
GodFather System: All my kids are weird

It has been 800 years since this world was destroyed by a sudden catastrophe. In order to survive in this world, Linc compromised, and he used his GodFather system. As long as you raise your daughter like a normal girl and make her admire yourself. Then you will earn a father point, and become stronger with time. Cute corpse controlling girl: "You are my father, so stay by my side forever!" Queen of tower: "Dad won't leave me will right?" Holy priest: "Sorry father, you forced me to do violence. The holy church will bless our relationship." Seeing the children he had cared for started fighting one after another. Linc raised his hands forward. "Wait a minute, why are you guys stronger than me!? We got the order wrong!" ____ New book.

World_Simulator · Kỳ huyễn
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184 Chs

Chapter 110: "Happy birthday Raina"

"Heyyo~ Raina!!"


Walked in front of the bakery to buy herself some cute cakes. Raina, who had just finished shopping, looked at the street.

Her golden wavy hair, and a hint of green at the ends, fluttered in the breeze, and her Ruby red eyes, flickered in confusion.

Seeing a black car coming towards her from the left side of the road, and seeing Casrita, doctor Servial assistant, waving at her. Raina was confused for a moment, and she immediately greeted her.

"Good afternoon, doctor."

Casrita, a second generation Transfusion, and the only person she was familiar with, and she recognized in sector-18.

Because of her past actions that turned living beings into zombies in her family's mansion, and also caused a tidal wave of beasts to run out of control in Carmelon province. Raina's crime case was immediately detained by Doctor Servial, and it was Casrita who treated her under the pretext of being imprisoned in the house.

Raina doesn't know how the doctor Servial solves the crime case that she had at the time. When Casrita said she was free. Raina asked, and she got an answer, that she got legal protection for minors.

She had no idea how the legal system in this city worked. But when she was told to let go of all the zombies she had, Raina's heart still ached when she thought about it.

Although she was very reluctant to let them all go. Raina knew that she had troubled the doctor Servial, and she didn't want to cause more trouble for himself.

Raina really thanks to him.

Besides, after she was free. It was Casrita who helped her to adapt to her surroundings.

She, really very grateful.

"Yo~! Don't be so silly~ I told you to call me Rita when the two of us met!"

Smiling, and laughing uncomfortably on the spot. Raina didn't know how to reply.

Seeing that Raina still has a wall in her heart. Casrita also couldn't help but sigh, and she continued the topic.

"Where are you going after this?"

"Ah, I'm just going home because it's getting late. If doctor wants, I can cook for you."

Shakes her head, and refuses Raina's invitation for dinner. Casrita went straight to the topic of conversation.

"Since you want to go home, want me to take you?"

"No need."

"Then it's a pity. Even though Devil just moved into your next door today."

Raina: "Hmm?"

Still had a stiff smile, and tilted her head to the side in confusion. Raina seemed to have just heard a familiar name.

"Oh, if I'm not mistaken Devil real name is Linc. Like I said just now, he now lives next door to your house. Since you two haven't seen each other in a long time, please say hello to him."

Seeing that Raina still had a calm expression on her face. It was as if this news didn't really matter to her at all. Casrita gripped the steering wheel furiously.

"Ah!! I thought you'd be surprised!"

Casrita knew that Linc was very important to Raina herself. It was Lister herself who said that Raina kept crying like a crybaby on their way to the Neisser Society.

She thinks Raina will be shocked when she hears this news. But, what's with that calm expression!?

"Is that all Rita? Since it's going to be night soon, I'll be going home first."

"Yes, yes, just go home!"

Seeing Raina went home towards her house. Casrita, who was still upset in the car, suddenly froze in silence.

"Wait a minute. She called me Rita just now?"

Get out of the car, and put her feet on the ground to look behind him. Casrita didn't see Raina's figure in the her vision at all.

"So fast!?"


At first when she wanted to walk home. Raina walks slowly.

But don't know since when....

She is now running.

Carried her groceries in front of her chest, and continued to run at full speed. Raina's cheeks were flushed with high adrenaline, and a white mist, blowing out of her mouth into the cold air.

Had long hair that was constantly blown by the cold night wind. Raina's footsteps quickened, and she gripped her shopping bag a little tighter.

Her heartbeat couldn't stop screaming.


Exhaled hot breath through her lips. Raina stood in front of her neighbor's house which had been empty all this time, and she clenched her fists tightly.

Feel the sun sinking, and darkness began to envelop the entire earth. The street lights started flashing one after another, and Raina, who was standing in front of the railing, stepped in boldly.

Saw that the room light had been turned on, which indicated that someone was in the house. Raina smelled a sweet smell, like cake, and she immediately rang the doorbell.

"Ding! Ting!!"

Waited a while, and heard footsteps coming from inside the room. Raina's heart beat very vaster, and the door in front of her finally opened wide.

"Oh, it's you."


Stop, and step back a little. Raina is currently looking at the figure of a Devil who is not wearing a mask at all.


Look at up. Raina saw very cold eyes, like a machine. Staring at her with indifferent eyes.

Raina's excited heart instantly froze like cold ice.

Raina took another step back.

"If there's no need, come over in a minute. I'm very busy."


