
God of the Supernatural- Teen Wolf

Fane Lycan, the first and only vampire-werewolf god hybrid. May do a crossover to TVD & Originals too Had to restart the story. *DISCLAIMER* I don't own teen wolf, the vampire diaries or the originals. All credits go to owners and writers. Will be the 1st fanfic I've wrote.

ATLspider3 · Ti vi
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**Flashback- month before the Hale fire**

Fane and Laura were in the middle of a getaway trying to enjoy their time alone from the Hale Pack. Talia took some convincing to allow Laura to leave with Fane. Being the Alpha and protective mother, Talia, was very cautious around the ancient hybrid. Even though he hadn't brought up how old he really is she could tell by the power that rolled off Fane that he wasn't your typical wolf. The scariest thing for her was that if he didn't want to be seen you would not be able to track him. The power you feel when he wants you too just disappears along with his scent. He was truly a mystery to the Hale matriarch. But she knew that Laura was expecting a pup and looked forward to adding Fane to her pack.(….) So she let her go on the trip but only if Derek went with.

The trio of supernatural creatures were blurring through the forest. As the blurs go by you can finally make out what they were: 2 fully shifted wolves. 1 fully white, huge, and had red eyes (Fane). Running next to him was a brown wolf smaller but still enormous compared to normal wolves, with her golden eyes shining back. Trailing behind was a teenage half shifted Derek, gasping you keep up. As the 3 came to the end of the clearing they all stopped and looked around. "Finally some civilization." Derek exclaimed, and fell tiredly to the ground. Laura just shook her head and chuckled at her brother. "We told you we were traveling through the mountains with no vehicle. What did you expect?" She asked her brother not expecting a reply back. She was really enjoying herself so far and was happy she let Fane talk her into doing this. Her and her wolf were loving the freedom they had running through the mountains in Colorado. It sometimes felt like Beacon Hills was her cage but ever since she was with Fane everything changed. 'I'm so scared about how he will react to the news..' Laura thought to herself, her arms softly caressing her belly. She stole a glance at Fane while he was leading them into town. Fane turned his head to her, with a smile he held out his hand. "Let's find a place to stay, love." She just nodded and smiled back with the butterflies fluttering. So they went to search for a hotel/motel.

As the trio came upon a motel that wasn't in too bad of shape or busy. " This will do. How about you 2 go get our room and I'm gonna see what there is we can do in this town." Fane spoke to the Hale siblings. "Okay babe. Just don't take too long. I wanted to speak with you before we go back on our adventure in the mountains!" Laura mentioned to him almost shyly. Fane watched her behavior become much more submissive and was a little taken aback. "Of course Love." He kissed her sweetly on the lips and vamp-sped/blurred away. "Yuck and I hate how he does that!" Derek spoke up about Fanes camp speed, breaking his sister out of her daze. "You gonna tell him?" Derek asked Laura. They both knew what he was talking about. "I think so… tonight I want to.." she said in a whisper not wanting the chance that Fane could still be near by… "He told me he's always been alone. I've tried to ask about his family but he always tells me he doesn't have one. Only that he hasn't talked to his mom in years. I'm just scared on how he will react…" Laura started to mumble and shake a little. "What if he doesn't want to have the baby? What if he doesn't want to be with me anymore?" The thought of losing Fane really broke the Hale Werewolf's heart, she knew that she imprinted on him. So losing him would be so much harder. Before her dark thought could consume her Derek wrapped her in a hug. "I can't stand the guy and think he's a dick… sorry for the language… but I don't think you have to worry about that. I can tell the 2 of you love each other." Laura cried silently into his embrace. "He seems to only care about you. Just have the conversation with him and everything will work itself out." Laura nodded to his words. She wiped her tears and straightened the wrinkles on her clothes. "Thank you for that, Der. I needed that.. let's get our room and find Fane." She stated as they continued into the building.

