
Burn Her

"We'll talk later." The commoners knew their place as soon as they realized I had arrived. As they walked past me. "My lord."

"I have drafted England's peace treaty with France as discussed, and the French ambassador's has confirmed that he will be able to attend the autumn hunt, where both parties will sign."

Edward then took me and as he guided me down the hall to talk. "There's no hurry Warwick. There are some other players in the game who I may speak to."


"I've invited Burgundy as well." Did this man loose his wits or something. Well if he did he better find them quick cause I will not be able to handle this outrageous behavior any longer. "You've invited the enemy of France. Edward have you lost your mind. We are there to sign a peace treaty with France, not start a war."

"I wish for them to lift their restrictions on the sell of England's Cloth. And they are my wife's own relatives so I can hardly leave them out." He walked away, and before I knew it here cam another commoner.

"Lord Warwick?" Ahh yes, the Queen the reason Edward has started to loose his wits. I turned around slowly with a look on my face that was enough to make the Queen uncomfortable, which was my intention.

"I know that I was not your wife and queen of choice for Edward. But I hope that we may join in friendship as we share love for him."

"You hope for that Your Grace."

"And also that your daughters will join my household as my ladies." The Earl Of Warwick didn't seemed too pleased with me.

"Burn her." I turned around as I thought Warwick was talking about me. But there was a portrait Of Margaret Of Anjou staring back at me.

"We have no truck with a Queen who thought to rule her Husband, and England through him." As he said that he looked at me disgust. This man really didn't know how to hide his feelings did he.

"We've no need for scheming woman." He hated me so much that he dared talk about me right in front of me. I was trying to ask him if his daughters could join my household and in return he showed how he didn't want me here and never will.

PLACE OF SCENE: Edward's Office

"I know your loyalty to Warwick but if he's gone this far already Edward." I walked into my husband's office where him and my brother were talking secretly. "Edward?" I was confused as to why my brother and husband were talking so secretly.

"You father and brothers have just told me that Warwick has a secret deal with the King Of France. Louis has promised him territory in exchange for my alliance with France. Now, this was once depending upon me Marrying the Princess Bona but now rides upon this so called treaty." How did my husband smile while telling me that. He just found out his Cousin has plotted against him. All this while he was talking about scheming woman. The man really is 2 faced.

"So Warwick is plotting against you?"

"No so much against me, but as for himself." Edward really can be foolish. Who knows what Warwick will do in the future now that he is hiding things from His King and His Cousin. Edward is so blinded by his loved for Warwick that he can't see that. I'm afraid that this trait that I love so much about him will be the death of him.

My brother started getting annoyed by Edward. So Edward tried to reason with Antony "But he should not have kept it from me. So I shall treaty with the side I think is more useful."

Then he walked out of the room, finishing his duty as a King.