Saw that Devil didn't even look back, and closed the door to his house without hesitation. Raina who was left outside, clenched her fists with all her might, and she walked back towards her house.


Closing the door of her house with a very loud sound. Raina threw her groceries on the sofa, and she went straight to her room full of anger.


Hit the wall with all her might. The rashes on her fingers were red. but, Raina felt no pain at all.

Rather than the pain in her hand, the pain in her heart was much more painful.


Clenched her hands tightly. Raina curled up on the floor, and she buried her face between her legs.

"Though... I really miss him so much..."

Thought and recalled the cold eyes that Linc threw at her. Raina's tears fell, and she buried her face even deeper.

Was he disappointed that I couldn't save him that day?

Or does he not remember me anymore, and thinks of me as a stranger?

Have a myriad of questions but have no answers at all. Raina sank deeper into her sadness, and she clenched her fists tightly.

She thought she was a girl who had grown up when she could live alone without a Devil.


Even though...

For some reason her heart ached like it was being cut by a blunt knife.


The sound of the door opening.

"See the ghost in this room. I said to come to my house in a bit, but why you didn't come!? It's almost twelve o'clock at night!"

"I was waiting for you in the house like a fool!"

Raised her head, and looked at Linc with her golden pupils. The golden fireflies flickered throughout the dark room, and Raina could see the devil's angry expression.

"Left me alone..."


Shocked, because Devil screams. Raina felt a hand holding her slender waist, and she immediately felt that her body was being carried by Devil like a sack of rice.

"No, what are you doing!? Let me go!"

"I refuse!"

Woke up, because of the screams of the two of them. Grumpy miss lady looked at Raina who was being carried by Devil with a flushed face, and she started to push her children back to sleep.

That annoying person is finally back again.

"Ahhh!! I told you for let me go, you pervert! ugly!! kidnapper!!"

"Shut your mouth if you don't want the neighbors to hear it!"

"I'm not scared! Please someone call the police! Someone MMM---!?!!!!!"

Covering Raina's very noisy mouth. Linc clicked his tongue in annoyance, and he took Raina straight to his house.

Kicked the door of the house wide open. Linc walked into his dark house, and he glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Shit! very close!"

Releasing Raina to let her sit on the wooden chair. Raina, who had watery eyes, didn't know why she was brought to Linc's house at this time.

All the lights in the room were turned off, which made Raina unable to see anything around her.

She was, in complete darkness.



Has a flame that ignites the wax thread. The flames grew more and more, and light candle, show a giant cake in front of her.



Became calm down, and look at the words "happy birthday 17th" written on the giant cake. Raina became silent.

"Come on, we're in such a hurry. No birthday celebration song. Fast! Make a wish and blow out the candles!"

Has a blank expression on her face. Raina looked at the candlelight that kept swaying, and she opened her mouth.

"Was when I came here, you still making cake?"

"Yes, of course. Why?"

".... Nothing."

Cakes of this size usually take a few days to make. As a novice chef who has just stepped her foot in the world of cooking. Raina knows how difficult it is to make a cake this big.

Has a faint smile on her face. Raina bit her lower lip to hold back the smile that continued to widen.

"You really are a devil."


This time, it was Linc who was confused.

Standing up, and bringing her mouth to her birthday cake candle. Raina blows out the candle gently.

Her Steam energy blowing the wind, started to extinguish the remaining candles that were still burning.

"Hahaha, very on time! I didn't miss a day! Time perfect!"

Looked at Linc who was sitting on the floor, with a satisfied expression on his face, as if he was the birthday person here. Raina leaned her elbows, and she looked at Linc with her ruby red eyes.

Look at the clock on the wall. The clock showed 12 night, midnight.

"By the way, what is your wish?" Linc asked curiously.

Approached Linc who was sitting on the ground. Raina looked at him from above, and she immediately crouched down, tightly gripping Linc's collar.


Kissed Linc's cheek with her soft lips. Linc was confused on the spot, however, his collar was suddenly pulled quickly.

Linc suddenly saw giant cakes appear in the eyes.


Raina shouted, with a bright smile on her face!

"I didn't raise you like this." Linc looked at Raina in disappointment.

"A promise is a promise! You said that whoever left first had to eat the giant cake to the end didn't you? Now eat! Eat until there's nothing left!!!"

Linc: "...."

Take a deep cold breath. Linc looked at the monster cake he had made in front of him, and his guts suddenly shrunk.

As the creator, he himself knows how much flour and sugar he uses in the manufacturing process.

"[You're starting to regret it.]"


He was even ridiculed by the system now.

Had a sad expression all over his face. Linc looked at Raina with pitiful eyes.

"I'm your father, you wouldn't be this heartless would you?"

Raina returned Linc with a smile full of charm, and full of joy.

Her Ruby red eyes, slightly curved upwards.

"You are not my father."

Because I don't want it.

I don't want to have a father-daughter relationship that is limited to one family relationship.

I want more.


I will never think of you, as my father.

"Now, EAT! NO MERCY!!!"

Raina's wide smile, almost the same as the demon mask that Linc had been wearing.

On this special day, she is the devil.

Happy birthday, Raina.