'I need blood.' Was all Fane could think about right now. Every so often he will get an ache for it even if he's not hungry. The blood of a supernatural creature would hold him over for awhile but he has been with Laura and Derek so he hasn't been able to hunt for almost a month now. So right now Fane could be seen stalking the shadows of the Colorado town. Fane kept walking around the town and with his bloodlust he lost track of time. He finally decides to the bar is the best spot to grab someone. The bar was the busiest place in the small town. He sat down at the bar counter and got a whiskey. Three woman that sat next to him kept trying to get his attention. "Hey hot stuff." One drunkenly slurred her words at him. Fane looked at her in disgust for a split second before it burst into a smirk. "Us 3 are trying to party." She motioned to her friends. The group was nothing special. The woman reached out to caress Fanes legged but he with inhuman speed grabbed her wrist. "You 3 follow me now." He said standing up and dragging the woman behind him. He knew he didn't need to use a compulsion on them so he continued out the door. Giggling the drunk groupies followed closely behind as Fane directed them to behind the bar. One of the ladies grabbed Fane and threw him against the wall. With his back to the wall he watched them closely. Grabbing the closest one he sunk his fangs into her neck. He drank from her viciously. Screaming the other 2 ladies in the group tried to run from him. Fane was in full bloodlust now. He blurred in front of both of them so they couldn't escape. "What are you?" "Why are you doing this?" "Did you kill, Jess?" They kept questioning. Fane having enough of the talking grabbed her by her neck and sank his fangs into her. Covering the remaining ladies mouth with his hand so she couldn't scream, Fane finished off her friend. The head casually rolling of her neck. Fane looked in amusement. "Yikes it's been years since I did that and went full ripper. Sorry you had to see that. This is what happens when I don't feed for a time." He spoke to the remaining barely conscious lady left. He pulled her close to him getting ready to do the same as he did to her friends. "Fane?" Came a voice behind the hybrid. Everything stopped for him as he turned around to the voice. Laura looked at him with a shocked, scared, and confused eyes. Blood dripping from his mouth and hands he mirrored her shocked expression for a different reason. 'How could I lose myself like that. I couldn't smell or hear her because of my bloodlust!' He scolded himself in his mind. "Laura…" Fane took a step towards her but at the same time she steps back. Now it was Fane that had a hurt look in his eyes. He finally caught a glimpse of Derek peaking out from behind her. He saw that carnage Fane caused, the smell was to overwhelming for the young wolf so he got sick. "I'm so sorry…" Fanes bright red eyes shining combing over Lauras face, remembering every feature of it. He finally broke the stare, stepped into the shadow and disappeared. As Fane left, Laura dropped to her knees crying as Derek caught her.

*Flashback end*

Fane finally made it back to the house with was staying at in Beacon Hills. The owners of the house came out to greet him. "Hello master Fane." The compelled humans greeted the hybrid. Without a chance to react he bit his wrist to make it bleed and stuck it in both our they mouths. Then he proceeded to snap both of their necks. Fane grabbed a chair to wait for them to wake up from the transition of becoming vampires. 'Figured this man and wife could be useful as vampires to get me some information or location of Deucalion.' Fane sits back in his chair with a cup of blood. *takes drink* Fane can't come to terms that he may have a daughter out in the world that he knew nothing about or if she was even safe. This was the most powerless he has felt in his over 1000 years of living. 'I have family?' Family was such a weird concept to the hybrid considering he's been alone his entire life. 'But I won't let down Laura. I will find you, Róta. Even if I have to burn the world to the ground!' 2 gasps came from the next room over. Standing up Fane grabbed to blood bags and walked into the room. Tossing it to them he said, " Congratulations you both have earned yourself immortality, welcome to the supernatural world." Sarcastically. John, the husband, was the first to say anything. "We're not dying?" He asked while grabbing his throat. It felt like a million pieces of glass was stuck in his throat. His wife, Amber just nodded. "You both are vampires now. Either you drink the blood I gave you or die. It's up to you. I need you both to do something for me." They both felt a bond to Fane. Like they should follow his command almost like they were still in complusion. They both grew their fangs and bit into the bags. Making messes in the process. "Yall are cleaning that." Fane looked at the mess on the floor in disgust. "Back to the matter at hand. I need you to search the country for the location or information on a werewolf named Deucalion. Once you find something out either come back here or call me at this number." Fane explained to them what he needed as he handed John the phone number. Fane walked up to both of them and looked them in the eyes to compel them. "I don't have time to teach control, Don't cause scenes while you are looking. Stay in the shadows or move at night so you don't catch on fire in the day time. Don't over indulge in blood. Once you get me what I need you both will be free to live your lives now go." He stepped back and watched them vamp away.