
Gojos life as a god (Greek mythology/percy jackson)

After facing defeat at the hands of sukuna gojo is reborn into a world more dangerous and mire expansive than the jujutsu world. Join gojo in his life as a mythological figure

Rayden_Combes · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Fight - Aphrodite

Arriving in Aprhodites domain, a rather awkward situation plays out as I teleport there the exact moment ares seem to appear. His face shows confusion initially before he snarls.

"What are you doing here? Last I saw, you were getting personal training from Daddy Dearest." Ares snarled as thunder revebrates outside, showing that father heard that.

"Just paying a visit with Aphrodite. What's with the flowers? Trying to woo her with your slop gut and orangutan arms?" I mock as Ares eyes blaze pure heat.

"What was that..." Ares walks up to me. Despite me being 6'3, the guy still has a good 4 inches on me as I look up slightly, a confident smirk on my face.

Looks like Ares had some unpure intentions with aprhodite. I, on the other hand, came to claim her offer. My last sexual escapade before I focused on nothing but training.

I've gotten over my guilt of sleeping with my brothers hephaestus wife when I found he held a grudge for me being taken advantage of by his wife more or less. I might as well make his grudge an honest one.

"You gonna make a move or what?" I taunt as ares fist lash out in a blur. I don't flinch as his gist is stopped completely by my invisible barrier. Faux infinity, I like to call it.

"To be clear, this is self-defense!" I yell to the sky. I'm making sure my father hears so I don't get a scolding for roughing up Ares unprovoked.

Immediately, I lash out. My fist meeting the god of Wars gut as I infuse my fist with blue. Ares gets blown backward by my love tap as he grits his teeth. Icor spills from his lips as he glares at me.

"Hagggggh!" Ares yells as he summons a sword. Charging towards me, he slashes at me in blurs of motion, but I remain still. None of his attacks was bypassing my faux infinity.

"Put down this barrier and fight me like a man, you bastard!" Ares yells as his sword tries and fails to touch me.

"Fine, you asked for it, though." I immediately drop the barrier and go on the offensive. Punting Ares into the afternoon sky of Olympus as I follow close behind him.

Pushing down on his face, I and ares soar towards the ground. Ripping through the earth as ares lashes out. My eyes catch an attempted skewer as I back off.

Flipping backward, I open my palm and slow my perception as ares charges me. Red forms in my hand exploding in a flash of ruby as everything in a 50 meter radius is destroyed and Ares is blown backward.


As the smoke clears, I taunt. "Dude, you can have my sloppy seconds after I'm done with her. Just remember I'm her first option." I point my hand towards the now enraged Ares as he begins to glow.

"Woah, relax! You aren't supposed to go true divine form unless it's for an emergency." I exclaim with fake fear.

A strike of thunder between us stops Ares' transformation. A clear warning that if he continues punishment will be involved.

Us olympians aren't supposed to go to our true forms in non emergency situations as our transformations can be harmful even to minor gods.

Father warned me never to transform unless absolutely necessary. Some people seem to find that difficult as ares rushed to transform like a dumbass.

"Okay, I'm ending things. Gotta release this built-up pressure in my pants. Like I said, you can have her once I'm done." I close the distance in a millisecond. My fist meeting Ares face as I use my full strength and divine enhancement.


His face crashes into the ground as th earth folds under the punch. Ares groaning as he falls unconscious. I grin at my handy work.

Teleporting back to Aprhodites domain, I enter her large estate of a house casually. Spotting the busty blond laid on her bed as she slyly smiled at me.

"I watched the whole thing. Seeing you bully that brute has turned me on~ Come claim your prize." I immediately lose my clothes before diving in.


After sensually rutting with Aphrodite. Who begged for me to impregnate her. I leave after the second day. In return for impregnating her. She gives me a part of her blessing. Now, I have minor dominion over all her domains.

I don't understand her reasons for wanting a kid, but I respected it since I was able to get more power in exchange. I usually don't take handouts, but I'll take what I can get now.

I know I won't have to bother with raising the kid as gods rapidly age and all. But it's pretty weird that I'm going to be a father soon. Since godly pregnancies last about a month or two.

