
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

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Chapter 180: Consequences Part 4

As per Arias's instructions, at exactly 8:00 am the following day, An Ark Academies spokesperson revealed in an official statement that the cure to the HS virus had been found and a vaccine to prevent future infections is near completion.

This news struck the panicking world with great shock, especially the meta-gene population who began to fear their ends were drawing near.

Hope had finally returned after a fearful week, however, at exactly 12:00pm the same day, the Ark Academies released another statement, revealing their incapacity to mass produce a cure, along with their intention to sell the formula.

For those who were apart of the academies, this news didn't affect them as the academies population was covered, along with their families. However, the rest of the world was in greater panic now.

What if their nation didn't buy the formula? What if they were delivered too late?

Such thoughts were inevitable when one considered the fact the disease could kill within three days of developing symptoms.

Of course, the desire to sell the formula was matched with incredible disapproval from the public, with many calling the Ark Academies greedy and selfish.

They were some other points of hate that was what mainly took the stage, and in response to this, the Ark Academies responded by saying they were simply making back their losses.

Whether people bought it or not, it mattered little. Even whilst other nations were in no rush to negotiate with them, they weren't the target.

With only about a day left, the president of the U.S didn't have much time to save his daughter.

With such little time left, the president made a bold move and choose to invite Doctor October to the White House once again, this time though, it couldn't be ignored by various media outlets.

With his daughter being sick, it wasn't hard for them to put two and two together. Now the headlines were beaming with rumors stating the U.S intended to buy the formula in a close out deal.

Such a thing didn't appeal to other nations or private organizations who felt they could make an immense profit out of this.

So naturally, Mercy's contact was flooded with calls and emails, most of them bids, many already saying they'd match whatever the U.S is offering and more.

However, she ignored them all, even the good deals, because money wasn't the issue in the first place. They did however, make it public that numerous offers had began and mentioned some potential buyers.

At around the time this news was getting out, Doctor October was already seated comfortably within the Oval Office, with the president and his closest aides, minus a few.

Many of them knew that the president intended to purchase the formula using money from the national treasury. Which under normal circumstances couldn't be done without a senate vote but the state of emergency allowed this.

However, the president needed to be careful how he went about this as he could still be held accountable after said emergency was over. Thus his aides were present to ensure negotiations went smoothly.

To open the floor, the president began small, "Can't the academies sell even just a few batches of the cure? To give out to those on their last legs as we properly negotiate the price of the formula?"

This was president's first plan, to see if he could buy a few batches of the cure. If the number was right, he could use his own funds and make the cure free, bettering his cracked image, but no way Arias wouldn't see such a blatant attempt.

Doctor October could only crack a smile and shake her head, inwardly sighing at how predictable the president was at this vulnerable moment in time.

"I'm sorry Mr. President but such matters don't fall to me, as you may know understand with many structures, us scientists are never far in the chain of command. Your question had already been considered when the higher ups were deciding how to go about spreading the cure. They found this method to be unreliable as we lack the resources at this point in time, hence the desire to outright sell the formula."

"Think about it, if the organization really wanted to turn a profit, they would've waited for this disease to claim more lives or even spread, but they simply want to cover their losses. If you want my opinion, then I suggest you make a reasonable bid, Ark Academies are based in this country, no way they wouldn't consider this point during negotiations." She advised, acting as if she had the president's best interests in mind.

Even if what she was saying was false, her words had facts to them that couldn't be ignored. Plus with other nations now aggressively bidding, the situation had gotten tougher.

Although it was easier to explain his actions if other nations were bidding, the president still felt a sour taste in his mouth from this entire affair.

Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't have faltered under this, but his daughters life was on the line. And with his term already coming to an end, he felt her life was far more important than getting re-elected.

The president sat in silence for a good few minutes, as if assessing all his possibilities. But in the end, he could only lower his head and sigh while shaking it.

"Fine, tell your people we will match their demands." He revealed in a tone of resignation, like all hope of another solution had completely vanished.

Doctor October though only stood up and shook her head. "You misunderstand my position once again Mr. President, if you're wish to negotiate then you must contact the higher ups personally, I simply came to share an inward perspective of the entire situation given my past history with the government. Now if you'll excuse me."

The doctor was escorted out on that note and after avoiding the ravenous press outside, she was once again on a private Jet heading back to Gotham and just like before, she contacted Arias to reveal,

"It's done."

[ Good, I appreciate your cooperation doctor. Your part in this ends here, you may continue to go about your research as you have been.]

"I had initially thought this was a meticulous scheme to gain money and benefits but the more I know the more I'm left wondering what the true end goal is here Mr. Markovic."

[ Be patient and you'll eventually see it. Be loyal and you'll live long enough to be a part of it.]

"It would take a lot to drive my interest away from this organization you've built. I think our cooperation is only just beginning."

[ Time will tell.]

Without saying anything more, Arias cut the call. He himself was actually in conference like room within his estate, standing around a glass oval table with Harley, Diana and Cheshire seated around it. Rose had already begun her investigation into various students thus she wasn't present.

After ending the call, Arias turned his attention to the three present and revealed. "I don't think the U.S government will try to find problems with me anytime soon, so our need to keep a low profile is no longer necessary and we may begin to operate towards dealing with a more reasonable threat."

Harley was quick to raise her hand and ask, "Ou I know! Penguins!"

"No." Arias flatly refused without bothering to inquire as to where she even came up with that idea. "Now my focus is the Justice League and it's members. They aren't going to let what I've done pass, but neither am I."

A/N: Don't listen to my one time editor, he is delirious. Here's a chapter, focus on this instead. Ignore the lack of political knowledge, I don't know how America's government operates, nor do I want to.