
God Slayer Max

500 years ago the human race went to war against the gods and lost everything. After the war a hero was born Max

MysteryAuthor2000 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 11: House Of Shadows

"What is it that my tea time couldn't wait, this better be good, Mel!"

In the meeting chambers of one of the four Generals of Retina, General Queen had called upon the two other Generals for a meeting.

General Queen was a tall and boisterous woman known for her ruthlessness and savagery in the entire Region.

General Apex, the short muscular man who complained earlier had his feet placed on top of the meeting desk as he kept whining about being summoned to the meeting as he places his two broad swords on the desk.

"Now now, Apy. I'm sure Queen has a good reason for summoning us, let's hear her out."

The one who spoke this time was General George, the youngest of all the four Generals famous for his cunning tactics in war and recon.

"It's Axel! Pff whatever, carry on, Mel!"

"Thank you for coming on such short notice, I will cut straight to the point."

She places a map on the desk and spreads it open as he continues.

"My spies have spotted the ark of our culprit around this area here."

Apex interjected as he slammed his fists on the table.

"Hah! Then what are we waiting for! Let's go full army on those bastards and make them pay for tarnishing the title of the four Generals!"

It's not like the four Generals are all on good terms with one another. They actually can't stand to be in the same room together.

But the few things they all have in common were their hate for relics and the loyalty they have towards the King, as such they cannot just allow some random relic user to get away with killing one of them.

"Why don't you let Queen finish the rest, Apy?"

George nods to Queen to continue with her explanations.

"Don't you think sending the nation's army for a small Clan is too overkill and dishonorable?"

"People will start talking that it takes an entire army to take out the perpetrator that murdered Moon!"

"That's right and that will only bring further shame to the nation."

"Hmm, so what do you have in mind, Queen?"

"We send out Moon."

The other two Generals all had devious looks on their faces as they seem to understand what Queen was planning.

"But do you think that psychopath would be one to follow orders?"

"Don't forget that Moon was his brother and I'm very sure he's out for blood, we're only going to help him out by giving him the coordinates to their locations."

"Brr, I think it's even worse than sending an army."

"Sending the nations strongest mercenary who's even stronger than the four Generals to take vengeance for his own brother's murder? I'd say that Band of Misfits is about to get what's coming to them."


"Old man, thank you for your help and hospitality."

"Yeah, I would've been a goner if it wasn't for you."

"Hohoho, you youngins are always welcomed here."


Max and co were being escorted back to Infinity as they bid their goodbye to Dexter and Ada.


Two figures were seen kneeling as they address their leader.

"Father, my apologies for failing our mission."

The one that spoke was Bose, Max's and Dave's elder brother.

He began explaining how they managed to trace Max, and how he's started a Clan and even has an Ark.

And then he continued to explain their experience in Sap Village.

"Hmm, so that old man's still alive?"

Their father, Stark Shadows had a sinister look on his as he gazed down on his sons.

The look was sharp enough to peel their skins off.

"Y-yes father."

Dave was shaking uncontrollably as he answered.

"We will gladly take any punishment you deem worthy for our blunders father."

Bose added making Dave quiver in fear even more as they both bowed their heads.

"..... That will be all, you're dismissed."

Both Bose and Dave widened their eyes at their father's comment as they both silently stood up and began to walk towards the exit of the room.

It wasn't a lie that even Bose who asked for punishment was scared of their Father.

This man is the head of the House of shadows. A group of masterful and elite assassins who by the name, work excessively in the shadows.

They reign over the Asta Region. Which was locate far in Eastern continent.

A region made famous for its title... "The land of death".

"So, you're an assassin?"

Max had just given his team the story of where he came from and who his family is.

"Hahaha! I knew the captain was special from the very first time he kicked me in the face."

"I'm sorry for not telling you two all this while."

Max had his head lowered and his fists clenched.

"It was a part of my life that I wanted to abandon."

He continued.

"I grew up in a place where the only things we were taught were obeying orders and killing."

The scene shows a young Max being beaten up by his father.

"Other children grew up playing games with their friends or playing with colorful toys."

Scene changes to Max standing on top of a pile of dead bodies holding a knife made out of his shadow.

"The only games we played were ones that wedge people's lives and the only toys we had were the relics that were forcefully contracted to us to create the perfect killing machines."

"I couldn't take it anymore, the look of despair on my victims' faces as they draw their last breath."

Scene changes to Max staring down at the large mansion he used to call home while he was holding a bag.

"I decided to run away and left for a distant region. Six months later, I met you, Rex."

Everyone was quiet as Max continued.

"I'll also understand if either of you wants nothing to do with me again, it'll be for the best too because I am very sure father will not stop until he gets what he wants."

'Damn, to think my childhood was bad'.

Rex smirked as he places his arm around Max's neck.

"So you're an assassin, well I'm a thief, Pale is a big lump of mass and Conroy is a coward."


"Hahaha, he's not wrong you know."

Rex continued.

"I've never met my dad, the only thing I knew about him from my mother was that he left this hat for me before he died."

"Max, we all have our pasts, but never think that we'll bail on you because of some sappy dressing ninjas."

Rex held his fist forward as Pale does the same.

"Yeah, captain! We'll train harder and get even stronger, I will get that bastard of a guy for landing a cheap one on me! "

"Re... Pa...."

Max smiled at this development as he also followed suit.

Conroy, who was lying down had nothing but respect for this trio.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing Conroy!?"

Rex called out to the archer as he got up.

"You're part of the team now, we've already talked about this with everyone, so get your ass over here before we change our minds."

"Ahh, right!"

He runs over to their side and also held his fist out like the rest.

"I won't let any of you down."

Max thanked them, for the first time ever, he doesn't plan on running away from his family's clutches.

'Father, I refuse to let you keep dictating my life.'

He plans on fighting back this time.