
Ghost Rider in Twilight

Jack Mikaelson was not so ordinary teenager. He had a secret which he hid from his family. He has an ability that lets him know who has sinned. Since a young age, there has been a voice ringing in his ears, 'Kill the sinners!' It wasn't bad at first— he thought it was only his imagination. But the older he got, the louder the voice became. Soon he started finding out any sins people had done. He thought it was his hallucination and that he was going crazy, but he kept it secret until the voice became so loud that he couldn't stay sane anymore. One night, he walked in the streets, trying to get his mind out of the voice. But then, he saw a crime happening nearby; a man was assaulting a woman. The voice became even louder in his mind, and without thinking twice, Jack attacked the man who was assaulting the defenseless woman. But then, the voice became unbearable, he saw every crime that man had done, and there were hundreds of them! He lost control and killed the man in front of him. But that wasn't the end— the man's corpse was lit in flames! With a horror-filled gaze, Jack looked at the corpse as it vanished into ashes, but then... The same fate happened to Jack. His body was lit in flames, and without even being able to cry for help, his body vanished into flames. But that wasn't the end of Jack... No... It was only the beginning. ___________________________ Disclaimer: Cover art isn't mine. Ghost Rider and Twilight isn't mine, only the MC and a few OC's. I won't update regularly. I tried this fanfic out of boredom.

Alekzi · Phim ảnh
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39 Chs


Hundreds of years.

The Four Ghost Riders chased after Eames.

Eames's speed and stamina was way above common vampire, but even he had his limits.

Every day, he had to run.

He couldn't go to any of the cities or villages so he could quench his thirst for blood.

The reason was because if he stopped running, most likely, the Ghost Riders would catch him.

He couldn't drink blood for hundreds of years!

That made him crazy!

But that also... Made him weaker and slower.

He begged for someone to save him, maybe Aro and others, but they had vanished...

He was all alone.

And the Ghost Riders kept chasing after him tirelessly!

Then... Finally...

During 900 BC.

Eames stopped running.

''FINE! KILL ME!'' Eames roared with despair.

His dull brown hair was dirtied, and his pale skin had become brown.

He fell down on his knees.

He had to run for 300 years... He had a feeling that the Ghost Riders could catch him whenever they wanted... But they wanted him to suffer!

Soon... Two animals exited the forest, which carried two flaming figures!

Caesar unmounted his three-headed wolf and walked towards fearful Eames.

''No...'' Nicholas appeared in front of Caesar, ''Let me.''

Caesar nodded with his skeleton head and stepped aside.

Nicholas grabbed Eames from his collar and made him look into his eye sockets.

''You should have kept running!'' Nicholas shouted, and Eames started seeing every sin he had caused.

''AAHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!'' Eames started squirming, and instead of him being the predator... He saw him being the helpless victim he had killed or r*ped.

He felt everything he had done to others— he felt their fear clearly— it was like he was actually that person!

He had to see every sin, and that alone took another 10 years!

And every second was filled with agony!

Eames won't be able to rest in the afterlife either because he has a one-way ticket to hell!

Eames' body became lifeless, and his red eyes turned charred black.

''Hmph.'' Nicholas threw Eames' corpse on the ground like it was nothing but trash.

Soon, two another animals exited the forest... The animals were giant Lion and fox! They were carrying two flaming skeletons, Basil and Adrian!

They had chased after other vampires who were attacking them, and only... Two were remaining.

Aro and Marcus!

''Our Vengeance isn't done, let's ride!'' Caesar shouted and was about to mount his wolf... But then... His Hellfire started getting weaker!

''Eh?'' Caesar looked at his skeleton hands, and his Hellfire was becoming black!

Soon, his hands started having flesh, something he hadn't seen in 300 years!

The same thing happened with others.

Their Ghost Rider form... Started disappeared.

Caesar fell down on his knees, and his body became normal.

Well... Not exactly normal.

His skin was filled with wrinkles, and it almost looked like his face was melting off!

''W-W-What is this...'' Caesar said with an aged tone.

He was over 300 years old!

