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As exhaustion had crept into his muscles and seeped into his bones, he had been pulled in a deep slumber, finally giving in to the pleading cries of his body to give it some rest. A few days had passed before Jason regained his consciousness.

In his dream, he had found himself inside the soul world, which was probably the place his mind had escaped to find solace and comfort.

Because of that, Jason had been able to learn more about the fortified soul conjunction he had with his three soulbonds.

The stronger Jason's connection with his soulbonds became, the greater and more efficient was their telepathy and shared capabilities such as strength, intelligence, and affinity.

Furthermore, they were able to read each other's mind even at a greater distance! 

Other than that, there was also the stigma they had. Apparently, the effects it provided became stronger in accordance with both Jason and the soulbond in his mana core.