
Ghost Girl of MHA (Rewrite in progress)

Hikari is a cheerful and quirky orphan girl that fell into deperession after the death of her lover. She tragically died after a legendary fight with a cannibal only to luckily given the chance to reincarnate with the powers of Danny Phantom!` But, not only is she a half-ghost, she's also a half-god! Now reincarnated into the world of MHA with a new family, she will fight with all her might to obtain happiness. But no one said she was sent here alone. Cover Image isn't mine. Also does not reflect the appearance of the protagonist.

UncrownedKing · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

The Dark Lord Returns!!! (Update with translations...)

Foolish mortals! As the title says, I, your lord, am still alive! And I come bearing news! Whether that is a good or bad thing for you has yet to be seen. As I do not wish to waste my time any further, I shall make this quick. Be grateful!

(Sup guys, I didn't die to covid! That's pretty neat I guess? Just gonna give a quick up update to explain what's been going on till now.)

After taking a moment to gaze upon the lower realm, I have thus realized the current state of the world greatly displeases me. Not nearly enough mortals have been able to recognize my greatness at a glance. How foolish. As such, I have decided to use my world-altering abilities to reconstruct the world to match my image. I refuse to be a pawn on someone else's board!

(After catching covid and not being in any kind of condition to write, I took a bit to just look over what I already had, and where I was planning to go. Frankly, I didn't like it very much. Someone made a comment that it felt like Hikari was more of a side character and while that was exactly what I was going for, I realize it's probably not what I needed in the very beginning. Actually, I think the entire story needs work. As such, the story will be going through a bit of a rewrite. Probably going to take out Rob's game subplot entirely (at least take it out of the beginning of the story. might come back to it later once she starts world-hopping).

Come to think of it, I had heard of many similar cases across the multiverse happening recently. Well, no matter. None shall ever overshine my greatness.

(Actually, I'm not really happy with the direction a lot of my stories are going in, so I'll be fixing a few things in a lot of them and reworking some stuff. For any of you reading [In another world? With only my smartphone!?] only like the last part of chapter 2 is getting changed. so look out for that in the future.)

Well, that is all I have to convey at this time. Know that your prayers have been heard and they will be used as fuel to facilitate the reconstruction. Expect no further announcements until reality has been reset. Though, if you beg enough, I may consider answering a few of your meaningless concerns. Until then, the dark lord, Hikari, is signing off!

(sigh...guess that's all that needed to be said. Thanks for all the support in the comments guys. really appreciated it and it's because of you guys that I keep writing. ehh... no more updates until the rewrite is finished I guess. But I'll still try my best to reply to any questions or comments I get in the meantime. Hikari's already left so... Kufufufu... This has been your Uncrowned King. Fear not, pions, I shall make this transition as painless as possible. Hahahaha-)

Yami: Gross...
