
Git Gud Or Die Trying (hiatus)

In the epic and unforgiving world of Elden Ring, a young gamer's obsession with defeating the notorious boss, Margit The Fell Omen, reaches new heights. After countless sleepless nights and relentless determination, he finally emerges victorious, but at a great cost—exhaustion claims his life. But instead of finding himself in the afterlife or facing a Game Over screen, he wakes up inside the very game only just began conquer. Armed with only his knowledge of the starting area and the basic necesities, the young man sets out to find meaning and purpose in his new world. ... Alright, let's quickly go over everything you need to know before diving into the story. Just like any other Souls game, the lore of Elden Ring is famously vague and complex. So here's the deal, I'll be throwing in some theories about the lore that YouTubers have come up with, or maybe even a few of my own, to keep the story flowing. Some of you might agree with these theories, and some won't. But honestly, I couldn't care less either way. Now, fair warning, this story is gonna be slow-paced. Like, really slow. There's a bunch of sights and explanations I need to cover, since not everyone knows the ins and outs of the world and lore of Elden Ring. Plus, I happen to enjoy taking my time when it comes to storytelling. But hey, if a slow burn ain't your cup of tea, do yourself a favor and find something else to read right now. Oh, and here's the best part: it doesn't matter if you've played the game or not. I'll do my best to explain the story and describe the world in the most vivid way possible. That's another reason why I'm taking it slow. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a leisurely journey through the mysterious realm of Elden Ring.

Wicked132 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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31 Chs

I Will Survive #4

As the young man sat beside the radiant Site of Grace, its comforting glow casting an ethereal light upon his weary face, he found himself engulfed in a whirlwind of thoughts.

He could no longer deny the reality that he had been transported into the world of a game that he could barely traverse from the comfort of his chair, hiding behind a game controller.

He recalled countless hours spent hunched over a controller, striving to overcome the obstacles and adversaries that stood in his way, and the countless deaths his character suffered, each worse than the other.

But now, he was thrust into a world where failure had dire consequences, where his survival hinged upon more than mere button presses and pixelated avatars. The odds seemed insurmountable. And a sense of overwhelming despair washed over him.

The young man couldn't help but contemplate the futility of his situation. Should he venture forth, braving the perils that awaited him outside the sanctuary of the Site of Grace? Or should he resign himself to the relative safety of this hallowed ground, even if it meant a slow death by starvation?

The prospect of facing the unknown and encountering the vast array of sadistic adversaries and merciless traps weighed heavily upon his weary mind. The more he thought about it, the more the prospect of starving himself to death seemed alluring.

Death and possibly imprisonment, and torture awaited him outside the safe confines of the warm Site of Grace. Worst of all was the lunatic he didn't get the chance to face-- the deranged Godrick, who sought to claim the limbs of Tarnished warriors as his own—loomed like a specter in the depths of his consciousness. The grim fate that awaited him outside seemed to mock his chances of survival.

In the midst of his contemplation, a profound sense of hopelessness threatened to consume him. The young man couldn't fathom a future beyond the confines of the Site of Grace, where his weaknesses would be exposed and exploited by the relentless forces that sought his demise for no apparent reason.

The young man seemed on the verge of giving up, but just as he was about to surrender himself to despair, a sharp pain in his face, accompanied by a crisp sound, brought him out of his self-pity-induced daze.

As the resounding slap reverberated through the cavern, the young man's palm stung with physical pain and the determination to break free from despair's clutches. He had allowed himself to be consumed by the overwhelming odds and the haunting memories of countless deaths within the game. But now, he refused to succumb to hopelessness.

Drawing upon his inner resolve, he reminded himself of the countless hours he had invested in mastering the game, painstakingly exploring its every nook and cranny. While his knowledge was limited to the starting area, it still served as an advantage he possessed over the vast and treacherous world that awaited him.

Motivated by the memory of his triumph over Margit in the virtual realm, he refused to let go of that spirit of perseverance. If he could conquer the challenges presented by the game from behind a controller, then surely he could summon the same determination in this new reality.

The young man pushed aside his doubts and rallied his strength with a renewed sense of purpose. So what if he was in the world of Elden Ring? So what if he was inside the world of a game that sounded more like a masochist's wet dream than a leisurely pastime? He would make the world his bitch and fuck it in the ass to assert his dominance.

Yet, despite the willingness of his mind, his body seemed reluctant to cooperate, as if weighed down by the burdens of his dismay. Undeterred, he took hold of his trusty broadsword, its cold steel providing a grounding force in this unfamiliar world.

