
God Slayer Max

In a world where gods walk among mortals, Max is an unlikely hero burdened with a dark destiny. Once a simple villager, his life is turned upside down when he discovers a hidden power capable of slaying the divine beings that rule over humanity with an iron fist. As Max embarks on a perilous journey, he must navigate treacherous alliances, battle fearsome deities, and unlock the secrets of his own lineage.

MysteryAuthor2000 · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

Chapter 10: Saving Rex 2


An arrow was shot at a bird only for the bird to dodge.

"Shoot! Over there!"

"Argh! I can't concentrate if you keep yelling at my ear, Sir Pale!"

Conroy who was hopelessly trying to shoot a strange bird exclaims as he readied another arrow.

They were currently on foot and a few meters away from their destination when suddenly they were attacked by a giant rainbow-colored bird with long talons.

"Sun purge!"

Conroy shot another arrow only for the monstrous bird to swiftly dodge it.

Pale couldn't help but dodge incoming attacks from the bird as he was carrying a sick Max on his back.

With a mighty caw, the rainbow-colored bird started to flap its wings really fast generating a strong wind current that manages to push the adventurers back.

"Pale, put me down."

"But Captain, it's too dan-"

"Trust me."

Max who had barely regained consciousness got down from the big man's back and approached the bird.

"Look, the birds calming down."

Conroy said as he put away his bow.

Max then raised his hand and places it on the bird's head, he then closes his eye as if he was trying to communicate with it.

'I know you are acting as a protector here. We're not here to hurt anyone, we only need to find a healer that could save one of our friends. Please help us out.'

Max pleaded to the bird as the bird cawed again only this time it wasn't out of fury.

It soon started to shrink to the size of a regular bird and an old man emerges from a hiding spot right at the entrance to the village.

"Oi what a bunch of interesting fellows we have here."

The bird uttered towards the man and sat on his shoulder

"My name is Dexter, I am the village head here"

He said while stroking his long white beard as he continues...

"Welcome to Sap Village".

Max smiled at this gesture.

"You saying this bird's a relic old man?"

Pale was astounded as he and Conroy were repeatedly poking the bird only for the bird to finally have enough and chase after them both as they run over the room they were currently in.

It was a small well-arranged room in a Japanese style setting.

"Hahaha... Ada here doesn't take well to strangers"

The old man called for the bird as it stopped its assault on the two.

"Yep this here is my partner and Relic - Ibong Adarna. Or Ada for short"

He added while petting the bird as it was loving the treatment it received.

"I thought there were only three types of relics"

"Hoho, the three you know of are only the most common, Ada here is a Beast-type relic, your friend seemed to have noticed earlier"

Max could use seismic sense and thus be able to sense that the bird's aura was different from normal birds.

"No wonder you told me to put you down... Captain, you never cease to amaze me"

Pale laughed out loud as he slapped the back of the sick Max who had a worried expression.

He stood up and summons forth his shadow.

The atmosphere of the room changed.

Out came Rex in the same condition as he was a week ago.

"Old man, you said you were a healer when you let us in earlier"

Max got on his knees and bowed.

"Please, save our friend I'd do anything."

He finished as Pale followed suit and bowed, even their newest companion Conroy did the same.

The old man rubbed his long beard as he looked at the bird and nodded.

The bird uttered towards Rex and started singing as a faint golden light enveloped him.

His wounds were starting to close!

The gang had their jaws dropped for a moment only for them to start rejoicing at the sight in front of them.

Max who had contracted a terrible case of the u earlier started to glow as well as he could feel his fever dissolving by the second.

"I'm all ne now!"

Max rejoiced and as he was about to thank the old man, a huge explosion occurred outside.

Rex was still being healed as the trio and the old man ran outside to check what was going on.

"Hello, dear brother."

In front of them were the two ninjas that have been tailing them for a while.

"Who the heck are you!"

The shorter ninja plopped on the floor as he got back up laughing maniacally.

"Come on don't tell me you can't recognize your own little brother after running away from home"

Max's eyes widened as he recognized who these two were.

They quickly took off their masks to reveal their faces which in truth had some resemblance to Max.

"You never told us you had a brother"

Max clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as he was trembling down to his knees.

Was this rage?

"Pale! Conroy! Old man! Take everyone and Run!"

No, it was fear.


Before Pale could even react, he was sent flying with an uppercut by the larger brother as he spoke for the first time.

"Two hundred and sixty seven. That was the number of times we could've killed you and that archer if it weren't for your Goodluck."

They had been silently stalking their prey until an unknown figure joined the party earlier.

The careful and oldest of the brothers decided not to take action just yet until they knew how to take out the teleporting Conroy, not knowing that it wasn't his power that teleported him to the ark.

Their luck ran out when they saw Conroy ring golden arrows at a giant bird earlier.

The larger brother had just knocked out Pale with a single blow.

"Brother, Father wants you to come home with us, if you resist we are told to use force and take away your relic"

Conroy could not believe what he's just seen.

He knew how strong Max was but he was now trembling in fear at the sight of these two ninjas who claims he's their brother.

And one of them effortlessly took out Pale who was a district commander.

'What am I doing! I should run!'

"It seems you youngins have business with Max here, but there was no reason to wreck the village."

Dexter spoke up, as his aura was aring up a lot.

The two were ready to attack the old man until...

"How's Stark doing? "

What the old man said caused a series of strange reactions from the brothers and Max as well.

"H-how do you know our old man!"

The old man's gaze turned dark as he explained.

"He was my old pupil, now, while you youngins still have your heads attached to your necks. GET OUT OF MY VILLAGE!"

His aura took the form of a gigantic bird as Ada came flying out of the room they were in.

The larger brother widened his eyes after seeing the bird.

"Dave, let's retreat and report back to father"

"B-but brother. You can't possibly beli-"


"Argh! Fine... Beelze!"

He called upon his relic and a strange miasma covered the two as they vanished.

Back in the building, Rex was starting to open his eyes as he was met with the faces of a now awakened Pale and Max.


"Ow ow! Demon spawn, what did I say about bear hugs?"

"Hahaha. Sorry"

"Welcome back to the land of the living Rex"

At last, their mission to save Rex was successful.

A mini party was held that night meanwhile, Max was currently sitting outside and contemplating about the events that transpired earlier as Dexter came out to join him.

"I thought you'd be happy and celebrating your friend's recovery inside with us?"

He asked as he handed Max a cup of tea.

Max sips from the cup as his expression changed a bit from the worried face he had earlier.

"I am grateful for all that you've done for us old man."

"Ahh, anything for the child of my beloved student."

"About that... Was my father really your student?"

"Indeed he was, he looked a lot like you when he was your age. He came to me to learn complete mastery over a relic."

The old man said as he also takes a sip from his cup and continued...

"Don't worry, I knew what your father does when he came to me all those years back. And I'm sure your brothers won't be bothering you anytime soon."

He cut a piece of bread and fed it to Ada.

"You have your whole life ahead of you now, and I can see that you're already forging powerful bonds with the people around you. Never lose sight of who you are."

"Thank you old man."

Max finally had his usual smile on his face as he gulps down the tea.

"If you ever feel like you're in a pinch, you can come to me for help anytime okay?"

He added as he pours more tea for Max and gets up to go back inside leaving Max to take more sips of the tea as he enjoys the beautiful starry night.

"This tea's delicious!"