
Primordial races

Ulvir, the Primal Human God, who had spoken to Jason, looked at the silhouette of the young Primordial.

He was a little bit confused about Jason's answer and didn't even notice when one of their Royal Primalium appeared next to him.

"Ulvir, tell me, what did he say?" 

Jason had sealed his voice from the outside using a specific device that he had manufactured a long time ago, while creating the UTC phone.

It had the [Voice silencer] runic constellation engraved on the device which was slightly altered.

Thus, nobody except Ulvir could hear what Jason said, while Ulvir's voice had been heard by everyone.

"He said…that his broken soul world has nothing to do with me…and that his soulbonds are alive, which is all that mattered. Had they been killed, either he or the Celestia race would have ceased to exist by now…"

Repeating Jason's words bit by bit, Ulvir grew even more confused.