
God's Cafe

A retired god, Kira, has recently passed on his job to a successful hero and decides to open a cafe for characters from all corners of the multiverse. Heroes, villains, and anything in between are welcome to come hang out, trade, and visit other worlds for missions. ------------------------------------------ My first time writing anything so it's probably gonna be garbage but don't go easy on me. Criticism of all kinds is welcome. I won't make any promises about update consistency, university is hell.

Chaostic · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

Phoenix Down

[Bonus Mission 1: Stealthy - Deal with The Dark Phoenix before any outside powers take notice and get involved.]


"Well, it was to be expected that someone would take notice after such an event," Flash says, sad at yet another opportunity for extra rewards escaping his grasp.

"Hopefully, whoever they are, they won't interfere with us," Catwoman said, not enthusiastic about explaining their circumstances of being in this world.

Reaching a small suburb, the Blackbird touches down on the street, pushing a few cars out of its way. In preparation for any possible battle, Xavier gently nudges the minds of every civilian around the area to evacuate without calling the authorities.

Exiting the aircraft, the team notice a woman dressed in a red robe floating in front of a house some 20 meters from them. The woman is emitting extreme heat as even that far away, they are starting to sweat as if in a sauna.

"So that's probably the Phoenix, right?" All Might asks the Xmen crew.

Rolling his wheelchair forward, Xavier tries to talk-no-Jutsu his way through this.

"Jean, can you hear me? I know you're still in there somewhere." He starts, "Break out of it, you could still stop this and come home with us."

Sneering at the old man, the Phoenix says, "Jean isn't interested in going with you, it's me you will be dealing with here."

"Listen to me, Phoenix, you know I only wanted the best, for both you and Jean. Xavier tries to reason with the godly being.

"Only wanted the best? You know I don't think I agree with that. I think Jean and I could have gotten along well if not for you messing with our head. If you hadn't sealed me all those years ago, perhaps we wouldn't even have to fight now."

"We can still make peace, there is no need for us to fight," Xavier pleads

"Yeah, bullshit!" Phoenix yells before ripping a massive piece of road from the ground and catapulting it at Xavier.

Thinking this is the end of the road for him, Xavier closes his eyes, waiting for the inevitable impact… waiting… waiting… waiting… noticing nothing was happening, he once again opens his eyes, finding himself in the hands of Flash.

"Diplomacy has failed, time for plan B, violence," Flash says, putting down Xavier on the ground in a safe place.

Superman ascends, shooting towards the Phoenix like a bullet, only to get blasted with two more chunks torn from the earth.

Not letting the obstacles deter him, Superman flys straight through the rocks, shattering them into several smaller pieces. Reaching the Phoenix, Superman punches it with all his strength, sending it flying towards the ground.

Using the opportunity, All Might and Wolverine charge forward. All Might jumps up in the air before coming back down shouting, "CALIFORNIA SMASH!", meanwhile Wolverine, unsheathes his claws, aiming towards the Phoenix's stomach."

Before either can reach their target, they feel a strong energy blow outwards from the Phoenix pushing them back, ending their assault prematurely.

Raining down from the sky for a second attack, Superman attempts to dropkick the Phoenix but feels a form of energy coiling around him before throwing him towards the rest.

"I don't recognize any of you from Jean's memories, no matter though, I shall accept all challengers who wish to fight m…."


Disrupting its speech is the Blackbird that crashes straight into her at full speed, blowing up in an extravagant manner.

A little ways away, Nightcrawler appears in a puff of smoke, hands on both Batman's and Catwoman's shoulders. "That looks effective and all but did you really have to blow up our jet?"

"Is it down?" All Might asks after picking himself up from the rubble.

His question is answered by a rise in temperature as the Phoenix once again rises from the debris of the Blackbird. Jean's body can still be seen but bright blue flames now surround it in the shape of a giant Phoenix.

Not attempting to monologue again, it sends its flames toward the group just to once again be interrupted by a giant metal platform being hurled at it from the side.

Tossed to the ground, the culprit of the first projectile doesn't let the Phoenix get back up, launching car after car at it to keep it down.

"You have to finish it now!" Magneto yells to the group continuing his barrage of cars.

Deciding to go with a final resort plan they all came up with during the jet ride Superman and All Might rush forward to hold down the Phoenix with all they've got while Rogue removes her gloves to touch its head.

The Phoenix continues to struggle for a few seconds as its power, along with, unfortunately, its memories, are absorbed by Rogue, but soon enough, it falls unconscious, with Rogue following in its footsteps seconds later.

With severe burns on their bodies, Superman and All Might relax their hold on Jean's body, lying down on the ground to catch their breath.

"So, is it finally over?" Catwoman asks, disappointed at not being able to do much during the fight due to her power level not being quite at the same place as the stronger ones in the group.

"That it is." Kira answers appearing out of nowhere. He walks over to Jean's body, lifting her in a princess carry.

"Xavier, I will make you a deal. You could kill Jean, taking down the Phoenix together with her, or I can separate the two having both survive. The second option requires you to give up your mind reading and altering abilities. However, you will still be able to utilize Cerebro and use your abilities for fighting purposes to disorient enemies." Kira says

"Before you answer that, bub, let me tell you that I will personally rip your throat out if you choose the first option." Wolverine gives him friendly advice. What a good guy.

Knowing he doesn't really have an option here with neither Scott nor Ororo backing him up, Xavier goes with the second option feeling his powers slip away.

Creating a door, Kira tells the group from his cafe, "Once you walk through this door, the mission will be completed, and you will get your rewards, try to complete any bonus objectives first if you still can." After that, he disappears with Jean in his arms.

Descending his metal platform on the ground, Magneto walks to the group with Raven in tow.

Looking at the door, he mumbles, "So I guess they really were from another world."

"Erik, what will you be doing now?" Xavier asks the new arrival, hoping to reconcile and invite the man to join his team.

"I'm not sure, the Phoenix destroyed everything I have built towards. I guess my only option now is to sit back and wait for the inevitable extinction of our kind." Magneto dejectedly answers.

"You could come with me." All Might offers Magneto, with the latter seeming interested.

"With you? As in follow you to your world?"

"That's right. In my world, the majority of the people are born with powers like mutants here. As long as you aren't aggressive to any non-powered humans, I could probably get you a job as a teacher in a hero school." All Might tries to sweeten the deal guessing Magneto only wanted to fit in with the rest.

"You've got yourself a deal. Can Raven follow as well?" Magneto accepts seeing some light in his future.

"By all means." All Might answers with a giant grin. "With all that sorted, shall we go?"

Feeling tired from their first mission, everyone agrees, walking through the door with Magneto and Raven behind them, leaving the Xmen to call a secondary jet to bring them home.

[Main Mission - Find and subdue The Dark Phoenix.]


[Bonus Mission 1: Stealthy - Deal with The Dark Phoenix before any outside powers take notice and get involved.]


[Bonus Mission 2: Pacifists - Solve the problem without fighting.]


[Bonus Mission 3: A Misguided Man - Convince Magneto to leave the Brotherhood of Mutants.]


[Bonus Mission 4: Prevent Tragedy - Prevent The Dark Phoenix from killing any mutants.]


Side chapters with Magneto in the MHA world? I'm sure he can find some similarities between mutants of his world and the quirkless population within MHA.

Chaosticcreators' thoughts