Summoning every ounce of courage he possessed, he made a bold decision. Determined to jolt his body into action, he raised the blade high and, with an intense resolve, drove it deep into his own thigh.

The wound, a testament to his unyielding determination, vanished as quickly as it appeared, thanks to the benevolent power of the Site of Grace. Though the physical wound had dissipated, it had served its purpose. It had become a catalyst, snapping his body out of its inertia and awakening a renewed vitality within him.

Gritting his teeth against the lingering discomfort, the young man slowly rose to his feet, his limbs now responding to his indomitable will. Each step forward was a testament to his unwavering resolve.

As the young man walked through the narrow passage beside the Site of Grace, his voice echoed through the dimly lit surroundings. With determination and a touch of self-deprecating humor, he began singing, his voice carrying through the corridor, bouncing off the walls, and filling the air with an unexpected melody.

"At first, I was afraid. I was petrified...♪"

His voice reverberated through the desolate space, intertwining with the flickering light of the candles in the chamber ahead. And as he walked into the slightly wide area, he first noted the broken crates and barrels that served as a stark reminder of the world's decay, adding a sense of melancholy to the scene.

Amidst the debris, the young man's attention turned to a peculiar creature, its presence matching the eerie surroundings. The humanoid figure had a deathly pale and weathered face, resembling an undead creature. Its attire, once fine clothes, now hung in tatters, remnants of a forgotten time.

Noticing the young man's presence, the creature turned its gaze toward him, its movements sluggish and devoid of life. Dragging a rusted sword behind it, it shuffled toward the young man, driven by an unreasonable hostility.

Undeterred by the looming threat, the young steeled his resolve and raised his shield in anticipation of the creature's assault. The clash of metal resonated through the air as the strange humanoid swung its sword, only to be met with the young man's well-timed parry.

Seizing the moment, the young man swiftly countered, plunging his broadsword into the creature's neck. A splatter of blood burst forth, and the assailant dropped to its knees, succumbing to its fatal wound. Its lifeless body crumpled to the ground, almost instantly silenced.

The sight and smell of blood overwhelmed the young man, causing his empty stomach to churn. Fighting back the urge to hurl, he forced himself to swallow the acidic bile, refusing to let the gruesome scene distract him for the briefest moments.

As the creature breathed its final breath, a radiant golden light emerged from within its fading form. "This gotta be the runes *dropped* by this guy..." He muttered, his gaze shifting toward the motionless corpse at his feet.

"I can't use runes since I'm apparently maidenless, so I might as well not think about it right now..." He went on, shaking his head and deciding to move on to the next chamber, guided by the faint light ahead at the end of another dark passage.

As the young man entered the dark passage between the two cave chambers, his mind filled with trepidation, but he gained confidence with every step. The dim light cast eerie shadows on the walls as he neared his destination.

In the distance, he spotted another humanoid creature, hunched over and digging into the dirt with its bare hands. It seemed fixated on its task, unaware of the young man's presence. Determined to take the initiative, the young man charged forward, closing the distance almost instantly.

With a swift swing of his sword, he severed the creature's head from its body in one fluid motion. The creature's lifeless form crumpled to the ground, its digging interrupted and forgotten.

Stepping into the chamber ahead, he found two more grotesque creatures waiting for him. They wasted no time and lunged toward him, their movements sluggish. The young man braced himself, raising his shield in defense.

The first creature swung its weapon at him, but he deftly blocked the attack with his shield, absorbing the impact with practiced precision. Seizing the opportunity, he muttered an incantation under his breath, invoking the power of Catch Flame.

A burst of fire erupted from the young man's outstretched hand, engulfing the second creature in searing flames. It recoiled, its attack disrupted by the sudden assault. The smell of burning flesh filled the air as the blaze licked at its decaying form.

With a swift and fluid motion, the young man withdrew his sword from its sheath and buried it deep into the chest of the first creature. As he yanked the blade free, crimson blood sprayed into the air, splattering the surrounding walls.

Without missing a beat, he pivoted, his body moving with grace and agility. The second creature, still reeling from the flames, met the same fate as its companion. The young man's sword sliced through the creature's neck, severing its head from its body in a macabre dance of death.

As the lifeless bodies of the two creatures collapsed to the ground, a temporary stillness settled in the chamber. The young man stood amidst the aftermath, feeling a mixture of satisfaction at a job well done and disgust at the unsettling sight of the corpse.

Still, the young man quickly gathered his bearing and resumed his stride, continuing his song as he moved on. "I will survive....♪"