
God of Time System: Harem in the Zombie Apocalypse

Sometimes. You face a choice in your life “Choose. Between the two of them. Whom will you save, Michael Aroa?” . . You look back into your life and wonder how you ended up here “Michael please!! Save your mother!! Not me. Michael you don’t need to make a choice here!! Michael! I love you! I won’t hate you for your choices!! Please save your mother!!” . . You question the path that you took that brought you to this point “Son. She is your wife! She has your child. It’s not one life over another but two over one. I am already old but she has a long life. You are smart enough to make the right decision, Son, aren’t you?” . . Since it hurts, you wish you could stop time and have some time to think [Activating Ability: Temporal Pause!!] [Activation failed!! Not enough Energy!!] . . You wish to go back into the past and change everything that led you to here [Activating Ability: Time Reverse!!] [Activation Failed!! You don’t have the Requirements to use this ability!!] . . And then when nothing works as it shouldn’t. [Are you sure you want to use this ability?] . . You make a decision that you had never thought you would [Activating ability!] . . And then... Chaos ensues . . [Ability Activated] [God Power: Time Collapse] ………………… This story is based on three basic themes: 1. Zombie Apocalypse: Zombified Humans, Humanized Zombies and normal Zombies and humans. 2. Harem: Zombie Girls, Normal Girls and Zombified Girls.(Any more variation wouldn’t make sense unless you guys really vote for it.) 3. System: A powerful God like system, which is not too broken but still very powerful. Level up and Evolution. ……………….. #NO Rape #No NTR Everything else is….. #Surviving #Kingdom building #Sex # Milf #Level up #Only MC has a System #Evolution #Zombies #Superhumans #Zombiewithintelligence #Weaktostrong #BadassMC #Harem #Sidecharachters ………………… The plot will change by Volume each and basically each volume will have at least one of them: Survival, Action, Fights, Kingdom Building, Training, Craft learning, Adventure missions, etc. The Side-Characters will have their own specific goal, personality, background history, etc. That includes girls, friends, family and of course, Villains. Face slapping will be there from time to time. Even though I would focus on a light comedy setting with a lot of jokes of all types, I won’t hesitate to throw in dark moments from time to time. So be prepared for that as well. I like putting twists where people would least expect it, so there is that too. The basic information about MC and his objective is in the review I pinned so look it up. ……………… Daily Publish Rate: 1-2chaps/day Extra chaps on Powerstone will be: 1000PS+ : 3 chaps/day for that week Extra chaps on Golden Ticket: 250 GT: +2 Chaps. 1000 GT: +2 Chaps. .................. For personal queries/ Requests, my instagram ID is: alt_simplistic Thank you for coming here, hope you have a blast reading this. [Mature content warning R-18]

Ethel_Imaginations · Kỳ huyễn
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353 Chs

Moving Down

I explained to him in bits and pieces about the whole zombie apocalypse thing which he listened to attentively. His eyes seemed like he already knew about all this, but was still waiting to tell him my side of the story.

The old man, Amory White, also added a few things that transpired up there on the rooftop and how those men killed a couple of girls before throwing them down for no apparent reason.

The only reason why they didn't kill the kid and the old man was because they looked easy to control and those men needed some manpower for work they didn't want to do themselves.

Moving on, I explained about the whole zombification process, which I discovered by 'chance' and how both zombies and humans seem to be evolving on a really fast basis.

This explained the sudden rise in strength of Alex, the boy who evolved to an E-Grade Zombified Human directly, because of his unusual circumstances.

"There are a lot of things… that I still don't understand," spoke Amory as he turned to me with a serious gaze and I knew what he was getting at. He wanted to ask about me throwing the generator down and then running here to kill the zombies and the fact that I was throwing objects at every floor below the 64th floor till 60th floor.

"I can't tell. I have my own set of secrets that I can't reveal… I hope you understand," I spoke as I looked back at that old man and after a few moments he just sighed as he spoke,"I guess, if you can't tell about it, you must have your own reasons."

I then turned to Alex and said,"First we need you to be able to manage your strength and help you to adapt to it. Also, since we don't have much time, can you try to cooperate as much as you can?"

Alex observed me with a deep gaze and nodded before slowly standing up. He walked a bit slower and turned around, looked at the wall and proceeded to punch it


The entire wall broke down with ease and then he proceeded to observe his fist with slight shock as he tightened it a little. After that, he turned to me and spoke.

"I think I understand it a little. There is a strange energy flowing inside me and how much strength I can take out depends on how much energy I utilize. The amount of energy feels limited though and I… okay, it's regenerating at a subtle rate. Which means… If I don't use that energy, I think I can move normally. However, whenever I would be using that energy… I should learn to control the amount I use at a time and not use too much force at once."

At his words, a dumbfounded expression forms on my face and my eyes open wide as I look at him.

'Is he a genius or something?' I thought as I observed him guessing the whole thing exactly how it was. Without the System, it would be near impossible or extremely difficult to find out about Cessation Energy even after using dozens of times, let alone using only once.

I just stood there for a few moments before turning to Caroline and muttering,"you check it."

Caroline then nods and proceeds to hit the nearest wall and analyse the change in her body. Though even after doing it a couple of times, she still couldn't tell exactly whether she was using that energy or not.

"Forget it. For now, we will keep this kid's words as a hypothesis and check it later on," I spoke before turning to the old man. Alex simply moved towards the old man and took his sister back into his arms. Only after making sure that she was safe, a smile formed on Alex's face.

"What is your next plan, kiddo?" that old man asked with a really curious smile and I gulped a little before speaking,"my name is Michael. Because of the situation, we couldn't catch our names, so I guess we should at least introduce ourselves first before proceeding downwards."

"You can call me Alex," spoke Alex as he took care of his sister.

"Caroline," muttered Caroline.

"White," muttered Amory Sanders White

"Well, since the introductions are done. The first thing we need to do is get down, reach the bottom and find the safest possible escape route. At worst, we can clear all the zombies and turn this whole building into a safe shelter where we can build a base and later expand," I said as I looked at them and all three pondered over the plan and nodded.

It wasn't a great plan, but it was better than having no plan at all and then all of us began moving down slowly one floor at a time and in the next 10 floors the number of zombies that we found were… zero?

"Something seems fishy here," spoke the old man, and I nodded. While I did get some Exp by throwing down heavy objects, I was still hoping to run into some zombies on the other lower floor, but to not get any…

We kept filling up on our supplies, however after two floors, we did not have enough space to store anything more so we left the rest of things on the floors itself.

Floor 49th Zero Zombies

Floor 48th Zero Zombies

Floor 47th Zero Zombies

Floor 46th Zero Zombies

Floor 45th Zero Zombies

Floor 44th Zero Zombies



Floor 38th…. 47 E-Grade Zombies.

And then a message came from the System…

[Side Quests (Optional)

1. Kill all the Zombies from Floor 0 To 38

Total number of Zombies Remaining: 1029*

Reward: A random Special Skill

2. Save the survivors on Floor 32nd, 33rd, 34th, 35th and 36th

Total number of Survivors remaining: 54

Reward: +5 Stat Points

3. Barricade the Building and Fortify the defense

Reward: Leader(Title) ]