Next was Adrian and Nicholas.

They looked like corpses! Their bodies were skinny, without almost any flesh, and they looked old... Ancient.

But then there was Basil...

He looked exactly the same as he did 300 years ago!

''Caesar... Adrian... Nicholas... What happened to you guys!'' Basil shouted with shock.

They turned their aged heads towards Basil and saw him looking similar.

Caesar sadly smiled, ''I guess our ride is over, Basil.''

''N-No!'' Basil shouted anxiously— he ran towards Caesar and shouted, ''Do the transformation! You will die otherwise!''

Caesar shook his head, and that alone was extremely painful, ''W-We can't... Hellfire has already left us...''

Nicholas looked at his aged hands and started crying, ''A-Alexandra... I am coming.''

Adrian wasn't moving, he closed his eyes, and his heartbeat stopped.

Caesar lowered his head and closed his eyes.

Nicholas gave one final smile towards Basil, and his heart stopped as well.

''N-NO!'' Basil shouted and tried to wake them up.

Caesar, Nicholas, and Adrian was like his brothers!

They are the only thing he has left!

But now... He is alone.

''W-Why... WHY DID I NOT AGE?!'' Basil shouted towards the sky.

But he did not get a reply.

The falcon, wolf, and fox turned into ashes.

The ashes landed in front of their corpses.

They will follow their masters to the afterlife as well.

The Lion appeared next to Basil and lowered his head.

Basil sadly smiled and touched Lion's mane.

He wasn't alone after all...

He has still his companion.

''Let's end this, shall we?'' Basil said and mounted the Lion.

His flesh started disappearing once again, and the familiar flaming skull became visible.

The Lion was lit in flames and started running out of the forest.

They started chasing after Aro and Marcus.

But... They couldn't find them.

They were hidden from the world... Maybe they got help from someone, Basil doesn't know.

He kept searching, but then... His ride came to an end as well.

The year 2005.

Basil stopped and unmounted his Lion.

They have been together for the past 3000 years, but Basil can feel... That his ride is over.

''We meet again.'' A bone-chilling voice came behind him.

Basil turned his head and saw the familiar red-cloaked figure, the person he saw in his nightmares.


''Mephisto.'' Basil's face morphed into anger.

Because Mephisto, his brothers are dead!

Mephisto innocently chuckled, ''It's not my fault they are dead... They weren't immortal— after all, they were only humans.''

''Then, why am I alive?!'' Basil's enraged shout was heard in the forest.

''Every Ghost Rider has their own unique ability once they consume souls. Yours was... Immortality.'' Mephisto said with a grin, ''Honestly, I am surprised, that ability is incredible but too bad... You have been replaced.''

''Replaced?'' Basil raised an eyebrow.

Mephisto chuckled and nodded, ''I found someone... More capable one, you have been chasing after ghosts for 3000 years and still haven't managed to catch them... That's an embarrassment for the name of Ghost Rider.''

Basil clenched his fist, ''So... What now?''

Mephisto took an item from his pocket.

An envelope.

He threw it towards Basil, who caught it effortlessly.

''Your ride is over, but someone's... Has only begun.'' Mephisto grinned and looked towards the left... Where black-haired young man was lying on the ground without moving...

It was the corpse of someone who had a whole life ahead of him... But someone killed him!

''A certain soul will invade that body soon... He will be a new rider— give him your power.'' Mephisto said and turned his head towards Basil.

Basil looked at the young man and nodded, ''Fine...''

He started walking towards the young man and crouched next to him.

He put the envelope in his pocket and looked at the handsome face of the young man.

''Ride well... Brother,'' Basil said and opened his mouth.

''RAAAAAAAAAAAAWR!'' He started shooting his Hellfire out of his mouth, and the Hellfire invaded the young man's mouth!

Basil's body started getting older with a visible rate, and soon... His body turned into ashes, and the wind blew his ashes away.

The giant Lion lowered his head one last time and turned into ashes as well.

Mephisto walked next to the black-haired young man and took one final look towards him.

''Don't disappoint me... Jack!''

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