
God Of The Demonic Blade

In the Edo period of Japan, many clans were in place, most importantly, the Taira clan, who were wiped out by men who were wielding villainous demonic blades, just to capture Joon, who also wields a demonic blade by accident. Knowing that those who wield demonic blades are outcast by society. Joon, a kindhearted 17 year old boy who was even shunned by his clan, the Japanese Taira clan, for wielding a demonic blade, a blade that is influenced by demons themselves due to their relationship they had with his ancestors. After the men invaded the main house of the clan and wiped out everyone, Joon uses the power of his own demonic blade to kill the intruders, taking on the demon form on his legendary ancestor who was half demon half human. After the fight, he faints and wakes up, finding himself in a school where parentless teens are honing their spirit sword skills. Spirit swords are blades that a person wields that is filled with power, but they inherit a spirit sword and the same abilities plus one or two extra abilities their ancestor harnessed. With Joon trying to adapt and learn at the school, get stronger, deal with enemies, and worry about others shunning him for having a demonic blade, will he survive?

TheRedRedHoodie · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Down Below

Chunoa was nervously sweating, saying, "Your power…is increasing. How? Your ancestor never showed that ability.."

"Ya still wanna talk to me? After what you just did? HAAAAHA! I had to put on a nice punk ass kid gesture for the clan, especially for Min. I didn't want her thinking I was some kind of crazy monster, ya know? Eh, what do you know? You're just stupid as hell, with a demonic blade. Y'all are the real crazies."

"....You are the heir of the Helhut, how are you not fazed by the power of the blade?"

"What kind of dumbass question is that? I'm not like you. Min saw me as a human, while the rest of the Taira clan saw me as a monster. HAHA! IT WAS FUN, I'M NOT GONNA LIE! But, for her, I had to wait awhile, I wasn't gonna kill the family of my parents just because they hated my ass, but that doesn't mean I didn't wanna kill them all for how badly they treated me. I wanted to wait until they tried to get rid of me first. A lot of times I wanted to kill everyone in sight, but Min's smile and dances kept me back. I say that to say, I'm not like those who carry the demonic blade, weird as hell, right? Everyone who is born with one gives into their lustful desires and joins some kind of cult or something from what I heard."

"You can't be the real heir of Helhut…impossible!"

"And ya wanna know what my desire is? To find out how I got this stupid blade. Cuz' I hate it."

"The All Father, the All Mother, the All Sister ,and the All Brother were wrong. They thought you were going to be..like him."

"Who the fuck are they?"

"Doesn't matter. With the demonic blades I have, I'll deliver to your body to them!"

"Hehhhh? How do you have four?"

"Picked them up from dead demonic blade wielders, the All Brother made it possible for me to carry them with his power."


"Please. Reaching him is impossible. I will end this fast."


Chunoa grunted, "Hellhound: Blade Dance."

50 clones of him blasted from the ground, and they ran circles around Joon. Joon was laughing hysterically the entire time, crying because of how hard he was laughing.

Chunoa and his clones was dashing back and forth from Joon, cutting him all over. Everytime he was wounded, a red rose in a root came from the wound, attempting to drain his energy. Roses and cuts were growing all over his body, and he continued to laugh.


Chunoa gasped, thinking, 'He's laughing?! The All Brother guaranteed he would be hurt from having wounds from taking on four demonic blades. I need to go even harder! I won't disappoint!'

Chunoa chanted: "Red Needle."

He stabbed his sword in the ground, and large red spikes began to stick out from under it. The spikes stabbed straight through Joon, and Joon kept laughing as he was raised In the air by the spikes that stabbed through his back.

Joon laughed, "HAHA! MORE! MORE!"

Chunoa leaped in the air, and pointed his sword down at Joon, and chanted: "Blood Angels!"

Blood flowed from Chunoa's blade, and they formed into liquid red human figures with red liquid wings and a red liquid halo, and they all were holding red liquid spears, and they all flew down towards Joon, and stabbed through his chest.

Joon laughed, "YESSS! THIS IS IT!"

Chunoa was falling down too, and a glowing red pentagram formed above the group of blood angels that were pinning their spears into Joon's body.

Chunoa said, "This is what happens when you play around with the disciples of the All Brother, you get overwhelmed. You may be powerful, but I was the stronger one here miraculously. I knew the All Brother wouldn't let me down."

