
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

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Chapter 179: Consequences Part 3

While Arias watched the news in his room, the rest of the world was in panic over what was occurring. Hospitals, clinics and other medical centers were quickly swarmed with people looking to get tested whilst at the same time, governments were desperately trying to enforce emergency measures.

Given the origin of the virus, the government treated it as a biological weapon and so declared a state of emergency. At the same time, other nations also began to proceed with a similar action.

However, things only got worse after the first day. Thousands of deaths began to be recorded with each passing day, as the virus spread at an astronomically high rate, killing all it infected.

With such a terrifying viral outbreak, the world began to panic. News now began to break of some nations choosing to arrest and imprison anyone who possessed the meta-gene, while some were directly executed.

Many felt this was horrific and uncalled for until even larger nations began to adopt a similar strategy, only they called it "Mandatory Quarantine."

This was done because despite some of the best minds working on a cure and vaccine, almost no progress was made and it was estimated that scientists would need at least a few months to understand the virus, however given the rapid rate of infection and death, many couldn't risk it.

While the world continued to panic and despair, Arias still spent most of his days lounging in his room or office, waiting for trigger that would instigate the third phase.

And during his time monitoring the various losses the world was suffering in his office, Arias's monitor flashed as an emergency alert appeared.

A smirk appeared on his face as he read the headline, [ Breaking News: U.S President Ross's 7 year old daughter admitted after being diagnosed with the HS virus.]

Arias couldn't help but lean back into his chair and sigh, "Finally, I too was beginning to lose some very talented children." He muttered to himself.

Because for the sake of appearance, Arias allowed the virus to spread among the population in his institutions, taking the lives of hundreds of children.

A loss yes, but a necessary and mild one in his eyes.

Upon hearing the news regarding the president's daughter, Arias made a very important call.

At the same time, within the White House's private conference room, the president and his closest aides were gathered.

The president himself looked especially frantic and uneasy.

"So? Billions of dollars are funneled into our biological research programs and you're telling me we have nothing?! Not even a drug to fight this disease's symptoms?!"

His voice was raised and his expression was vexed, and understandably so. Many of the people gathered had at least two other or three individuals suffering from the disease as well in their families or extended families.

They could only shake their heads and sigh before turning to their attention to a woman wearing a lab coat atop a dark full fitting dress that ran till her knees. She had neatly cut black hair with a portion of it being white, despite looking to be in her mid to late thirties.

Her stature was slim and she had an air of arrogance, sitting cross legged with a cane on her lap.

"Doctor October, you mentioned you made your team at the Ark Academies made a discovery, care to share?" The advisor sitting next to the president quickly asked, drawing attention to the woman, who now curled up into a smile.

"We have indeed, though I wouldn't say it changes much, if anything, it will make for a more complicated scenario." She warned cryptically.

Doctor October was former member of A.R.G.U.S, a budding secret organization under the U.S. government that aimed to create an answer to combat the rising superhuman threats.

She was the most brilliant in the field of biology, medical science and genetics, having been personally scouted by the late Amanda Waller.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of funding and attention to her work, having been overlooked by her superiors there, Doctor October was quick to leave the moment the Ark Academies began to recruit gifted minds.

Now she worked there but was contacted due to her expertise in the field, which was now recognized thanks to many articles she was quick to publish during her short time at the Ark Academies thus far, revealing her to be among the worlds best in the field.

With the Ark Academies also having recorded many deaths, they had no reason not to trust her, because in their minds, they wanted the same thing.

Despite her new risen reputation though, especially during this crisis where someone like her who specialized in multiple fields was sort after, the president was short on time and not in the mood for her personality.

"Just say what it is your team needs and you'll have it, but I want a guarantee that you can do something!"

Many present knew the president's request was selfish and impossible, but they too as parents could understand what he was feeling and why.

At this time, Doctor October sighed and shook her head, "I'm sorry to tell you but I cannot promise you such guarantees Mr. President, we are at an experimental stage, still trying to understand the complexity behind the virus."

"Normally, if enough people were working on it, we would have made a breakthrough, but this virus is especially tricky, because it dies without a host so our studies have been limited to the few live patients who volunteered. Furthermore, this virus was designed to kill, clean and simple. Although capable of being contracted through blood, it very much lacks infectious characteristics, which has lead my team to believe that this virus has been laying dormant for some time within its hosts. "

What we don't know is, how the human supremacy group infected such a large populous, it could have been through air, water, food, we don't know, but chances are this virus is still being spread and-." Before Doctor October could explain any further, her phone suddenly rang.

She quickly brought it out and answered without wasting time, "Yes? Doctor October speaking."

From the other side, she could only hear the distinct and familiar voice of none other than her employer, Arias. [ You're clear to proceed to the third phase Doctor.]

Hearing this, Doctor October put on a front on the surface. "What?! Are you sure? I'll be there immediately, begin working on that data!"

Judging from her tone, Arias could tell she was in no position to respond so he simply cut the call, relaying the order to begin was enough.

As for the others, her words ignited their curiosity, not even bothering to care who was on the call but why, as the president's adviser soon asked, "Is something wrong Doctor?"

Doctor October then smiled and shook her head, "No, no quite the opposite. My team says stolen human supremacy data has been uploaded into our private severs, it's encrypted but that shouldn't be a problem. They think the biological data surrounding the virus could be within, I must be going immediately!"

Without wasting time, Doctor stood up in a frantic action, her acting fooling everyone present.

Hearing her words though, hope sparked within the president. "Wait, how? Who? Does this mean you can formulate a cure?"

The Doctor smiled widely to the question, "If the data regarding the virus is present, then yes. After all, no scientist, no matter how mad, would release a virus without formulating a cure. As for whom sent this, our servers have cyber security that rivals even government, I can only imagine it's someone with foundational access, and I'm sure you know who that is."

"Arias Markovic…" the president trailed off as he muttered the name under his breath.

One of military officials present frowned upon hearing that name. "What's his angle?"

Hearing this, Doctor October laughed. "Angle? Surely you jest. The human supremacy group released a virus that was destroying what he worked so hard to build, quite frankly I would've been disappointed if he didn't act. Now if you'll excuse me, my presence is needed, the sooner the better, for everyone."

Doctor October's detached character made them believe her words. Her profile stated clearly that her loyalty was to her work and nothing else. Even upon arriving, she clearly stated that if the government could prepare an even better work space and resources than what she had at the Ark Academies, then she would gladly take it once her contract with Ark Academies came to an end.

With such a solid front, they even went as far as to give her a presidential level escort, ensuring she returned to the Ark Academies as soon as possible.

Once on a private Boeing jet belonging to the Academies, Doctor October contacted Arias, her tone the same, even with him. "They've bought the story and the cure has long been ready, how do you want us to proceed sir?"

[ Go silent for one day and then announce tomorrow at noon that you've discovered a cure and how. However, you lack resources to mass produce it so your focus is only providing for the Ark Academy population and their extended families and staff, as for the cure… announce that it's formula is for sale, and will go to the highest bidder.]

A/N: Man I'd rather die than pay my enemies… but would you let your daughter die? Damn, tuff. Anyway enjoy and spam stones while I roll some Za, bonus chapter chain if book is in top 3 power rankings. The choice is yours fellas.

E/N: He's hoarding like 6 chapters, don't trust him and demand them all!