
Their Presence

"We should change this room Edward. It seems weird to have Margaret of Anjou's things lying around." Margaret Of Anjou was the former Queen Of England. She had much control over her husband. She had a son already ready to take over the thrown. My mother use to be friends with her, the woman is quite powerful. Wouldn't wanna mess with her..

"Change it as you wish."

"Will we be safe, you and I up on our thrones." The former King Henry escaped before we could capture him, now we must worry that his people might end up attacking us.

"While Henry is still at large, there's a large chance the Lancastrian people will try to put him up on the throne, or his son Edward. But when we have our son we will be safe, as we will have an heir." I wouldn't say safe Edward.

And I only say that because I feel as people Edward trusts are using that trust against him "And Your own men do you trust them? Lord Warwick?"

"Him of all. I know he's brusque and has found it hard to deal with our marriage. But he will learn to love you as I do, he already does." The look on my face says otherwise.

If he loves me as much as my husband why is it that every single second I'm around him he has a look on his face that is an attempt to threaten me. Even his girls hate me.

"You should ask his girls to be your ladies. Make them your favorites, it will please him." How could I, if he hates me why would he want to give me his daughters, I'm sure he'll deny it.

But I must try for Edward's sake. "And his agreement with France will you make that too?"

"I will decide that tomorrow." Since Edward had rejected The Princess Of France, the French seemed quite offended.

They found it hard to believe that The King Of England had chosen a commoner over their Princess.

"Because Now, I cannot think at all." I lay on the bed, as Edward started kissing me gently. It will only be time until we give England a new Heir.

The Next day we were cleaning our the palace, our at least Me and my mother were. Margaret Of Anjou's things were left here, so now we must remove them and replace them. "What am I to do with this, It is not as though Margaret Of Anjou will return for them."

My mother stopped and looked at the portrait. My mother was great friends with Margaret Of Anjou. But it seems that, that friendship is now strained because of the fact that I stole Margaret Of Anjou's Throne.


"I never thought I'd be me doing this. I was her closest friend when I was her lady at court. But these are different times, you are now Queen Of England now. And you will never make the same mistakes she did."

"I cannot burn it, or they will strangle us for witches." Witchcraft I know very fascinating... I smiled and laughed.

POV of Earl Of Warwick:

I was walking to Edward's office when I hear his voice from across the halls. "That is interesting Baron Rivers, your advice may be worth telling me."

"We are here to serve you your highness." Ugh disgusting. What so now he's listening to those commoners just because they're the family of his commoner wife.

"Edward!" I called out from across the hall, hopefully this will tell those commoners to leave. They are not worthy of my, presence and I have not done anything wrong in life to be in their presence.