
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

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Chapter 25: Knowing Your Place

Arias arrived at a hotel just as the sun was beginning to set and the day ended.

A weight was lifted off Arias's shoulders as he stepped out of the police car, knowing his plan had succeeded near perfectly.

He gazed at the hotel with a small smile before heading inside to check-in. Since he had no possessions, it looked like he was already a returning client of the place.

After getting a standard room for the night, he chose to call it a day and retire.

Inside his room, Arias took out a small flip phone with an empty contact list and dialed one of the many numbers he had mastered.

The number he dialed rang for a short moment before someone picked up.


The other side of the call was silent, so Arias loosened his collar and smiled.

"Not going to congratulate me on my freedom Gregor?"

[ Congratulations, what can I do for you? ]

Gregor spoke in a voice that carried no emotion. It was like he was unsure of what to say to Arias.

"I'll admit, I didn't think you had it in you. You and I must have a nice long chat on the auction day. I'll assume I'm on the list of invited guests, but if you forgot, think of this as a reminder. Oh, and congratulations on becoming mayor. Have a good night."

Arias spoke mockingly as if to tease him about his failed attempt on his life without even bringing it up.

He even cut the call before Gregor could reply.

Immediately he did so, the infinity resounded in his consciousness.

[ When will you take that insolent fool's life? ]

"Gregor? Unfortunately, he still has quite a lot of uses. It would be far too much for me to employ another pawn in the mayor position. Even then, there's no guarantee I will receive no hostility."

[ You must remember that you're still at a stage where it's not difficult to kill you instantly. If that were to happen, then… I'd lose you for good. ]

The infinity muttered in a somewhat saddened tone which struck Arias as odd.

"For good? You say that like you've lost me before." He asked and, in turn, received a quick answer.

[ I'm only trying to highlight that I don't wish to lose you, Ari, as a vessel and a being I hold dear. ] She confessed.

Arias wasn't expecting such a reveal, and he, too, was surprised. But he didn't need to think much about this. With the infinity, honesty was always the best path in his current state, although phrasing was detrimental.

"You and I are forever bound together, it was odd at first, but I've come to accept this situation in the passing days. In the end, you're the only being that truly understands me and supports my ambitions fully. That makes you the most important being in my life. You're invaluable to me."

[ …. ]


Arias called out within his consciousness but received no answer. He could only shrug his shoulder and give a brief smile before settling onto the bed, his phone still in hand.

He lifted it close to his face and dialed another number before pressing the call button.

The phone rang only a moment, and the other side picked up.

[ Hello? Who might this be? ] A sultry and seductive voice answered in a whispery tone.

"Your boss calling to tell you that you've been chosen for the position, miss Roulette," Arias revealed as if it were a simple matter to him.

[ Oh? So it's my "potential" boss, interesting. I just saw your interview on the news, quite the bold, ambitious man you are. A shame, though, I had thought you were a billionaire, but from what I could dig up, you're worth less than thirty million, which is not all that impressive. ] She spoke with visible disappointment in her voice but still in a playful manner.

"You overestimate your value, wether you reject the position or not. The 1 million is yours; money is something I can make on a whim. Just give me a direct answer. My time is valuable."

Arias replied with disinterest, not even a little movement by her attempt to try and trigger his pride or ego.

After all, most millionaires felt inferior to those far more affluent than them. The wealthy often held the most enormous egos and most prideful personalities, hence the luxurious and sometimes unnecessary expenses to show off and gain some prestige.

Arias wasn't going to waste his time trying to slowly build wealth, honestly. After all, the main thing he was waiting for was his second reconstruction.

Rather than wait idly for it, he felt it was better to start gathering assets and forming an organization. Through them, he can carry out specific tasks without unnecessarily risking his own life.

[ Mmm, a no-nonsense kind of man, huh? Well, I won't lie that I'm curious to see your so-called brilliance in action, so I guess I'll be calling you boss from now on. But what is my position exactly? Managing director? Financial department head? ]

Arias smiled at her suggestions before giving her an answer.


[ …. ]

"Something wrong?"

Roulette's silence could be interpreted as a lot, but the obvious was likely a bruised ego. She knew her skills were top-class, and even without a formal degree, her knowledge rivaled that of top-class graduates from business schools.

Yet here was a man who paid her one million to reserve her to be his secretary for a few months. How couldn't she be insulted?

Sadly her love for money made her swallow her pride, although the anger in her voice was now evident on the call.

[ Not at all, boss, when do I start…? ]

"Tomorrow, I'm about to send you another million. Book a flight, come to Rollington hotel and do some shopping while you're there. I can't have my secretary wearing cheap clothes and makeup now, can I?" Arias purposefully added bluntly, hitting yet another sore spot for Roulette, offending her as a woman.

Yet again, her love of money prevailed over all, and the insults were ignored as she smiled.

[ What a generous boss, is there something specific you want your secretary to wear? After all, I'm dressing to please you. ] She teased playfully, sounding like an obedient girl.

This was nothing more than an attempt to get Arias to splurge more. Women used this tactic on some men to make them feel important or put them in a false position of control when they were being struck along by the women.

"You're dressing not to embarrass me. I'll trust you can manage to do even that. I'll call you again tomorrow evening, so be sure to have settled in again."

Without waiting for her to reply, Arias cut the call and lay down on his bed.

"Different people really do need different approaches. I need to break her ego due to the many men who have likely drooled over her. Anyway, that's one asset gained… but I need many more."