Chunoa stabbed the pentagram with his swords, chanting, "Blood Beam."

His blade glowed red, and a bright red beam blasted down from the bottom of the pentagram.

And it hit Joon. Joon wasn't laughing anymore.

Chunoa was inside of the beam, falling down in it with his blade, saying, "For The All Brother, this is the end for you, origin!"

Joon smirked, "Origin? That's a cool ass nickname, bitch."

The beam, the pentagram, and the blood angels shattered into pieces with the ground cracking.

All of his wounds were healing, and he stared at Chunoa, saying, "That all you got? Nerd."

Chunoa was panicking, thinking, 'Impossible…All Brother told me this would work! I have four demonic blades in my possession…he's outnumbered and outclassed! So how…?! No…no..he's smiling..they said the first user of the demonic blade, Helhut, used to smile like that when fighting. I have to flee! No..If I leave…All Brother won't grant my wis-!'

In the blink of an eye, Joon dashed up and stabbed his demonic blade through Chunoa's head, and he laughed, "HAHAHAAA! LOOKIN' SCARED?! COME ON! USE THOSE BLADES! OH? YOU DONT WANNA?! I'LL TAKE THEM!"

Joon blasted forward, with his blade sidle in Chunoa's chest, and as he ran forward with him, the ground was breaking apart, and everything around them was being destroyed.

At that moment, a giant red hurricane of red and black flames spiraled from Joon's hair and horns and wings, and it destroyed more of the area.

Joon kept laughing, and Chunoa coughed out blood, saying, "Damn you! Damn you to hell!"

"Hell?! You wanna see hell?! Okayyyy I'll take yer ass there! We might pass my great grandfather Helhut there!"

Joon chanted: "Hell's Gate: 1st Door."

In the sky, a giant black gate appeared, and it opened up, and a giant spirit-like holographic red form of Joon with a red spirit-like holographic demonic blade stuck half of his body out of the gate.

Joon then punched Chunoa in the stomach, and a giant hole was blasted into his stomach, sending him into the air. And as Chunoa flew into the air, he realized all of his demonic blades were gone.

'W-What the-?!'

Joon was holding his demonic blades, and he hovered them over his mouth, and ate them.

Chunoa thinks, 'He ate demonic blades?! Just like Helhut!'

Joon's eyes glowed red, and he laughed, "Bleh! Shit tastes like goblin piss."

Chunoa thought, 'He has the power to consume blades and once he does, he takes their power…Helhut never had that before! What's going on?!'

In the air, Chunoa was sliced by the holographic spirit form of Joon at the Hell gate in the sky.

Suddenly, Chunoa opened his eyes, and he heard nothing but screams, he was surrounded by dark trees, pits, and the sky was pitch black, and the intense heat melted his skin.

"Hell?! It can't be!"

Joon was standing behind Chunoa, saying, "Yeah, you'll be staying here forever."

"You..you don't have the power!"

"I brought you here to hell, didn't I? This is a fate worse than death itself, endless torment."

Joon vanished, and creatures were rising from the ground, Chunoa screamed as the creatures were devouring him.


Joon was back on the surface, right in front of the destroyed providence of the Taira clan.

Joon's demonic blade went away, and he was in his regular human form.

Joon dropped to his knees, and started coughing out blood, with his eyes watering, saying, "Ack! What the heck just happened-?! I didn't know I could use that much power! I didn't know I could fight like that! But..why was I so scary? If Min would've saw me like that…she would've been scared! What really happened to me? Min…I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..I swear to you..I'll deal with this demonic blade stuff. Getting rid of that, will definitely bring more peace. Also..I..crap-."

Joon fainted, and he fell out on the grass.

He sat out there for at least 2 hours, with the red fire that came from Chunoa still burning the area around him.

There were two men walking through there, with the flames hitting them, but they weren't affected, and they saw Joon laying down on the ground with his thumb in his mouth.

"There's a boy there."

"He's not being scortced by the demonic flames."

"We aren't either, because we're wearing Nari's protective garments made from her Koshon spirit blade."

"What do you wanna do?"

"The boy looks awfully young, we'll take him to the school."

"Um, that boy is covered in blood and dirt, and his clothes are ripped. Trusting him is iffy."

"The Satake school of the Blade Arts does not deny the entry of those who are troubled. This boy must've been the only survivor of a demonic blade user attack. He looks harmless."