That's if the goddess is impregnated by another god. If they get impregnated by a mortal, the pregnancy last 9 months as the seed is mortal, and gestation takes longer.

Cursing my mother on the useless information, I sigh. Time for training.

The news of me beating Ares and impregnating Aphrodite has spread across the lands. The mortals managed to get hold of it by some nature spirits and have been spreading it around.

They call me Zues' strongest scion and a conquer of the love goddess. Basically, dickriding me harder than that white-haired servant of Sukuna did him.

Hell, I'm being inscribed in the mythos. The humans somehow gained some sort of foresight of the fight as they wrote it down in the history books.

They got the entire fight right, except they exaggerated everything. Claiming I and Ares ran across Olympus to get to Aphrodites bed chambers, and then we fell to blows after Aprhodite proclaimed only the winner could bed her

Then they go on to say we were evenly matched. Something that made me laugh aloud. Before they claim, we both transformed into our true divine forms, and I triumphed. Bedding Aprhodite and bringing forward the birth of a future new god.

They seem to overrate the fuck out of godly abilities. Claiming that the coincidentally timed earth quake that happened in Athens was the result of me and Ares clashing in Olympus.

If only they knew that I essentially one shot the guy when I got serious. And that the earth quake was just gaea shifting a bit in her current slumber.

Transforming into various different animals, I delve into the other abilities gods possess. Matter manipulation shape-shifting. Will exemption ext.

After the news of me impregnating Aprhodite. Apollo sang a song about my awesomeness while my mother scolded me and Arty scowled and left for a hunt.

Transforming into a pure white eagle, I fly high above Athens. The place my sister Athena loves so much as I listen in on conversations. But my main reason for being here is simple.

I've gained more and more followers. Nearly matching my uncle poseidon in followers now as a statue of me is being erected. Perching on a nearby building, I observe as the men uncover my statue.

Natrually, the statue looks nothing like me. They have no idea what gods look like, so they use their imagination. The statue looks scuffed, and it's naked with a little dick as I frown.

Small dicks to the Greeks are a sign of high intelligence. In reality, it's a sign of bad luck. Shaking my bird head I fly off.

People unironically use my name now. Like "by Satorus might!" Or other relating sentences. It's hilarious.

It's like how people curse to my uncle hades when something bad happens like it's his fault. I get a mental message that someone uses my name everyday hundreds of times.

I give out blessings to single mothers mainly. The people seem to notice this as everytime single mother's majority of the time prostitutes. Pray to me I give them protection from negative alignments.

There's also a lot of demigods running around. Confirming the existence of Gods. Like my half brother heracles or something and other notable demi gods.

Heracles is on a quest for immortality. Something his other demigods have failed to accomplish. He must complete a couple task or something I didn't pay attention when he was summoned to Olympus and I was forced to sit on my throne like some high council member.

Thay was on my third day of being an olympian so I wasn't as established amongst the people. The world is changing though. Olympus moves with the heart of the west and Greece is simply losing that title to a newly formed country away from Europe.

America will soon become the heart of the west and the gods will have a much larger base of operations. I know this because of a ruse. I just have a gut feeling.

But I don't understand why heracles wants to be immortal. Sure he'd get a true divine form but he'd still be minor god level.

Demigods are weak. Heracles may be the strongest demigod in history and he'd go extreme difficulty with minor gods that don't get in combat half as much as him.

It's a disadvantage of being half mortal. I was considering making the guy my student but he's technically older than myself so I doubt there is much I can teach him.

What I don't understand is why monsters seem to have bones for demigods. I don't personally care but minor gods fornicate with mortals to often for me not to notice the hundreds of demigods running around Greece.

They have nowhere to go. They fend for themselves against the monsters who chase them with determination and hunger. These monsters would get vaporized by any major god but they are large threats to demigods.

You don't know how many times I've peered into the mortal realm only to spot a couple of monsters feasting on the flesh of some poor minor gods half mortal son or daughter.

It's pretty traumatizing if you ask me, but we can't dwell on those things now can we?