
Instable curse

The Demonic Three-eyed Wolf seemed to pursue and hunt the horde of Debilitation Centaurs!

This astonished Jason a lot because he didn't expect to see the Demonic Three-eyed Wolf here.

'Was it forced to retreat that far from the reclusive area??' It was not like he flew through the whole Mythic Garden rift, but the distance he crossed was definitely not too short.

Even more so if one were to add the fact that his flying speed was faster than what most Lowest Lique stage beasts could cross in the same amount of time if they were to utilize their highest speed.

He had flown for several dozen kilometers, escaped the attacks of numerous beasts by flying over or passing them, and now he was supposed to face the Demonic Three-eyed Wolf?

However, after observing how much wrath the Demonic Three-eyed Wolf had accumulated during the last few months he had not seen it, Jason could tell that something had happened.