
Awakening in the Depths #3

Lying on the damp cave floor, the young man gradually regained consciousness, the sound of dripping water echoing in his ears, slowly pulling him back from the void. His mind still foggy, he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. As he blinked away the blur, his bleary gaze fixated on a pair of white hooves that stood near him, emanating warmth and comfort.

A gentle nudge against his hand startled him, and he turned his gaze upward, following the motion to discover a majestic horse. The creature's eyes met his with a calm and understanding eye as if acknowledging his presence. With a shake of its head and a soft snort, it seemed to convey a message of reassurance.

"Don't worry, Torrent. Fortune is on his side," a soothing, feminine voice resonated through the cave, addressing the horse-like companion. The young man strained to focus, his hazy vision gradually sharpening as he observed the woman astride the horse. A hood partially obscured her face, and a heavy cloak concealed her figure, leaving only glimpses of fair skin. Yet, there was an air of grace and gentleness about her, evident in her caress of the horse's mane.

"We found him here, after all," the woman continued, her voice carrying a mixture of compassion and curiosity. Disengaging from the horse, she dismounted and knelt down in the water puddle before the young man, drawing closer. As she knelt, her features came into clearer view, though still veiled by shadows.

"One of his kind is sure to seek the Elden Ring...." she spoke softly, her words carrying a weight of anticipation and knowledge.

The young man's vision began to darken again, his consciousness slipping away. He strained to hold onto the woman's words, trying to reach out, but his grasp on awareness weakened. The cave grew dimmer, the sound of dripping water fading into the background.

"...Even if it does violate the Golden Order..." The mysterious woman concluded, her tone tinged with a hint of conflict and uncertainty. Her voice became a distant echo, the last connection to the enigmatic encounter before he succumbed to unconsciousness yet again.


Several hours later, the young man stirred again, his body aching as he slowly pushed himself up from the cold, wet cave floor. His senses gradually returned, and he found himself surrounded by the gloom of the dimly lit cavern, water droplets rhythmically falling from the ceiling, creating a symphony of echoes.

"Fucking fantastic! Of course, I'd wake up in a damned, wet cave instead of my bed!" he exclaimed, his words laced with mockery. He scoffed at the irony of his situation, muttering to himself, "Fuck... I'd even take waking up in my raggedy gaming chair over this dank cave!"

His discontent palpable, he begrudgingly accepted the reality before him. The darkness of the cave seeped into his bones, and a sense of foreboding gnawed at his insides. But he couldn't afford to wallow in self-pity for long. There were more pressing matters at hand."

Resigned, he resumed his survey of the area, pushing aside his initial frustration. He directed his attention towards the chasm ahead to his right, its depths concealed by an impenetrable darkness.

A ghostly figure of a robed man sat atop an ornate chair at the edge of the abyss, casting an otherworldly glow, its presence both captivating and unnerving.

A wry smile tugged at the corner of the young man's lips as he took in the spectacle. "And what the fuck are you looking at!?" he exclaimed, pointing at the ghostly figure, attempting to vent his frustration on the hapless spirit.

To no one's surprise, the ghostly figure said nothing in response, its silence almost seeming judgmental to the young man, furthering his rage and frustration at the bizarre situation he found himself in.

Grunting in dispaced anger, the young man ignored the spirit and looked further ahead where a flight of stairs beckoned, bathed in an ethereal radiance from a small, leafless golden tree. The contrast of the golden light against the cave's darkness gave it an otherworldly aura.

"Fucking Souls Games... it can't be a simple walk in the park, can it?" he grumbled, his frustration seeping into his words. "Got to have a dramatic entrance in some seedy cave with a ghost and a glowy tree. Fuck you, Miyazaki!"

The young man's gaze then shifted back to his own belongings, his hands delving into his pouches as he realized the Finger Seal wasn't in his hand. Panic seized him momentarily as he failed to locate the Finger Seal, his fingers frantically rummaging through the contents. But just as despair began to settle in, relief washed over him as the artifact suddenly materialized in his grip.

He let out a loud sigh of relief. His voice tinged with amusement as he spoke. "Ah, there you are. Guess I've got some fancy space storage going for me, at least..."

Regaining his composure, he continued rummaging through his pouches, his determination returning. And to his surprise, his search yielded something entirely unexpected. Four golden flasks emerged from the depths of his bag, their radiant sheen catching his eye. Three flasks contained a deep crimson liquid, while the fourth held a captivating blue concoction.

"Alright, what do we have here?" he mused aloud, examining the mysterious vials with intrigue and caution. "Liquid courage or liquid stupidity? Guess that's completely up to me..." He shook his head and put the flasks away.

"Why do I keep talking to myself, anyway...?" The young man wandered aloud, his words addressing none in particular. "I guess I'm going crazy already, which is probably a good thing..." He added with a sigh as he turned his attention back to the ghostly figure.

Ultimately, The young man couldn't resist the allure of the mysterious spirit perched upon the edge of the chasm. With a mix of trepidation and curiosity, he approached the ghostly figure, extending his finger and gently prodding it as if to test its corporeal presence. To his surprise, the spirit remained motionless, unaffected by his touch, as if made of ethereal mist.

Suddenly, in a haunting voice that seemed to echo from beyond, the spirit spoke, its words carrying an air of wisdom and enigma. "Brave Tarnished, take the plunge of learning and remembrance. Recall the arts of war and your warrior's blood."

The young man recoiled, an eerie chill running down his spine. The voice of the spirit sent shivers through his body, triggering his fight-or-flight instinct. He quickly reacted, kicking the chair into the chasm and heaving a sigh of relief as he the crashing of wood and watched the spirit disappear.

Now calm again, the young man momentarily hesitated, contemplating the spirit's cryptic message. Thoughts swirled in his mind, but ultimately, curiosity got the better of him.

"Fuck it! Might as well do the damned tutorial!" he muttered defiantly, his determination overriding his apprehension. Without further ado, he took a deep breath and, with a leap of faith, flung himself over the edge of the chasm.

The rush of air engulfed him as he descended, his heart pounding in his chest. With a splash, he landed in a shallow pool of water, the cool liquid enveloping his body. As he rose to his feet, he found himself surrounded by bones and debris, standing inside a narrow tunnel illuminated by a small lantern with flickering flames.

The water stretched for a dozen paces before him, surrounded by the jagged walls of the narrow tunnel, and at its end lay a strange source of light, an ember-like orb of golden light, hovering above the dry ground with light particles swirling around it like a small tornado.

He fixated his gaze on the ethereal orb of golden light. A flicker of recognition sparked within him, and a wild surge of anticipation coursed through his veins.

"This... it's a Site of Grace," he muttered, his voice filled with awe and gratitude. He knew about the significance of Grace Sites. They were places of respite, healing, and solace, offering a glimmer of hope in the face of insurmountable odds.

Without hesitation, the young man sprinted towards the radiant beacon, his excitement propelling him forward. The warmth grew more intense with each step, as if the air embraced him with open arms. The soft hum emanating from the Site of Grace enveloped the chamber, soothing his weary soul.

As he reached the glowing orb, the young man collapsed beside it, his body sinking into the ground as he reached into its warm embrace with his hand. He closed his eyes, allowing the soothing energy to permeate every fiber of his being.

The warmth penetrated his bones, mending whatever lingering wounds he still had and revitalizing his spirit. It was as if the Site of Grace had recognized his struggles and welcomed him with open arms.

"Fucking finally... some place to think..."


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