me, and handed me some document. "Sign here." She looked at me in away that said 'trust me', so I did. For some strange reason she seemed much more powerful and influential than what I thought. She isn't just 'the bar girl' anymore.


For her to have the prosecutor stuttering meant that she's more than meets the eye, well my eye.

"As I said earlier, from this moment on I'm his lawyer." She handed the paper I just signed to him, as if mocking his defeated expression. "Shall we begin then?" She opened the suit case she was carrying.

"There's strong evidences against him." The prosecutor claimed.

"Such as?" She said looking down at some documents in her hands.

"The alibi he claims to have doesn't match, there's no one to support his claim, and these photos state something else." He presented her with few photos of my car being in an abandoned area.

"This is it? No pictures of him inside it?" She looked at him.

"The license plate is under his name, the car is on the crime scene four minutes before the time the victim was said to have been killed."

"Just because the car is his doesn't mean he was in it, if the killer wanted to frame him he could easily have stolen it. If this is the strong evidence you were talking about then I'm really disappointed with our country's prosecution competency." She declared.

"Here's an evidence supporting his alibi, his sister fell ill so he went outside of the city to meet her, he took the train there. These are the photos of the CCTV of the station." She handed him the pictures.

They said the CCTVs were broken, just how the hell did she get those pictures.

"The CCTVs weren't broken after all, just someone was trying to ruin him in the most amateurish way I've ever witnessed, or they thought they can buy everyone instead of thoroughly getting rid of the evidences." She unknowingly answered my silent question.

"We have his confession!" The prosecutor snapped irritatedly.

"I have two problems with that piece of evidence. One, it was acquired illegally which makes me curious why it was listed on the evidences list in the first place, second, I have the full conversation that clarifies how that wasn't a confession in the first place." She was right.

I never confessed to any crime, I was just talking with that bastard Gerald about how there was no evidence I murdered the guy, but he cut the whole conversation and made it seem like I was confessing. However what I'm curious about is how she got her hands on it.

When the prosecutor heard the whole conversation, he sighed defeated. It was basically the end of his 'strong evidences' legibility, but he had to take one last shot.

"Everything you presented can be fabricated." Even he wasn't that confident about this case anymore.

The woman handed him a new set of documents. "This is the analysis of Dr. Weber. I'm sure his word is legitimate enough for you." She stated.

Seeing the prosecutor's expression she gathered her stuff and put them back inside her bag. "I'll consider this is the end of this interrogation, we'll take our leave then." She said and ushered for me to stand up.

"Oh, one more thing! Instead of trying to ruin an innocent person's life why not prosecute real criminals. And just your luck the perfect opportunity just presented itself to you. I'm suing that incompetent lawyer for defaming, taking bribes, misuse of power, and much more. I'll be submitting the list to you tomorrow morning. Make sure you do it right, or you'll be next on the list, Prosecutor-" she looked at his badge before speaking again. "Prosecutor. Liam O'brane." She said. "And I expect all the charges to be dropped and for my client's record to be cleared too." She nodded slightly in his way before making her way out.

"Fucking, gold digging incompetent trash." She murmured to herself, causing me to chuckle slightly.

Her head snapped my way before she smiled herself. "The cold right hand man of Ours know how to smile too! Now that's a discovery." She exclaimed in mock wonder.

"You know, don't you?" I asked.


"That I actually killed him." I confessed.

"Of course, I don't take cases blindly. There are standards I follow."

"Then why did you defend me when you know that I'm in fact guilty of the charges? Why did you save me instead of revealing the truth."

"Because I see a potential. I pick my people based on their possible potentials." She said, and then suddenly threw her bag to one of the guys that I didn't know were following us until now.

"Don't follow us." She ordered the same guy, he nodded before heading into a different way.

"Can you pull the car out, I'll be right there." She told me.

I nodded. "I never get your name." I sated moving backwards.

"A-L or professor will suffice for now." She answered smiling.

I nodded again, turned back, and started walking normally to the parking lot while smiling. However my joy was short lived when I spotted few men waiting for me with metal baseball bats while smirking.

"Couldn't he wait until tomorrow after I rest?" I asked, feigning surprise.

"The earlier the better. The babies are waiting for their dinner." Answered the guy that replaced him in Ours. He was referring to the tigers the bastard Fischer was raising in the mini zoo in one of his mansions.

I scoffed at his statement before I lunged at them and the fight started.

I was busy fighting two of the guys, and bent slightly to avoid one of their punches when I felt a hand on my back and as soon as it was there it was gone. I looked up to see A-L flying above me, only to land moments later, knocking one of the men who apparently was sneaking behind my back, off his feet.

"The more time passes the chapter that ex boss of yours get." She said to me while panting a bit which I assumed was because of the running she just did to reach me on time.

A totally stranger just saved me twice a day, from the one whom I spent more than a decade serving, loyally and who was hellbent on destroying me.

"Hey, guys, you really don't have to waste your time and energy. We all know that this bulky man here will win eventually." She said touching my arm muscles slightly as if to emphasise her point.

I glared at her, she was complicating things for us.

She looked at me and shrugged at my obvious glare, then she glanced at the men who were obviously not backing out without a fight. "Don't say I didn't warn you." She stated. "Shall we, then." She smirked, looking at me.


I was so caught up in the fight that I didn't notice one the men sneaking behind me until I felt something heavy hitting the back of my head, the force knocking the air out of my lungs.

"JÜRGEN!" I saw and heard everything in a slow motion. A-L's scream, her running form heading towards me before crouching next to me and cradling my head in her lap.

"MÜLLER!" She shouted, and a young but bulky man appeared out of nowhere,

"Tell the guards to gather those assholes and throw them in jail. I don't want anyone of them escaping. If that happens you'll be paying severally." She threatened. "Call Bertha to do the legal procedures. I want them in jail as long as possible, and call an ambulance." She ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." The man nodded before going about the order he just received.

My vision started getting blurry. "Stay with me, Jürgen! Don't you dare close your eyes!" She hissed.

However I couldn't fight the urge to sleep anymore.

Before I surrendered to darkness, I promised myself one thing.

That if I survived this, I'll always protect and be with this woman who risked all to save me.

End Of Flashbacks.